Chapter 17 - Vali sneaked out!

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Valerica Lucifer, known as Vali by her nickname, is the descendant of the original Lucifer and the daughter that was born of the union between the grandson of the original Lucifer—Razevan Lucifer—and a human mother which makes Vali a half-devil half-human that can possess a Sacred Gear which known as [Divine Dividing]—a Longinus Sacred Gear that host the soul of Albion Gwiber the Vanishing Dragon is currently sneaking out of her "home" as she was a bit bored since training was being called off by her adopted father, Azazel, due to some serious business.

Because of that, Azazel also took the team SLASH/DOG with him, giving Vali a chance to sneak out from them and play somewhere as she used the wings of her [Divine Dividing] with a happy smile. She doesn't know why Azazel sounds and looks serious but Vali just hopes everything will be fine with her adopted father.

"Azazel and others sound serious... hey, Albion. What do you think about that?"

The silver-haired young girl asked Albion, the Vanishing Dragon and the White Dragon Emperor whose soul is sealed inside the Sacred Gear she has, and in response to Vali's question, she was confused, answering it through telepathy in her mind.

{Sorry, Vali but that's adult stuff. Kinda complicated.}

"Then, un-complicated it."

She said with a cute pout, causing Albion to chuckle, and went quiet for a while as he tried to find some right words to deliver to the young white-haired girl.

{Hm... it's just that something bad happens to Grigori. I think bad people trying to do some bad things to Grigori and when Azazel heard that, he decided to only take SLASH/DOG with him since they're suited for this.}

"Then, do you know where they are headed? It seems interesting."

{Even if I know it, I won't tell you since you're not strong or capable enough to help them. They're dealing with something dangerous, so just be patient and use this chance to play or something else instead of just training every day. You're a kid, and a girl too, so you should spend your time carefully.}

Again, Vali pouted, making her cheeks swell more like a dango as she didn't like how Albion telling her that. She wants to be strong as fast as possible so she can have revenge on her father and grandfather for the abuse they did to her before being found and adopted by Azazel. However, Vali also knew that Albion cared for her well-being, so she slightly understood that.

{Getting stronger fast is fine but you should also spend some of your valuable time, or childhood, in a more positive light than not. I'm glad that the team SLASH/DOG there since they are willing to sometimes spend their time to be with you, especially Lavinia—she's very doting on you like you're her actual little sister.}

When mentioning that one specific name, Vali's face frowned as she was really uncomfortable with what Lavinia did to her because of her overly affection, treating her like a little sister by spoiling and doting her. It's annoying how doting Lavinia to Vali as the white-haired young girl mostly embarrassed by that, especially when it somewhat became a norm in Grigori whenever Vali and Lavinia were at the same place.

Despite that, Vali still cared for Lavinia and saw her as the older sister or sibling she never had. She never shows that affection since that is embarrassing for her, which only be known by Albion who often teases her by calling Vali with the nickname of "Tsundere Empress," resulting in Vali telling Albion to shut up while being embarrassed by that. It didn't stop Albion from calling Vali by that nickname since it's fun, though.

"Shut up, Albion... shut up. She's very annoying."

{Tsundere Empress... maybe we should call you [White Dragon Tsundere Empress] instead.}

"Shut up! I'm not tsundere or whatever! You watch too much anime, Albion!"

{Hey, it's a great source of entertainment the humans in Japan made. Better than any cartoon the West made. Most Western cartoon character designs or their art style are either too gross or lazy, and I'm not talking about their animation, that's why I prefer Japanese anime.}

Vali only sighed and shook her head hearing the complaint from Albion as she arrived at a certain place—seeing that, she then deactivated the wings of her [Divine Dividing] before her feet landed on the ground.

Seeing and recognizing the place they landed, Albion was shocked and feel sweating bullets since he didn't think that Vali would be in this place which was totally coincidence or unexpected, as if God trying to give them something stupid but he knew the God of Bible is already dead so just blame it on luck.

{...Vali, why did you choose this place?}

He asked with the calmness that he trying to maintain in his tone and slightly confused with her partner's question, Vali then answered it casually.

"Hm? I just find it great since I have never been to Kyoto. Not only that, but I also sense a powerful energy that comes from here, it piqued my curiosity so I thought why not land here? If I recall, Kyoto is the home of youkai and their leader is Yasaka, right?"

{...Yeah, you're right. What do you want to do with that powerful energy from someone? It's not from Yasaka, right? You're thinking of challenging her in a fight, right?!}

The White Dragon Emperor asked Vali with concern and panic in his tone, causing the wielder of [Divine Dividing] to be startled and confused at Albion's strange attitude. There is an evident confusion and question mark on Vali right now.

"No? Why would I do that? I mean, I know that I want to fight a strong opponent but I'm not stupid enough to challenge the leader of this place. Even if I did, I'd ask for their consent first before starting the fight or duel between us."

{That so...? You better keep that in mind and promise me. Okay? You're in someone's territory, after all, so don't do anything stupid.}

The scolding from Albion caused Vali to pout.

"Hey, I'm not that stupid and I won't cause any trouble."

She told Albion before her eyes caught the appearance of someone. It's a cute short-haired girl with white hair who was around her height and accompanied by a long-haired girl with black hair older and taller than Vali and then an older woman with a long ponytail black hair.

Vali didn't know why but when her hazel eyes saw that white-haired girl, she felt her heart start to beat, fluttering with happiness and causing her cheeks to slightly red and feel warm. It is a strange and unknown yet warm and comfortable feeling that Vali feels right now as she unconsciously says something to that girl.

"...who are you?"

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