Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

In such a severe snowstorm, the Jin soldiers, familiar with the terrain of the grassland, did not dare to move forward rashly. How could they have expected that the Wei troops led by the King of Yan would dare to continue pursuing them and launch a night attack?

When the Wei war horses came in the wind and snow, except for a few Jin soldiers who were hiding in a sheltered place to keep watch, the other Jin soldiers were all wrapped in quilts and sleeping comfortably in the felt tents. They had unloaded their scimitars and hung them high on one side of the tents. Their war horses were all gathered together. There were jumping bonfires inside and howling wind and snow outside. Even when the Wei soldiers started fighting, some Jin soldiers had not heard any movement.

Wei Ruo, Feng Su, Feng Teng and Cui Yu divided their troops into four groups. The army led by Wei Ruo and Feng Su was responsible for killing, Feng Teng led his men to burn the Jin soldiers' food and fodder, and Cui Yu led his men to scatter the Jin soldiers' horses. Long before the night attack, the scouts had already explored the location of the food and fodder and horse pens in the Jin soldiers' camp at close range under the cover of wind and snow.

The Jin army attacked Wei with a total of 100,000 cavalrymen, 20,000 of whom had been killed in previous battles. Although they still had 80,000 troops, they were caught off guard by the Wei army because they were unprepared. Seeing that the food and grass were burned and the horses were scattered everywhere, the Jin soldiers had no intention of fighting. Most of them were left to fight, while the elite troops rode on horses and escorted the Jin Khan to flee north in a hurry.

Feng Teng rushed to Wei Ruo and said, "Third Master, their Khan has escaped. Should I lead people to chase him?"

Wei Ruo: "No need, let's deal with the Jin soldiers here first."

Even if the Jin Khan could not be captured, this night battle had dealt a heavy blow to the Jin soldiers. Dispersing the troops to pursue and kill them might allow the remaining Jin soldiers to regain a chance of survival.

One Jin cavalryman could match five or six Central Plains infantrymen, and vice versa. The Jin soldiers who lost their horses could only be killed at will by the cavalry led by Wei Ruo.

The splattering blood dyed the falling heavy snow red, and as the wind blew away, a few pieces of bloody snow hit Wei Ruo's face.

Wei Ruo seemed unaware.

A few months ago, when he went into battle to kill the enemy for the first time, his hands would tremble slightly because of killing people personally, and he would wake up in shock at night because of dreaming about the enemy's eyes that were open after death. Now, no matter how bloody the scene is, it will not change his expression. No matter how brave and fearless the Jin soldiers are, he will not retreat.

One shot saves one life. Bai Ti Wu knew his master's intention, and he nimbly dodged the Jin soldiers' scimitars, carrying his master forward.

If even he, the grandson of the emperor, acted like this, the other generals of Wei State would kill even more fiercely when they saw this.

Feng Teng disdained to kill the small soldiers. He killed them casually while looking around. If he found any troublesome Jin soldiers, he would rush there.

After killing four people in a row, Feng Teng finally met a fierce general from the Jin Dynasty, who chopped off one of the legs of Feng Teng's horse with one sword!

The warhorse fell forward suddenly, and Feng Teng also fell headfirst to the ground. Although he was alert enough and rolled to the side before he could fall steadily, the Jin general's scimitar was still chasing and chopping down. Feng Teng rolled again and again, and seeing that the opponent's scimitar was about to come towards him, Feng Teng smiled bitterly and closed his eyes. A pair of clear almond eyes appeared in his mind.

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