Plan is already being set

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After hearing all of that, the entire Toujou family decided to think of who would be the person who could provide them with some information about the whereabouts of Himejima Shuri's only daughter, Himejima Akeno. Although they knew Akeno probably could protect herself and survive alone, that doesn't mean her mother wouldn't worry about her condition since she was no Shirone.

Akeno is a normal girl, unlike Shirone, who is already quite mature, reliable, and has an independence-like quality. The white-haired nekoshu is a special case and will always be regarded as such by people around her.

And they're not wrong since she's basically a young girl with an adult mind as she is a reincarnated person, so what they thought wasn't incorrect, but no one in the Dragonic Deus except Shirone herself knew that. Even the gods, like the God of the Bible and such, didn't know Shirone was a reincarnator.

"Alright, I'll ask Azazel, Sirzechs, and Michael. It's faster and easier to as some of the bigshot."

Tatsujin voiced his words to everyone before his wife decided to interject and respond to him.

"Wait, dear. How about I'm the one who asks Michael-san? I think it would be better for me since I have some history with them."

"Hm... you're right. Although if it is regarding Himejima, I think asking Yasaka about it would also be the most logical choice."

"Then, Otou-sama, how about I'm the one who will ask Yasaka-sama that?"

Everyone was surprised when they heard that from Shirone and began to worry about her, since despite how mature she is, there is no doubt that Shirone is still a young girl and younger than them. In their minds, they want to reject the idea of her doing something like that, but it still unclear what's method she would use to ask Yasaka, the fox youkai and leader of Kyoto will be.

"...then, do you want to call her through phone, telepathy, or something, Shirone?"

Tatsujin asked his youngest daughter. He hopes it will be through the phone or telepathy. Although Shirone's power or strength is undoubtedly more powerful than any of them combined at such a young age, as a father, he is still worried about her.

Noticing their expressions, Shirone had already guessed that her answer would make them worried about herself even more; she shook her head and answered.

"Otou-sama, I'll personally visit Yasaka-sama's residence there."

That caused another huge shock as Fujimai looked at Shirone with her still worried expression.

"S-Shirone-chan, why would you? It will be dangerous if you go there alone..."

"I'm fine, Okaa-sama. I'm strong, and it's also because of Kunou-sama—we have a promise to see each other three times each month, after all, and I don't want to break that promise."

"But, still..."

However, Tatsujin puts a hand on Fujimai's shoulder, causing the mother to look at her husband, who gives her a look and shakes his head.

"Leave it, honey. She made a promise to Kunou-chan, and we can't force her not to. Also... let's believe in Shirone. I know it's worrying to let her outside our range alone, but I think—if she ever encounters trouble—she needs that for the experience."

"But, dear... it is still too soon for our Shirone. She's only nine!"

"And she's the most powerful nine-year-old girl in the world. It saddens me, and it is, but as parents, we also have to do something like this at least once to our children. Not only that, but we are also involved in the supernatural world; like it or not, Shirone will encounter the supernatural world trouble no matter what, and by letting her experience things like that—she will grow even more."

When hearing that, since it makes sense, Fujimai can't help but have to give up and agree on what her husband said. He's right that Shirone will need some experience since she never got any experience—what they talked about is something like an actual battle experience—and this might be a good opportunity for that.

It's frustrating and worrying, but Fujimai knew that her husband did it for their youngest daughter's sake. She looked at Kuroka, who nodded in agreement with her father; as much as she was overprotective of her beloved little sister—the black-haired nekoshu knew that her white-haired sister would need it.

Letting out a heavy and big sigh, Fujimai then looked at her husband and then her youngest daughter, putting both hands on Shirone's cheeks and caressing them.

"Shirone-chan, please be safe and always on guard. Be mindful and aware of your surroundings. Okay?"

"Um. I know, Okaa-sama. I'll do my best to not be in any danger. After all, I'm so strong."

Shirone said with confidence, which made Tatsujin and Fujimai chuckle before she was given a kiss on the cheeks by her mother and a loving, warm hug.

"Anyway, don't be reckless, Shirone-chan and Kuroka, please accompany her as well. I know she wants to do it alone, but since she is going to go to Yasaka-sama, I think you must go with her. It is necessary."

Kuroka blinked and thought a bit, considering her mother's proposal, and nodded with her cheerful and easy-going nature.

"Alright, Kaa-san. I'll go with Shirone, and that means I can spend more time with you, Shirone, nya."

She said, leaping toward Shirone and hugging her tightly, causing her huge breasts to press against Shirone's head, which made the white-haired young girl blush and enjoy the sensation slightly. The softness and firmness of Kuroka's huge breasts are very enjoyable to Shirone, and she won't complain about it.

After all, she always enjoys touching them whenever Kuroka is around. The rate of Kuroka with Shirone is always 100%, since despite the black-haired big sister being busy with stuff outside of her house—mainly attending human or normal school like others and going out with her friends—she still spends some time with her beloved little sister.

"Um. I am also looking forward to that, Onee-sama."

Shirone said with an enthusiastic smile before Kuroka hugged her tighter because she found her beloved little sister's smile so cute, and so she showered Shirone with more love. Tatsujin, Fujimai, and Shuri, who watched the siblings' interaction, could only smile and chuckle happily, especially Shuri, since with everyone's help, Akeno could be found, and she would be reunited with her sooner or later.

Shuri looked at the ceiling, and a thought crossed her mind.

'Akeno, please be patient, and mother apologizes for not acting soon; we will find you and bring you here so you'll be safe. We could live together again as before.'

Shirone's Lesbian Harem Chronicle (Futanari Koneko x Yuri Harem)Where stories live. Discover now