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Authors POV

Bakugou being the pro hero that he is knew instantly that Y/N's drink had been tampered with when he kissed her. He's been trained to detect poisons and various types of drugs. He could sense the drug on his own lips during the kiss and immediately went into shock. He grabbed onto you tight debating between whether or not he wanted to pursue the person behind this now or to take care of you himself. After shouting and causing a scene he realized that the person behind this must have already left and now that he's by your side no one will be able to get to you. After yelling and swearing many people cleared out of the club, even the manager came out to close things down. Kirishima explained to the manager what had happened and the police were called to investigate. Within minutes the club had become an active crime scene.

As rage overtook him seeing your seemingly lifeless body made him focus on what was at hand. Although part of him wanted to take off and find who did this immediately Bakugou decided to stay with you and protect you at all costs. This couldn't have been just a coincidence. "Y/N HEAL! HEAL YOURSELF! IF YOU CAN HEAR ME HEAL YOURSELF! FUCK! He continued to shout at you, cradling you close in his arms as he along with the rest of the group rushed to the car. "Oh shit, oh shit what do we do?! Denki asks as he hops in the drivers seat alongside Kirishima as Mina dove into the back seat next to Bakugou. "DRIVE THE DAMN CAR!" Bakugou shouted at him. "DRIVE WHERE?!" Denki asked in a panic. "WHAT? TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL YOU IDIOT!" Kirishima shouted at his friend. Just then Y/N's body began to glow that blueish hue that can be seen when she's using her healing.

"Y/N!" Mina gasped. Within seconds the blueish hue projected outside of her body and encased her in what looked like a capsule. Bakugou could still hold onto her and feel her body through the transparent shield that Y/N had created but when Mina went to reach for her she wasn't able to break through the barrier. For a quick second Y/N opened her eyes and locked them onto Bakugou's. She smiled softly and reached her hand up to wipe away the tears from his face. He clung to her tighter, moving his face closer to hers. But before they could speak her hand collapsed, her eyes closed and her body went limp once more.

When they finally reached the hospital there was nothing that they could do. It seems that the barrier that Y/N had created was too strong that not even the doctors and nurses could get past it. The only one that could even touch her was Bakugou. He decided that if there wasn't anything that they could do that he would take her back to the hotel and stay with her there where she could be more comfortable until she woke up. It was clear that whatever Y/N was doing was working so the doctors agreed with his plan and allowed them to leave.

The group didn't speak as he cradled her in his arms and walked slowly up to their room. "You gonna be okay man? I'm sure she'll wake up soon, it's Y/N the girls tough" Kirishima said softly as he opened the door for Bakugou to take Y/N inside. "I'm going to kill whoever did this" Bakugou said in a deep voice with a menacing stare that sent chills down Kirishimas spine. Bakugou always makes death threats, he always had but this time it was different, this time he really meant it.

After closing the door, he gently placed you on the bed. He reached down to kiss your forehead and held onto your hands tightly. Without even noticing he began to cry. He was alone with you now, he can truly be himself as he let it all out and held onto you tightly. As he did he noticed that the skirt of your dress was riding up. "Let's get you changed into something more comfortable Y/N." He gently placed you back on the bed surrounding you with pillows in his absence. He rummaged through your suitcase until he found a hoodie that had a matching pair of sweatpants. He smiled when he recognized them as Dynamight merch. "You're always my number one fan." He said as he slowly got you changed into the more comfortable clothing. "You're also not gonna like it if I let you go to sleep with all that makeup on your face." He said as he made his way back to the suit case.

(Bakugou&y/n) The Sun and The MoonWhere stories live. Discover now