Meeting the Parents

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When I woke up I found myself wearing only a pair of my own shorts that I tend to leave in his room and one of Katsuki's T-shirts

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When I woke up I found myself wearing only a pair of my own shorts that I tend to leave in his room and one of Katsuki's T-shirts. That man, he probably changed me because my clothes were soaked and he didn't want me to catch a cold. I looked around but he clearly wasn't in the room. Instead I saw my dress hanging in his closet. I peaked through the garment bag to see if it was still alright. The silvery material sparkled and shifted to hues of blue with my touch. Yep it was perfect.  I looked for my phone to see the time and saw that it was about 6 in the morning. It was a Thursday and we still had class. I send Katsuki a quick text before hopping on the balcony. I started to pull the water from some nearby trees to plunge myself over to my own balcony before quickly making myself inside to get dressed and head to class.

Narrators POV

Y/N:  I'm sorry for passing out last night, thank you for everything. I love you. ❤️

Bakugou: don't apologize princess. Wait for me after class.

Your POV

No one from my class knows much about last night but this is high school and people like to gossip. I can hear the whispers and see the looks of concern but I ignore it all and give everyone a reassuring smile. As soon as class gets out Katsuki is waiting for me by the doorway.

"Look I don't know what happened, and you don't have to tell me right away if you don't want to but we're meeting your parents tonight." Before I have a second to protest he adds in "I've already made the dinner reservation." Maybe this will be a good thing. This needs to happen anyway. They need to see that he's a wonderful person and not judge him like the rest of the world does.

Time skip

Katsuki and I are waiting in the hotel lobby on the couch for my parents to come down. My mother finally makes her appearance with her nose in the air as usual and my father sheepishly on her skirt tails. Katsuki is quick to stand up and offers me his hand to do the same. He doesn't let go of my hand as he greets my parents and introduces himself.

"Nice to meet you son, our daughter seems to be very fond of you" my father says as he stretches out his arm to shake hands.
"Thank you sir, I'm more than fond of her, in fact I love her sir"
The room goes completely silent as no one says a word.
"Shall we get going then?" My mother asks as she leads the way out of the lobby. "Where's the car?" Asks my mother who seems disappointed.
"Actually Miss, we won't need one the restaurant is just down the block, I thought it would be more convenient this way"
"We'll lead the way then" she says moving her chin towards the direction of the street. "Yes maim"

When we get to the restaurant he holds the door open for all of us to enter. He then sees the waiter who immediately recognized him as he hurried over to greet him and our party. "The private room please" he requests. "Yes, dynamight sir, of course, right away" the waiter quickly grabs menus and guides us over towards the back room past the crowed of people waiting for tables and past the whispers and glares of seated guests. Katsuki only takes us to restaurants with private rooms to avoid the paparazzi and overall crowds.

We get to our table and Katsuki starts to make small talk. "How was your flight?"
"Fine" my mother replies.
"Have you ever been to the states lad?" Asks my father.
"Yes sir on business but not for pleasure"
"Oh well you'll have to come visit our home one of these days"
"Yes sir I would very much like to see where Y/N grew up, she tells me of great times, you two did a great job in raising an incredible young woman"
"Well thank you, that's uh... that's very kind of you"
"He's a very kind person" I chime in before taking a sip of my tea.

"Or a good performer" my mother snaps as she takes a sip of her wine.
"I'm sorry ma'am? Did I do something to offend you? If I did I apologize"
"Oh save your apologies, we know all about the great explosion murder God Dynamight, not sure a heroic name by the way"
"If you're referring to the tabloids, they don't always picture me in the best light." "Id like the chance to get to know you personally and not through what you might see on TV if that's alright?" He asks while taking a sip of his tea and squeezing my hand under the table.

"We would like that son, wouldn't we M/N?" Asks my father. But she slammed her empty glass on the table and stormed away.
"I'm sure she'll be back soon" my father says as he takes a roll of bread from the center of the table. "Why is she being this way? She isn't even giving him a fair chance!" I start to feel tears forming and do everything I can to hold them back. He notices and gives my hand another squeeze.

"Sir I love your daughter and I would like her to live with me after graduation." My father starts to choke on his bread as he takes a quick sip of his drink to help compose himself. "We've been in a serious relationship for most of this school year and I promise to always take care of her sir."
I'm too stunned to speak that I don't even notice my mother coming back to the table.
"F/N what's wrong with you?"
"Ma'am I understand that I can have a short temper and that I may intimidate some people, but I have never lost my temper with your daughter in fact many have told me that they've seen an improvement with my temperament since we've been together. She  brings me a much needed peace and I know you think I'm too young to be speaking about her this way but it's the truth"

"The boy wants Y/N to live with him after graduation" my father says through a series of coughs. "Is that so, hmm I have to say I admire how you speak your mind and your not afraid to be yourself"
"I've got nothing to hide"
"And how do I know Y/N won't end up like those other girls you've dated, just some fling and then your done with her"
I honestly didn't know what my mother was referring to, I knew Katsuki was by no means a virgin when we met but....
"I've never loved anyone other than your daughter, any girl from before her didn't mean anything"

"You really love her huh?" My mom questions
"Yes ma'am I do"
"Well it's obvious that she's invested in you so...(takes a bite of her food)
Fine" she says simply as she takes her fork and knife and starts cutting into her meal
"Fine?" My father and I question.
"If you want to live together and you can provide for her and keep your promise to take care of her I can't say much about it, you are adults after all"
My father and I looked at each other and then at her as she casually continued to eat her dinner.
"Thank you, and I do promise to always protect her."

Note from Author: Thank you to everyone continuing to read my story! Please vote and leave comments to let me know your feedback! I truly appreciate it! The next chapter will be a spicy one😘

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