Class A vs Class B

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The next few weeks were great

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The next few weeks were great. Subtle hand holding, sneaking kisses in public spaces, long intimate conversations by the moonlight and things heating up at night as we continued to sneak into each others rooms. Winter was approaching and I had to start thinking about what I could give him for Christmas, I know it's not his favorite holiday but maybe since where together he'll enjoy things a bit more? We went on a few more dates as well, he's perfect for me and I for him. Being in the hero course our classes meet up from time to time and everyone was getting riled up for the big match up of class A vs class B. There are lots of people who are competitive who have been looking forward to these matches, one being my teacher. I on the other hand felt a little nervous about the possibility of being matched with a team with Katsuki. I knew most couldent fight him as is but I don't think I could even try. And to my luck on the big day when they announced teams we were pinned against each other. The teams were Katsuki Bakugo, Kyoka Jiro, Hanta Sero, & Rikido Sato vs. Yosetsu Awase, Setsuna Tokage, Togaru Kamakiri & me.

We all stood around in our respective class groups and watched the matches as they appeared on the big screen. We were given time to plan with our teams and strategize before our match began. Setsuna looked to me for my input, I knew she was pressing for me to share some kind of weakness of Katsuki's but I honestly couldent think of one and even if I could I don't think I'd feel comfortable sharing. Even though it's for academic purposes it would feel like a betrayal. The biggest thing that was putting my team at a disadvantage is that they were under the impression that he is a selfish and careless wrecklose. I hinted several times that, that was not the case and I think Setsuna knew especially since she knew we were dating, but still we kept to the plan.

Authors POV
When he saw who he was fighting against he put his palm to his face but tried to compose himself. Kiri and Denki noticed right away and tried to comfort him but to no avail. He just said "I know I know" and shrugged it off. His team got together to strategize, him taking the leadership role as expected. "Look the plan is, I am the plan, I want a complete and utter victory, no injuries, no captures" everyone knew he was going to be like this and tried to protest but it wasn't worth it. "One more thing" he adds in as they are about to be called up. They all looked intently to hear what he has to say. "No one lays a finger on y/n" I'm saving her for last, she's mine" Sero smirked at this, and Jiro gave him a look, Sato just looked confused but agreed nonetheless.

During the match Bakugou surprised everyone when he saved his teammates and he and his team had everyone captured in less than 4 minutes, everyone but me, things were going according to his plan and he had left me for last. "Come out princess, let's just make this easy" he says though his cocky smirk.
I use my water to freeze Sato and then again to pull him towards me in efforts to capture him. But I'm soon interrupted with an explosion that cuts me off and starts to melt away at my ice. Sato uses his strength to free himself and I notice that he had me cornered. "Sugar freak, leave us" he says without breaking eye contact with me as he walks closer towards me. "But what are you gonna do?" He questions. Bakugou just growls in response and Sato walks away.

"Come now princess" he says and he's got that look in his eye, that look that says if you don't play nice now you'll pay for it latter. His whole demeanor is making me weak at the knees but I feel the need to also fight for my class and my captured teammates. I throw some icecles towards him that he brushes aside with his arm, one of them grazing him. "Carful now you don't want to hurt me do you?" He's taunting me.
Just as I try to use my water whips he pinned my arms against the wall.

"Team Bakugou" wins! Shouts out Mic. I don't even struggle to move, we just stared intently into each others eyes. I could feel the heat coming off of me as I started to take deeper breaths. I could see he was doing the same.
"Uhh team Bakugou wins?" he shouts again. But we didn't move,
"Baku..."Aizawa started but it was too late our lips met and without thinking I jumped up, my legs wrapped around his waist, his grip on me against the wall was strong, he quickly moved one of his hands to hold me up by my ass while the other held both my arms in place above my head.
I knew we were putting on quite the spectacle but in that moment I didn't care. He kissed me aggressively, swirling his tongue around for dominance that I was more than happy to give into. I was his.
"Bakugou stop this now"Aizawa said with a more serious tone, but you could tell he was a little uncomfortable.
"Just turn off the fuckin cameras and start the next match" he says lifting me away from the wall and throwing me over his shoulder.
"Ahh Katsuki" I shriek and then giggle at the sudden way he was handling me. He walked us over to an out of bounce area that the cameras couldent really see and started to aggressively kiss my neck as I did my best to contain my moans. I started to scratch at his back as I herd him going for his belt. "Katsu, Katsu no not here" I protested.
"The cameras aren't over here" he presses back. "The teachers are asking us to stop we can't" I say this time with a more serious tone. He reaches to grab my hand "Wanna feel?" He guides my hand to his clothed dick and runs it up and down. I bite my lip and squeeze lightly, making him groan. "Katsuki not now, everyone's here..." I say trying to sound serious while holding back my deep breaths. "Fine but we're not finished here" he says through a toothy smile. "Good" I tease back with my fingers grazing his chin. He tucks his erection, up into his belt to look more presentable and I jostle my hair and heal the marks he left on my neck before we both walk back towards the groups hand in hand where we are supposed to be receiving criticism on our match but I felt a different kind of criticism was coming.

Everyone looked shocked, eyes were wide, mouths were open, faces were flushed and there were whispers and giggles. "Guess our secrets out now Katsuki" I say while shoving into him. "Yeah we'll I couldent contain myself, what do you want from me!" He whisper yells but in a playful way.
"Bakugou" "y/n" Aizawa and Vlad say. "Yes" we reply together me with my head down him looking straight ahead. "Not appropriate behavior during a match, don't let it happen again"
We both just nod in agreement and lined up with our classmates to receive criticism. Bakugou's group received praise while ours was told we should have prepared better but honestly no one was prepared for Bakugou's leadership and team spirit. We joined the others who were still whispering. I was clearly embarrassed and Katsuki noticed and got mad for me.

"So we're dating, get the fuck over it and move on!" He says as he grabs for my hand and pulls me close. "Guess your secrets out huh Bakubro says Denki" "what you knew!" Mina shouts. "I was gonna tell you myself, I didn't plan to...... do that" he replies while rolling his eyes. "I told you she'd be mad" adds in Kiri. "You too!" She shouts again. Setsuna, Kendo and the other two girls from my class giggle. "Oh come on you guys too!" Mina shouts again this time rolling her eyes.
"This explains the ..."Mineta was stopped by a kick from Sero who knew that if he said anything more they'd be dead. "Explains what?" I asked looking up at Katsuki confused. "Don't worry about it baby girl" he replied pulling me in and reaching down to kiss my cheek. "How long?" Asked Mina? This time everyone looked over. A little hesitant I wasn't sure how to answer. Technically it's only been a little over a month since we went on our first official date but we've been together since July. I just shrugged my shoulders and answered "A few months" and then smiled back at him who seemed to approve as he tightened his grasp around me and kissed the top of my head.

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