Main Character Profile

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Name: Toujou Koneko

Birthdate: November 23

Gender: Futanari

Three size: 67-57-73

Penis sizes:

- Before erection: 3cm/1 inch

- After erection: 41cm/16 inch

- Thickness: 9.5cm

o Can make herself futanari or not due to the magic or powers she had

o Needs specially big condom to not make a mess

o Aphrodisical futa precum

o Really sweet and thick semen

o Average ejaculation volume: 1 liters

o Maximum ejaculation volume: 5 liters

o Average number of ejaculations: 40-60


New You: How about a makeover? Do you want to look handsome and heroic? You may now choose a new appearance for your body, but your appearance must still be within human limits.

New Race: Your new appearance is no longer limited to humans. You can be whatever race you want and look however you want as long as you are still humanoid.

Improved Biology: You no longer need to do gross things - like urinate, defecate, fart, etc.


Another World: Not satisfied with any of the worlds I just described? The multiverse is a pretty big place; infinite worlds exist. So, instead of me describing more worlds to you, you could loosely describe a world to me or pick a fictional world. I can find it and send you there. You could choose Earth; native isekais can be fun too. You also get to choose the timeline of the universe. For example, if you pick Earth, you could choose to be sent back in time to the Middle Ages or World War 2.


Home: Instead of being teleported into your new world, you will be reincarnated. You will be given a new life and born into a new family, but you will retain your old memories. You may choose an age, and I will time skip until you are that age. You will get all the memories of the time skipped period, and during the time skip, you will act like you would want to act. If you bring any companions along, they will be reborn as your siblings or childhood friends.

Specific Family: You get to choose what kind of family you will have. For example, your father and mother are the rulers of the most powerful kingdom in the world.


Infinite Mana: Unlike other magic users, your mana pool is infinite. This power won't teach you any spells, but because of your absurd amount of mana, you can manifest your mana physically. A feat that is sure to impress any magic user and grant you any apprenticeship you would like.

Hidden Power: With this upgrade, you can completely conceal your magical presence at will. Normally, magic users can sense other magic users' magical powers. Without this upgrade, you will be like a beacon of power that will draw both wanted and unwanted attention to yourself.

Harem Protagonist: Beautiful members of the gender to which you are attracted can't help but fall in love with you. While your love interests might fight for your attention and love and develop rivalries, they won't suffer any negative effects from their jealousy, like depression, etc.

World of Waifus: You are much more likely to encounter attractive people of the gender you are attracted to.

Harem Life: Fate frequently conspires to put you into cliched harem anime situations. For example, a female adventurer might bump into you, trip, and knock you down. She lies on top of you with her breasts pressed against your face.

Restore State: You can restore the physical state of anything you touch to a previous state of your choice. This power has many uses; for example, you can heal yourself, make someone younger, repair broken objects, or revert a sword to its glowing hot state when it is forged.

Mind Restore: You can restore the mental and spiritual state of anything you touch. This would, among other things, allow you to erase other people's memories and resurrect dead people.

Invisibility: You have the power to turn invisible at will. While invisible, you can turn others invisible by touching them.

Conceptual Invisibility: Your body heat and scent will be masked once invisible. You will leave no footprints, and even your sound will be muted unless you don't want it to.

Aether Form: You're immune to magic while invisible.

Sexual Prowess: Ever wanted to be really good at sex? With this power, you will basically become a god in bed. Your sexual skills will be second to none and borderline supernatural.

Porn Physics: While doing lewd things, the laws of physics will be suspended in favor of porn and hentai tropes you like. For example, you can fuck people silly, or when cumming, your penis sprays cum like a fire hose.


Hungry: Your body has an unusually high metabolism. You must eat Three Times as much food as the average person. Using your powers will drain energy from you. The more you use your powers, the hungrier you will get. Food summoned by magic or powers will no longer satiate your hunger.

Be The Girl: Your new body must be female or futanari. You will forever be unable to become male, so even if you gain shapeshifting powers, spells, or potions, you can only assume female forms.

Shirone's Lesbian Harem Chronicle (Futanari Koneko x Yuri Harem)Where stories live. Discover now