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That night was a full moon, I love the moon, not only does it enhance my quirk but I just feel a safe connection to it every time I see it like a calm sensation takes over me

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That night was a full moon, I love the moon, not only does it enhance my quirk but I just feel a safe connection to it every time I see it like a calm sensation takes over me. It was a warm night in mid July and since it was just after training I stood on my balcony in my workout clothes just staring up at the moon.

That's when I noticed him. Bakugou was on his balcony too which was directly across from mine. I pretended not to notice him as a dirty thought passed through my mind. I was angry with him for kissing me and then ignoring me. I wanted him to want me. I went back into my room with one of my sheer curtains blocking the window as I began to undress. I knew that he wouldn't be able to see everything through the shade but just enough to get the idea that I'm stripping. I returned to the balcony wearing nothing but a towel and through the corner of my eye saw him wide mouthed with his eyes bulging out of his head. Feeling proud of myself, I again pretended not to notice him as I returned to my room and then headed towards the shower.

Retuning back to my room I wondered if he'd still be there. freshly showered in a crop top and shorts with my hair down nearly meeting my hip. It took me awhile before I noticed that he was still there. This time I looked over at him.
"Oh hey, I didn't see you there" I said. I could tell he was forming a snark response but cut him off before he could speak. "Isn't the moon just beautiful" I said as I continued to stare back at the night sky"

"Y... yeah, beautiful" is all he got out. I took a deep breathe in "I just love it when you can smell the water from the clouds, the dew on the grass" I smiled again as I looked up "and the moon, it's strength pulls the tides in, I can always feel when the water is getting closer to shore" I paused for a while just thinking about it. He was so comfortable to talk to. I feel like I can be myself.
"Well good night" maybe when you have some time we can get together again soon?" I knew I was being daring but if he was going to reject me I'd rather he just get it done with instead of this distancing game.
"Yeah I'd like that" he said with that genuine smile I saw from last week.
"Sleep tight" I said with a whisper and went back into my room as I crashed my head onto my bed.

(Bakugou&y/n) The Sun and The MoonWhere stories live. Discover now