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Atlanta Georgia

i ran to the bathroom and threw up.

"girl what the fuck wrong with you?" melodi asked as she rubbed my back.

"i don't even know." i frowned. before i could say anything else i threw up again.

"that's your favorite too.." melodi trailed off referring to the food i was just eating.

"i'm already knowin," she walked out. once she came back she came with a pregnancy test in her hand.

"why do you even have that?" i raised my eyebrow.

"when i went to buy me one i bought like ten." she laughed. "now here, take it. i'll be laying on your bed." she smiled, closing the door.

"wait bring me plastic cup." i told her.

she went to the kitchen then came back. "this so cute. our kids growing up together." she smiled.

"bitch i might have food poisoning, please." i rolled my eyes closing the door. i pulled down my shorts and sat on the toilet before i peed in the cup.

i wiped myself then put the pregnancy test in it.

washing my hands i walked out and sat on my bed.

"what if i am pregnant?" i looked at melodi. "good cause my baby need someone to. play with." she smiled.

"how fredo feel when you told him?" i asked. "first, he was shocked as fuck but also he was happy." she shrugged.

"if i am pregnant how you think santana will feel?" i asked. "bitch all he been talkin bout is how y'all gotta rich baby on the way." he laughed.

"if you is i'm sure that nigga gone be happier than a mf." she said.

i nodded slowly before i picked up my phone.

once the timer went off i looked at melodi. "you want me to go look at it?" she asked to which i nodded.

she went in the bathroom and picked it up.

"rich baby on the wayyy," she dragged. i immediately started crying.

"girl what the fuck are you crying for?" she smacked her teeth. "mel, i gotta baby i'm my stomach." i pointed at it.

"ouu bitch please don't start all that emotional shit." she said.

"you right." i wiped my tears. "cause me and my man gotta rich baby onna way." i bent over and started twerking.

"i need to book a doctors appointment though." i mumbled.

"my baby." i heard yelling. i already knew it was santana.

"i'm in my room." i yelled back. "i'm gonna let y'all talk." she winked before she walked out.

"ho can't even wink." i rolled my eyes.

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