Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Why didn't you wait for me?...

After learning that the mansion was celebrating the third baptism of the newborn Sister Zhuang, Wei Yang, Wei Ruo and others came directly to Changyuan Hall.

At this point, the whole family of Prince Yan's Mansion was truly reunited.

Yin Hui stood with Wei Shan and Wei Ying, silently watching her husband, who had been away for three months, walk towards King Yan and kneel down to worship him.

When she first came back from rebirth, she and Wei Ruo had a rough time in bed. They could not see anything in the dark, and she didn't even notice that Wei Ruo had turned into a twenty-year-old Wei Ruo. Not long after waking up, Wei Ruo left for the capital again, and Yin Hui had no chance to take a closer look at her husband, who was ten years younger.

However, there is nothing interesting to see. Wei Ruo is always cold and his expression is as little as a painting. As time goes by, it is enough to gradually add a few wrinkles and beards to him.

Suddenly, Wei Ying bumped her arm quietly and gave her a teasing look.

In her previous life, Yin Hui would have been embarrassed. Now, Yin Hui only regrets that Wei Ruo is back, and half of the comfortable big bed has to be given to him.

King Yan had a lot to ask his two sons about the capital but now was not the time.

"You haven't eaten yet, so let's have some here at noon. In the evening, there will be a formal banquet in the house to welcome you."

"Thank you, father."

In this way, Wei Yang and Wei Ruo stayed at King Yan's table, and Xu Qingwan took the two children to the side of the female relatives.

"How is the second younger brother and sister doing?" Xu Qingwan asked Yin Hui concernedly, and then glanced at Ji Xianxian's house, "I just came back, and I'm a mess, so I won't go in to see her."

Yin Hui smiled and said, "Second sister-in-law is recovering well, and Sister Zhuang is also fair and clean."

Xu Qingwan nodded.

She picked up the tea bowl and moistened her throat first. Her face was delicately made up, but she could not hide a trace of fatigue in the corners of her eyes.

Yin Hui looked away, knowing very well that Wei Yang came to Jinling this time and brought back a singer who would be very favored by him in the future. Although Wei Yang had concubines before, Xu Qingwan took the initiative to choose the maids around her to serve Wei Yang when she was pregnant. They were all under Xu Qingwan's control and could not cause any trouble. Only this time the singer, both beautiful and scheming, secretly caused a lot of trouble for Xu Qingwan.

After Xu Qingwan drank tea, her peripheral vision fell on Yin Hui's dress, which was a bright pink color.

Just as people with dull facial features cannot afford bright colors, so naturally bright beauties like Yin Hui should dress more colorfully.

If she had Yin Hui's beauty, would Wei Yang be like Wei Ruo, who wouldn't touch any of the ten singers?

As soon as her thoughts changed, Xu Qingwan thought of Ji Xianxian again. Ji Xianxian was equally beautiful. Didn't the second master also accept concubine?

The root is still in the man, because Yin Hui was lucky enough to marry a third master who was not a womanizer.

The banquet finally broke up.

They are a family after all. Yin Hui subconsciously looked towards Wei Ruo, but only saw the backs of Wei Ruo and Wei Yang leaving with King Yan.

Yin Hui took Xiao Heng back to Chengxintang first.

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