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Atlanta Georgia

"so you know fredo right?" melodi asked me. i nodded. "what about him?" i asked her.

"so it seems like his mama the type to wanna fuck her son." melodi rolled her eyes.

"ouu, i hate mamas like those." i gagged. "and ion think she like me." melodi added.

"as long as he back you up and don't let his mama treat you any time of way, it's cool." i told her

"where skye?" melodi asked referring to my dog.

"her little ass coming through now." i laughed as skye. she came and jumped in my lap making me rub her.

"you wanna come to my auntie house with me?" i asked her. "of course. she cooking ain't she?" she asked.

"you know it." i smiled. "you bringing skye?"

"of course, i bring my baby with me every where." i said, grabbing my keys. me and her walked out my house and got in my car.

"im staying at your house tonight too." she said.

"wanna get drunk?" i asked. "yes. you already got the liquor?" she asked to which i nodded.

"you like her outfit?" i rubbed all over skye. "you be dressing her like she your kid," she laughed grabbing her.

"bitch that is my kid, my la shawty." i smiled.

looking down at my phone i seen my auntie was calling my phone. i answered it and put it on speaker.

"yes auntie?" i asked. "stop by the store and get me a bag of ice and a scratch off please." she spoke.

"girl you not winning that money," i rolled my eyes.

"when i do you're not getting shit, i hope you know." she said then hung up.

"aggravating," i mumbled pullin on into the store.

"you want anything out of here?" i asked melodi.

"just something to drink,"

i nodded and got out my car.

"aye, you bad as fuck!"

"let me get yo number ma."

i ignored them and walked in the store. i went in the back, grabbing two drinks and ice bag before going to the front.

feeling somebody bump into me i smacked my teeth.

"the fuck.. watch where the fuck you're going." i smacked my teeth.

"yo little ass bumped into me."

"ahhh shit." he laughed. i looked up at him seeing it was bandman, sleezy friend.

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