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*Disclaimer: this is a recap of all the important information you'll need to know for this book. This was written with the thought of people who are just interested in reading a stand alone book about Leo. However it's also a good recap for anyone else who needs a refresher.*

"Here's your pamphlet," Mikey handed you a folded piece of paper as he stood outside of the lair, for some reason, wearing a lab coat.

"Um, thanks?"

"Go on in, the presentation is about to start," he replied. You stepped inside to see a girl standing in front of a blank white board, also wearing a lab coat and a pair of glasses. In front of her was a chair, positioned towards her and the white board.

"Welcome! I'm so glad you could make it to our presentation," she smiled and motioned for you to take a seat. Upon sitting down you opened up the folded sheet of what you thought was a blank piece of paper. But inside was a drawing of...Mikey? Did he draw a picture of himself to give to you?

"Where'd you get those glasses?" Mikey asked, walking into the room.

"I found them lying around. Ooh, speaking of, I actually found two pairs, here you go," the girl held out the pair towards him and he gladly took them and put them on.

"Now that everyone's here, let's begin," the girl and Mikey turned to face you.

"Yes, you in the front?" Mikey called on you as he noticed your raised hand.

"What exactly is this?"

"This is a recap of 'In the Arms of the Enemy'," the girl responded as she grabbed a marker and wrote the title on the board.

"We're going to be your teachers, my name's Esme, I'm the main character of 'In the Arms of the Enemy' and that's Mikey," she jerked her thumb in his direction and he gave you a big smile and a wave.

"Now for starters, let's introduce you to the cast," Esme turned and began to draw something on the board.

"If you're reading this then you probably already know who the turtles and their friends are, but just in case, I'll do a little recap. There's the four turtles, Leo, Raph, Donnie and Mikey. Their dad is a rat named Splinter and they have two close friends, April and Casey," as she stepped away from the board you could see that she had poorly drawn a few figures which you could barely make out as the turtles, splinter, and their friends.

"Then of course, there's Shredder, his daughter Karai and their minions," Mikey added.

"I'm the adoptive daughter of Shredder and was taken in off the streets when I was really young. From there I was trained along with Karai and eventually became Shredder's pick as heir for the Foot clan. As you can imagine this caused some tension with me and Karai. But don't worry, over the course of the book we grew closer and I even began to learn how to skateboard because it was something she liked to do. I'm not very good at it yet though," Esme drew two little figures with weapons in their hands. They somewhat resembled her and Karai. Kind of.

"But that's not all. There's a few more important people you'll need to know about. First is Alexander Kingston. He is the leader of a gang called the Sharks, which is one of the most powerful gangs in New York (other than the Foot clan). They've been enemies of the Foot for a long time. He has a right hand man named Johnny Fischer and he also has two kids, a son named Grayson and a daughter named June."

"Pfft, had two kids," Mikey snorted, causing Esme to give him a smack on the arm.

"Um, had?"

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