Night Club🍋

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The next morning we all slept in. Most of the gang had a killer hangover from the night before and Katsuki and I were just enjoying our alone time together. After some time we all got together and had a huge brunch around the hotel pool. Shortly after eating I jumped into the pool. I never miss a chance to be in the water. After some time of just hanging around we decided to start a game of volleyball. Sero thought it would be funny to invite Midoriya along just to piss Katsuki off and it sure did.

"What do you think you're doing here you damn nerd." He said angrily crossing his arm and standing directly in front of me.
"Um Katchan it's a public pool for anyone staying at the hotel and besides Sero said."
"WHAT!" He shouted at Sero who can be seen laughing next to Denki on the opposite side of the pool. He started to do his angry walk in their direction when I locked my elbow with his to stop him. I didn't even have to say anything I just cocked my head and shrugged my shoulders and he let out a loud sigh and glared back at Midoriya.  "Well whatever, you hear to play or just get in our way?" Midoriya also did not reply vocally, he just smiled, nodded his head and jumped into the water. These two have some unspoken communication about them that's always kinda cute. Is it weird that at times it makes me feel jealous?

The girls and I all backed off while the guys played their game. It was Katsuki, Denki and Kiri against Midoriya Sero and eventually Shoto who showed up late with Momo. Looks like those two had some night, Shoto has never looked so disheveled. Maybe all that sex talk got to them? After the match and just lying around the pool we all headed in to wash up and decided to regroup for dinner.

Time skip

After a dinner in one of the hotel restaurants the girls and I quietly decided to go to a night club for some drinks and dancing.
"Why do you have that stupid look on your face?" Katsuki asks Mina who is grinning ear to ear. "Nothing!" She squeals and she pulls me up by my wrist and proceeds to drag me away. "Hey where the hell are you taking her!?" He yelled as Jiro laughed behind us, following along until we were out of eyesight from the guys. "NOTHING TOO CRAZY ALRIGHT PINKY!?" He shouted. Even when we were out of the restaurant his booming voice could be heard through the walls far into the surrounding rooms. That's what they get for having Katsuki Bakugou in their hotel.

Mina forced me to get ready in her room with Jiro since she knew that Katsuki would reject any sexy outfit that I'd come out in. After about an hour or so of getting ready, pregaming with alcohol and our own dancing we were ready to meet the guys in the hotel lobby. When we told them that we were going to a night club the guys were mostly excited all but Katsuki of course. He's told me several times before that dancing just isn't his thing but I was hoping to change his mind. The guys had the car out and ready for us by the hotel entrance. Katsuki volunteered himself to be the designated driver since in the next day we would all have to leave and he had to stay another few days to fly back home with his agency.

After parking the car in a nearby parking garage we all walked over to the club. The club was massive! When we walked in the ceiling opened up to reveal a night sky lit up with lasers and artificial lights that mimicked stars. There were bubble guns that shot out thousands of bubbles in what felt like every direction. The lights behind the bubble guns made them look iridescent and they changed colors to the beat of whatever song was playing. They were playing house music, typical for clubs and perfect to dance to. There was a platform on either sides of the center stage where the DJ was set up where lots of people mostly girls were seen dancing. There. Near the platforms there were also dangling cages and mist that that seemed like it was coming from the center stage.

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