New Student

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It had been daunting moving to a completely new city where you knew no one, a feeble attempt at starting afresh and hopefully gaining a source of independence

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It had been daunting moving to a completely new city where you knew no one, a feeble attempt at starting afresh and hopefully gaining a source of independence. Convincing yourself that you'd try harder to put yourself out there and meet new people, but instead, you found yourself staring out into the coastline each evening. I came to UA a month ago joining class 3B

I recently bumped into this hot headed blonde in the cafeteria when I accidentally tripped causing me to dump my tray all over both of us. He cleaned both of us off and was polite which his group of friends ended up making fun of him for, apparently his politeness was extremely out of character. After that moment we kinda noticed each other, and ran into each other frequently. I never really knew who he was until I witnessed a confrontation in the halls.

"Out of my way you damn nerd before I kill you!"

"But, Kacchan I want my notebook back"

"Why? So you can write some more crap about me? Pay attention to your own studies and stop taking notes on my moves!" He says as he dangles the notebook above Midoriya's head.

Just then Todoroki froze the notebook in his hand. He quickly lit off an explosion to break the ice and the notebook went flying.
"Oh so now you want a piece of this icy hot" he says as he gets in his face and goes in for a punch. Todoroki swings back but Bakugou dodges it.

"Who is that" I asked my classmates near by who are right across the hall.

Suddenly as if answering my question he stops fighting. "Let's settle this on Saturday half and half, you've still never beaten me"

"What's he talking about?" I ask no one in particular.

"Saturday night boxing, center quad, names Bakugou and I always win, he says grinning through his teeth, "see you their doll face" and with that he walked away with a group of his friends trailing behind him.

Oh my God, was he talking to me? I could feel my face heating up at his comment. I stood there speechless for a while until the green haired boy Midoriya snapped me out of it. "Hey your y/n right? Thanks for uh distracting him, it helped to get my notebook back"
"Oh uh your welcome, is he always like that?"
"Yes" adds in Todoroki plainly
"Uh he's just a little rough around the edges but he means well, uh I think?" Midoriya adds in. I'd be lying to say I wasn't curious about the guy. I started asking around and soon learned that he is one of the top hero's in the school and from the sounds of it soon to be one of the top hero's of the country. Being from the states I didn't have any previous knowledge but everyone seemed to know a lot about the guy, he's practically a celebrity. With a desire to learn more and to get out and socialize more I went to the boxing match on Saturday.

In the ring was Bakugou, shirtless and sweaty, as everyone cheered for him, and Todoroki walked out of the ring. Bakugou must have won the fight. The tallest boy from my class entered the ring next. If he was boxing using his beast form he would have probably won but the premise of this boxing was that they were only allowed to use their natural strength with no quirks. Bakugou is a natural born soldier with impeccable combat skills. He was able to dodge every hit the tall boy threw, and when he got tired or off his balance Bakugou would hit him hard right in the gut or worse in the face. It didn't take much longer for him to achieve yet another victory. He walked to a chair right outside the rink to drink some water and a crowd of girls surrounded him but it didn't look like he way paying them any attention. Seeing them all swoon over him made me feel a little uncomfortable although I have no reason to feel that way. As the crowed cheered again I decided to walk inside to use the restroom. When I walked out he was standing in the empty hall way. Towel around his neck chugging water next to the water fountain, his body dripping in sweat and for some reason the scent of caramel wafted in the air. I nervously walked past him when I tripped over his gym bag that was by his feet. Right as I was about it to fall on the floor he grabbed me.

"Do you enjoy tripping over things?"
Making an obvious reference to how we first met in the cafeteria a few weeks ago.
"Uh sorry...I uh...didn't see"
"So that's the problem, you can't see, you need glasses or something" he says as he steadily helps me stand up and takes another huge gulp. Some of the water falls from his mouth and onto his chest. I can't help but to stare. After a moment he takes notice.
"You alright doll face?"
"Um it's y/n" I say in a quiet voice
"Hmm?" He says this time pulling himself away from the wall and raising an eyebrow
"Uhh my name it's y/n" I say this time smiling like an idiot and nervously tucking my hair behind my ear.
His friend Kirishima came running over to him talking about the the match that he must have just won and trying to drag him away to get back in the ring.
"Yeah, yeah alright" he says to his friend as he pulls away from his grasp
"See you around Y/n" he says with a small smile as he turns the corner to get back into the center quad where the sounds of cheering fans can be herd awaiting his return.

(Time Skip)

Both being in the hero course we shared the same schedule and same curriculum. Our two classes meet together often and every time, I catch him looking over at me or maybe it's just me looking over at him.

Narrators POV
"Kirishima who is that?" Bakugou asks nudging his chin in your direction.
"Oh that's y/n, didn't you two meet at the boxing match last Saturday?"
"Yeah... she must be new here right?"
"Yup I here that she just moved here a few months ago and joined 3B last month, it's crazy that she was able to transfer in so late , they usually don't accept new students"
"Hmm yeah" he said as he continued to stare off"
"I thought she's been here longer than that"
chimed in Sero.
"No I would have noticed..." Bakugou said not breaking his stare.
"She's pretty hot right Bakubro?" Kaminari chimes in, elbowing Bakugou, which finally brings him back to the reality of just how long he's been gazing at you.
Y/n and many others now look over to his direction
"Aw look Katchan she's looking at you"
With this he stormed off and started to train

Y/n trained with a small group from her class. She was involved in a skirmish when suddenly she was seen propelled in the air with a ribbon of water overhead. The light shined through causing a rainbow effect.
"Oooo so pretty!" Mina shouted. Everyone's head turned to see what she was referring to.
"Yeah....pretty" Bakugou said as you caught his attention once again.
He must have said that louder than he thought because nearly every head in his class was now turned his way.
"Bakugou I never thought of you as someone to admire rainbows" said Todoroki

"The one in the sky" Todoroki said with his unwavering expression.
"Tch...... I never saw a rainbow" Bakugou said quietly as he walked away towards the locker room.
The Baku squad were the only ones who herd what he said and gave each other knowing looks and exchanged some giggles while the rest of the class remained confused.

Another few weeks went by and we both had a huge test coming up and everyone knew that Bakugou along with being one of the most powerful and popular hero course students he was also one of the brightest. With this in mind and my burning desire to spend some real time with him I asked if he would help me study for the upcoming exam.

He didn't need any convincing and agreed to help. "I'll see you at my room tonight then, don't be late" he said as he was walking away with a grin on his face. Others near by must have herd because there was immediately lots of whispers. Not many have ever seen his room before let alone a girl.

(Bakugou&y/n) The Sun and The MoonWhere stories live. Discover now