Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Because she had obtained Wei Ruo's approval in advance, she knew that it was okay for her to go out once a month. At least Wei Ruo did not think it was against the rules. So on the seventh day, Yin Hui came to Jinxiu again.

Uncle Zhou had already come here early and was waiting.

It was cold, so Liu Manniang, the shopkeeper of Jinxiu, prepared a brand new small copper hand warmer for Yin Hui and brought her tea herself before leaving.

Yin Hui held the hand warmer and looked at Uncle Zhou expectantly.

Uncle Zhou sighed, "The task that Madam has assigned to me is really difficult. Young Master Feng Teng has been obsessed with martial arts and military tactics since he was young. He almost grew up in the barracks with Commander Feng. The soldiers in the barracks all obey him and have never said anything bad about him. Even when Young Master Feng left the barracks, he always made friends through martial arts and never had any quarrels or arguments. If Third Master makes friends with him, Madam doesn't have to worry. Young Master Feng has good character and can be associated with him."

Yin Hui had never seen Feng Teng. After hearing Uncle Zhou's words, an image of a tall, strong, and handsome young military officer emerged in her mind.

If Feng Teng was blameless, how could she persuade Wei Ruo?

She could not hide her disappointment.

Uncle Zhou saw this and asked in surprise, "Madam, do you want to hear about Mr. Feng's bad deeds?"

Yin Hui nodded.

Uncle Zhou hesitated for a moment, coughed, and said to the open door, "In fact, Master Feng is good in every way, but he is twenty years old and still refuses to get married, which makes Madam Feng worry about him. It's nothing, but last year, a swordsman came to our Pingcheng. When Feng Teng heard about it, he insisted on going to compete with the swordsman. The swordsman knew that he was the son of an official and refused again and again. Feng Teng actually stayed in the yard where the swordsman was staying and refused to leave no matter what."

"It was dark, and the people who had come to watch the excitement had all dispersed. No one knew whether the two had actually competed. However, the next day, someone found Master Feng sleeping in the same bed with the swordsman, and the whole room smelled of alcohol. So the rumor spread that Master Feng had an affair with Long Yang."

At this point, Uncle Zhou quickly glanced at Yin Hui, wondering if the lady understood what Long Yang was.

Yin Hui understood and asked in surprise, "Is it just a rumor, or is it true?"

Uncle Zhou stroked his beard and said, "Later, Master Feng Teng also heard about the rumor. He was very unhappy and explained that he had a sparring match with the swordsman that night, but the two became good friends and drank together. When he got drunk, he slept in the swordsman's room. He couldn't just run home drunk and get scolded by Master Feng. In addition, in order to prove that he didn't have that kind of fetish, Master Feng Teng also started dating, but he hadn't found a girl he liked yet."

Yin Hui thought for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said to Uncle Zhou, "Okay, let's not talk about him. There are a few doubts about the last account. Can you tell me about it?"

Uncle Zhou looked at her playful smile and inexplicably had a feeling that Mr. Feng Teng might be being plotted against by his Madam.


My grandfather has not been in Pingcheng recently. After leaving Jinxiu , Yin Hui went to Liao Qiuniang's barbeque bun shop.

It was almost noon and a long line formed in front of the small shop. Liao Qiuniang and her two female assistants were busy, so Yin Hui did not go over to disturb them and went straight home.

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