Rescue (part 1)

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I sat there shoveling rice into my face trying to avoid the stares of Toya who sat across from me laughing to himself eying down every grain of rice that enters my mouth. What the hell happened to this guy, what could have made him get like this?
"Thank you for the food, I'd like to go to my room now, maybe take a shower if I could?"
"Oh a shower you say? I'd love to"
"No one invited you, I'm sweaty, I have residual sea water that's going to dry out my hair and I have standards!" I emphasized the last part as I pushed back the chair I was siting in and stomped off to find a room.
"And where exactly do you think you're going?"

"Away from here!" I shout back as I hear Toya continue to chuckle to himself. Even the guards have smug smiles on their faces, like what the fuck? I'm glad I'm so entertaining to these messed up people. I finally find what looks like to be a bedroom being blocked off by a guard. "Move!" I yell at him. Hesitantly he moves aside and lets me in. I can see his shadow pass by the door again as I enter. I dive towards the bed and scream into a pillow, then the tears started to come. I can't, I won't let him win, Katsuki will come and I'm not weak, I can find myself out of this.

I can hear Toya mumbling something to the guards outside the room. I know that there must be a catch to the shower system here, there's no way he would let me near running water like that without some kind of catch. But like I said before I have standards and being stinky and sweaty is not one of them. My stomach is still killing me even after I finished that food. Maybe the steam will do me some good? I grab a towel and strip off my clothing that was caked to my body and quickly covered myself back up before running the water. I enjoyed my shower but knew I shouldn't take too long, I'm already vulnerable as it is, being naked is not something I need to add to my plate right now.

When I stepped out, the sauna was put on automatically. I tried to stop it but was unable to. This must be what Toya installed to ensure I was all dried up, no traces of water left behind. I started pounding on the door and was startled when it suddenly opened and I fell forward onto the bed, clutching onto my towel to cover up as Toya took a quick picture. Wait is that my phone? "Yeah this will be perfect" He laughs to himself as he looks over the photo and slowly walks to stand in the open doorway as he looks me up and down, naked, afraid, angry.

"We'll go on, get dressed kitten"
"Not in front of you, creep"
"Like I haven't seen everything already" he says with a smug grin on his face eyes drifting lower towards my sex. "That was a long time ago" I say trying to cross my legs and position myself on the bed with the towel. "Not too long ago" he says as he walks back towards me slipping the phone in his back pocket and closing the door behind him. "I can still remember the way you taste" he says lowly in that deep sexy voice that made the hairs on my body stick up. Yes it was seductive but given the situation also extremely creepy and uncomfortable. Katsuki's the only one that I want, but maybe I'll get farther if I play along, that seemed to work pretty well before.

"Want to take a taste again?" I question opening my legs and lowering the towel enough to just cover myself and barely cover my breasts. His eyes widen as he eyes my body and just as I had planned he moved in closer again and when he did I wrapped my arms around him. This motion definitely left me more exposed than I wanted but it was worth it if my plan succeeds. "Where are your standards now?" he whispers in my ear which causes my neck to arch. My feet press against his ass forcing him to move closer on top of me.
"A girls allowed to change her mind" I whisper back as I grab onto his ass with one hand while the other shifts my weight on the bed revealing my breasts. As expected Toya was so distracted that I was able to slip out the phone from his pocket.

"Go on take a lick, you still like my nipples don't you " I tease as I watch his whole body take a breathe and his eyes darken as his stare intensives around my now hardened buds. As he moves forward and places my hardened nipple in his mouth I wince and let out a small moan as I slowly and carefully take the phone to hide it under the pillow beneath me. He moved his hand slowely across my exposed chest. Toying with one nipple while sucking on the other. His hand left my chest and slowly made its way down my stomach stopping at my hip. He gripped the side of my hip as he unlatched himself from my hardened nipple and took a bite out of my breast from the side.

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