I Love You 🍋

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Katsuki made us breakfast and we spent the day with him showing me around his home town

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Katsuki made us breakfast and we spent the day with him showing me around his home town. We walked past his old school, the playgrounds and then a couple of shops around the towns center. Each time we would pass something new I lit up with excitement and questions for him about how each thing may have had some significance to him. He told me stories of his childhood friends and what they would do for fun and what not. We passed by a pond where he showed me how to skip rocks and then we walked over a little bridge where he wanted to show me the water Lilly's. We had mochi ice cream at a little shop that he said was his favorite. We both laughed when I got some on my nose when trying to take a huge bite him calling me a messy eater just like he said the day before as I kicked him gently under the table. We ended the day with Katsuki taking me on one of his favorite hiking trails that overlooked the whole town at its peak.

"Wow it's so beautiful, and you come up here often?" I ask as I over look at everything below and then back at him. "Yeah a couple times a week, just to be alone, your the first person I've ever brought up here" he says with a soft smile. Katsuki Bakugou I'm honored. I say playfully as I lean into him for hug. "But no really I am, thank you for this day Katsuki, I really enjoyed it, I really enjoy getting to know more of.... you" he reaches down to kiss my forehead. "There's one more part princess, I've been saving it for last". How could I not have noticed it earlier, the sound of water, falling water cascading. We continued walking and just behind a couple of bushes was a beautiful waterfall that fell into a small lake.
Without thinking my body started moving towards the water. I pulled my shirt over my head kicked off my shoes before diving in.

"Hey y/n where are you going?!"
"Katsuki, come in, you can't tell me that you've never swam in here before?" I say as I dive my head under. I pop my head back up and lay on my back floating as my hair surrounds my body. I look up at the sky and see that the reflective water is filled with the orange hues of sunset. I can feel his eyes on me but I can't seem to pull my eyes away from the beautiful colors.
"I always get like this when I first get into any body of water, just one with nature"
"Your really just gonna stay in there huh"
"Mmmm humm," I hum as I shut my eyes.
"Please join me" I whine
After a short while I felt my head float next to his bare chest. I excitedly grabbed onto him but was shocked to find out he was completely naked.
"You know I could have just dried your clothes right"
"Maybe I want to be one with nature too" he says through his cocky smirk as he holds me closer, pushing his member up against my stomach.
"Come over here, I have an idea" I pull his arm and swim under the water to pull him closer to the water fall.
"Right here, it will probably be a little cold but I promise it will make you feel great" I say as I guide him to stand right underneath the fall.
"We'll if anyone knows about how to make me feel good it's you"'he say with a wink as he does as I ask and stands under the fall.
"Okay now tell me everything that your angry about"
"Come on angry boy, don't hold back, I know you"
"Fine, fine" he mumbled

"It really pisses me off that they're making me do such minuscule bullshit. I'm supposed to be the best! Not some low-grade extra!"
"Katsuki, some of the best heroes are the ones who do the smallest things for others."
Katsuki's mouth opened to reject my idea on instinct, but his voice was caught in his throat. It was something that he never really thought about, and Katsuki muttered as he allowed me to tip his head back to gently wash his hair in the falls.
"I.....I never thought about it like that. I guess you're right."
"Of course I am. I'm right about almost everything."
Katsuki chuckled, and he shivered when he felt your lips press against his shoulder.
"You're a great hero, Katsuki Bakugou. You don't need to take down the biggest fish in the pond for everyone to see that...for me to see that. You've always been the best, and you will always be the best...at least, to me."
Katsuki slowly turned around and pulled you towards him, resting his forehead against yours as he gazed softly into your eyes.
"Do you really mean that?"

(Bakugou&y/n) The Sun and The MoonWhere stories live. Discover now