Chapter 135

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Chapter 135

After Wei Jing's wedding, Jinling entered the midsummer season, and the heat became more intense day by day.

Not to mention Yin Hui, a native northerner, even Ji Xianxian, who was born in Jinling but lived in Yan for more than ten years, couldn't stand the summer heat in the south of the Yangtze River.

"It's still cooler in Pingcheng. Even if the sun is shining, you can immediately cool down by walking under the shade of a tree. Here, it's hot outside and stuffy inside, so there's no difference."

Sitting in the flower hall with an ice pot, Ji Xianxian slowly fanned herself with a round fan while complaining to Yin Hui: "It's so hot now that I'm too lazy to go back to my parents' house. I only came here to sit with you because you're close."

Yin Hui sighed, "It's hot. I'm relatively free in the mansion. Every time the prince comes back from work, he's covered in sweat. Ning Jie'er doesn't even like him and refuses to hug him."

Ji Xianxian followed suit and then became envious: "The Third Master works in the Ministry of Justice and can go home every day. I don't know where on the bank of the Yangtze River he is sunbathing right now."

Yin Hui teased, "It hasn't even been three months since Second Brother left Jinling, and Second Sister-in-law misses him already?"

Of course Ji Xianxian thought about it. Since she married Wei Yan, the couple had never been separated for so long. Unlike Yin Hui, she had been separated from Wei Ruo for more than she was together during the three years of war and had long been accustomed to it.

But she would definitely not admit it, and snorted, "Miss him? I wish he would continue to work outside. What would he do when he comes back? Marry a concubine?"

As I was talking, I started to feel jealous.

Seeing Yin Hui smiling at her, Ji Xianxian knew that her thoughts were exposed. She turned her beautiful eyes and talked about the affairs of the first house: "The Yellow River is in the north, and my eldest brother will come back later, but the date for his concubine to enter the house is in July, and it's almost here. Do you think this marriage will be delayed? If it is delayed, the Ministry of Rites will have to arrange for the concubines of our house and my fourth brother's house to enter the house, and then it will be the New Year. Then there will be the fifth brother. Does my eldest brother's concubine have to wait until this time next year to enter the house?"

Yin Hui: "No way, the wedding date has already been set, delaying it will cause chaos."

Ji Xianxian: "So will big brother come back or not?"

Come back. It would be embarrassing if you delayed your inspection tour on both sides of the Yellow River in order to marry a concubine. If you don't come back, both concubines are from famous families in the capital, and it would be embarrassing to have no groom on the wedding night.

Yin Hui shook her head, indicating that she couldn't guess for sure.

But she knew that Wei Yang did not come back to marry a concubine, and was busy in the north until September. There was no major disaster on both sides of the Yellow River this year, but there was a minor disaster in one section of the river, which was handled very promptly under the leadership of Wei Yang. So when Wei Yang came back, the emperor praised him, and the ministers and the people also praised him for a while, praising His Royal Highness Duan Wang for delaying the marriage of a concubine for the sake of the people, and he was a well-deserved wise king.

In contrast, the glory of Wei Yan, the King of Chu, who had just finished his work and returned to the capital in time to marry his concubine, was much dimmer.

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