Parents Arrival

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I got a text from my mom that they had arrived and were waiting to get their luggage. I thanked Setsuna, grabbed my dress and waved goodbye as she made her way to her date and I to the baggage claim. When I finally got there I could see my mother and father bickering, no doubt due to the long flight and being tired.

"Y/N so good to see you" says my mother who pulls me in for a hug. "Hi baby girl, how are you?" Asks my dad who also gives me a hug along with a peck on the cheek. I'm doing well, I've been loving it here in Japan.
"Yes but when are you coming home?" My mother asks as she swings her bags and starts walking towards the exit.
Feeling caught off guard and confused I didn't know what to say other than
"Yes we thought you were just staying here for your last year of high school and then returning home"
"Dear remember we talked about this" my dad says in a calming voice speaking to my mother.

At this point we were outside the airport waiting by the cabs. I call one over and the three of us hop inside. "Look I know we talked about me maybe coming back home after high school but I've actually already got a job opportunity available here and I'm really happy hear" I say softly smiling clutching my dress.

"Career opportunity or just a boyfriend opportunity" my mother says rolling her eyes. We've never really gotten along. Honestly the distance has helped our relationship a lot and I think my dad sees it as well. He knows the tension between me and my mother but he's never done much about it so he mostly just tries to keep the peace. I open my mouth to reply to my mother's comment before I find myself getting interrupted by her again.

"Where is he anyway? Some boyfriend can't even come to meet us."
"Actually I asked him to stay in, I thought it would be just us and you could meet him tomorrow"
"That sounds great sweetheart" smiles my dad.
"I'm sure it was his idea, probably too busy off playing hero" chimes in my mother who had been busy bossing around the cab driver with the directions of their hotel.
I can feel my face getting hot. I'm used to her being argumentative but I've never had someone like Katsuki to defend before. It's one thing for her to talk down to me but another thing entirely for her to talk about him this way.

"Actually as I said it was my idea. And Katsuki is a great hero, already among the top 5 without even graduating high school, which is a world record by the way, it's never happened before."
"Yes, yes, we're well aware of who Bakugou is, heck all of Japan and most of the world know who he is"
"Okay so what's the problem?"
"Well dragon fly, he's not known as the nicest hero ya know" chimes in my dad, making me angry.
"You..." suddenly the cab stops in front of the hotel. My mom orders the driver to stop directly in front of the entrance even though he's not supposed to park there and waits for him to open the trunk and hand over her luggage. As he's about to leave I mouth the words I'm sorry and slip him a tip. He raises his eye brows and takes the money before driving off.

I help bring their luggage to the hotel and up to their room. I had to listen to my mother list off the negative qualities of Katsuki that they have seen from the perspective of the media. I say nothing as to avoid a scene and wait until we are behind the closed doors of their hotel room.
"You haven't even met him yet, you can't pass judgment on someone you've never met"
"Sure I can, he's a hot headed arrogant womanizer, and you have no business being involved with him" as she says this she's rummaging through her suitcase to grab a dress and makes her way to the restroom to change. I could feel the heat building in my face as my fists began to shake.

"Dragonfly calm down, we're just thinking of your best interest"
"How would you know that he's NOT IN MY BEST INTEREST IF YOU HAVEN'T EVEN MET HIM!
"You know hun she has a point, let's see what he's like, give the boy a chance"
"Fine, fine but it won't change my mind. Even if he's an absolute saint it doesn't change the fact of how the media sees him and if he wants him show a better side of himself he certainly doesn't seem to be trying"
"He doesn't and shouldn't have to prove anything to anyone"

Just then my phone rings. Its him. I silence the call and text back that I'm fine and with my parents. "Checking in on you, being controlling and overprotective no doubt"
"OKAY ENOUGH, if your going to act like this then I'm not going to stick around for it,
I'll just head back to the school."
"You mean you're going to crawl back to him and leave your own parents alone in a foreign country. You say not to judge but look at how your acting"
"WHAT, what would you do if someone talked about dad this way? Would you just sit there and ignore it?"
"That's different, your father is a respected member of society"
"And being one of the countries top hero's is not a respected member of society"
"Hunny those numbers are nothing more than a popularity contest, your boy is certainly something to look at that's for sure but other than a pretty face and a talented quirk user he's  hasn't much that people respect him for"

I look around the room for the paper and pen by the night stands. "Here this is the name and address of the restaurant I was going to take you to, I can't be around this toxic environment any more. I'll see you tomorrow after class and I'm bringing Katsuki, be on your best behavior or you won't be seeing much of me until the graduation ceremony." I don't even give either of them a chance to respond before storming out of the room, clutching my dress with tears streaming down my face.

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