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When we got back to the school's campus he walked me towards where our dorm buildings split and we kissed again

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When we got back to the school's campus he walked me towards where our dorm buildings split and we kissed again.
"Good night princess"
"Good night Katsuki"
I feel his eyes on me until I get into the building and the door behind me closes. He makes me feel so safe. I let out a huge sigh and try to collect myself as I enter into the common area. Just as expected I was ambushed by the girls who nearly threw me onto one of the couches and asked me to explain everything. At first I didn't really know what to say because he had said he wanted to keep things low key but at the same time I wanted to gush and tell them everything. I decided to be somewhat in the middle and told them how we're dating but not how we've been hooking up for the past month.

"Wow, I didn't think anyone could calm down anger issues" says Kendo
"Yeah your right but he has been calmer when we've met for group practice" adds in Kodai.
" I'm happy you guys are happy" smiles Reiko" just remember your noise levels neighbor" jokes Setsuna.
After this they all laugh, catching some of the guys attention.
"Remember though low key, we're not necessarily hiding anything but just keeping things on the down low for now" I say as I watch some of the guys look over at us suspiciously. We'll I'm off to bed, night!

Authors POV

Bakugou watches as you enter your building and the door closes behind you. He just chuckles as he looks up to the sky "what have I gotten myself into" he says aloud. He gets into his own building and slides off his shoes before opening the door to the common area. "Hey Bakubro how was your night" Denki shouts over to him as he lounges on a couch with Kiri, Mina and Sero. "Like I'd tell you, night losers" he shouts over to them as he heads for the elevator only to be stopped by Kiri. "Come on man give us something, how was your "date"" he whispers.

"Well we're officially dating but things are still on the down low and I know that if raccoon eyes over there gets wind of it the whole school will know by the morning so...." he responds.
"Yeah Mina would go crazy, but she's also gonna be so pissed at me for keeping this from her" he says with his hand behind his head. "Look I'll tell her myself, just give me a few days" he says. I'm gonna head to bed. "Yeah all right lover boy" Kiri says playfully punching him in the arm. Bakugou smirks and heads to the elevators.

When he gets to his room he is reminded by the pile of laundry that he has to do. He grabs his laundry and brings it over to the laundry room. After a while he comes back to take it out of the dryer when he herd Sero and Minetta coming into the laundry room. "Hey man where were you tonight? you were looking pretty sharp" Sero asks. "Yeah out with a lady friend perhaps" pressed Minetta. "Like I'd ever tell you extras!" Bakugou yells as he opens the door to the dryer. Just then the room goes silent as a pair of y/n's ripped panties can be seen on top of his laundry in the dryer. I forgot that I had those in my pocket from last weekend he thought to himself.

His face went completely red as all three boys dashed to grab them. "Woah! What do we have here" Minetta screams as he quickly grabbed them and is holding them up. "Mind your God damn business before I kill you!" Bakugou screams as he quickly goes to reach them out of his hands but somehow Sero got them faster using his tape. "Hey these are "y/n's he says putting them closer to his face to further inspect. This comment had Bakugou's blood boiling. "How the fuck would you know that tape elbows!"
"How do you have them!" the boys screamed back together. "Don't answer my question with a question you idiots!" Bakugou got close to Sero powering up his quirk and then quickly grabbed Minetta's face. "Now answer my fucking question and hand them over before I turn grape boy over here into jelly!" Minetta struggled to get free but it was no use. "Fine man, it was an accident she tripped down the stairs last week and I had a full view up her skirt that's all, I wasn't intentionally trying to do anything, come on man now let him go!"

Bakugou shoved the smaller boy into the taller one grabbing y/n's panties back in the process. He then proceeded to grab his clean laundry and start to head out. "don't tell ANYONE about this you hear?!" The two just gulped and nodded in response. He could hear the two boys question him with loud whispers as he left to head to his room.

(Bakugou&y/n) The Sun and The MoonWhere stories live. Discover now