Chapter 7

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June's POV

"June, meet our father, Master Splinter," Leo motioned behind me. Upon turning around I came face to face with a giant rat man.

       "It's a pleasure to meet you June," he greeted, bowing his head slightly.

       "Nice to meet you too."

       Of course there was a giant rat man.

       "My sons have explained your situation to me. Now that you're here I think it would be best to give you training in order to defend yourself if needed."

       "Actually I already have some experience with boxing," I replied.

       "That's good, if you're open to it I could help to continue your training," he said.

       "I would really appreciate that, thank you."

       "Of course," he smiled warmly at me.

        I smiled back, leaning forward a little. He nodded and headed into a nearby room, which I assumed was where he came from. That seemed to be everyone's cue to go back to what they were doing. Esme looked back at me and gave me a quick smile before Raph looked back and noticed, tugging on her hand. She turned back around, following him to wherever it was he was going.

    "I can show you where you're staying," Leo said. I had noticed he hadn't gone off, which was good. No one said anything about where I would sleep and I didn't want to have to ask and make it a thing.

    "Thanks," I followed him as he headed toward an area against the wall that was blocked off with sheets. "Honestly I was kind of worried you forgot to show me and I would have to bring it up," I let out a nervous laugh.

    "Oh, sorry about that. I just figured you would prefer not having everyone crowding around your room, in case you wanted to use it right away."

    "Thanks," he pulled back a curtain and I stepped into the small area. A twin sized mattress was made up with some simple bedding and rested on some type of ledge inside the wall, which had a few miscellaneous posters. A small dresser was pressed up against the right side of the "room," helping to wall it in. A sheet hanging from the ceiling rested right behind it. A bonsai tree rested on top of the dresser, and on the floor was a simple rug.

    "It's not much, but if you want anything to decorate it with we'll get it for you. We weren't sure what you would like," he was holding the curtain open and talking through it, politely refusing to step inside.

    "Thank you so much for this. Genuinely. I thought I might be sleeping on the couch," I paused. "Which would be fine by the way! You guys are doing a lot for me by letting me stay here, I'm just trying to say that this is really nice!" My hands frantically gestured as I tried to explain.

    Leo laughed a little. "No, I get what you mean. I'm glad you like it." He looked at the curtain and then back at me. "So, should I close this or...?"

"Oh! Right," I looked at the bed. "I'm actually pretty tired, so I think I might go to bed, if that's alright with you."

"Yeah, of course! It's late, so," he shrugged and gave me a quick smile. "Goodnight June."

"Goodnight Leo," I said, turning to the bed once he shut the curtain. I put my backpack down with a sigh and plopped down on the mattress. I would unpack some other time, right now I needed to sleep. I yawned, leaning onto my side and debating whether or not I would put on my pjs. I looked down at my backpack.

"Nah," I mumbled, turning towards the wall and cuddling under the blankets. Now I just needed to think of something to daydream about....

    "Well I think a lot of that trauma started when I was pretty young. My father wasn't exactly a great person you know," I laughed a little, looking away from the cameras. "But that isn't a lot of what I think about, you know? At least not consciously."

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