Chapter 15 - Trip to Kyoto!

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As everything has already been decided, everyone then executes their plan with Shirone being accompanied by Kuroka to go to Kyoto, the very home of most youkai and which is the birthland of Shirone and Kuroka's mother, Toujou Fujimai.

Although Shirone and Kuroka might not born in Kyoto, as the variant of nekomata, which is nekoshu they oddly felt at home and relaxed whenever they visited Kyoto. They felt at ease and found a sense of comfort in Kyoto.

However, that doesn't mean they would want to live in Kyoto since Shirone and Kuroka's home will always be in Kuoh. They love it, especially Shirone since she has so many friends like Irina and Isami who are her neighborhood friends, and since Kuoh also will be the center of her life from now on.

The trip to Kyoto if it is taken normally by train would take around six hours before they arrive there. That's if they used a train, however, Shirone wouldn't use a normal method or way like that as she already has a necessary spell to shorten the time for their travel.

It's a spell with a simple principle and application that lets her or anyone travel to any place the user went to and in this case, Shirone already visited Kyoto so many times since she has to keep her promise to play with Kunou.

Right now, Shiron and Kuroka then leaving their house as they are about to visit Kyoto by using the white-haired girl's spell. Extending her right arm and about to cast the spell, both Toujou siblings suddenly heard a "Shirone-chan!" outside of their house and saw Isami with Irina approaching Shirone.


They said in unison and were confused when they saw Shirone and Kuroka seem about to go somewhere, especially the magic reaction that came from Shirone's right arm which made the two girls just come and then ask their white-haired beloved crush.

"Shirone-chan, you're going somewhere?!"

"Yeah! And with Kuroka-nee-chan too! Where will you go, Shirone-chan, Kuroka-nee-chan?"

The two girls, Isami and Irina asked Shirone and Kuroka with curiosity on their faces, then in response to their question, the black-haired nekoshu and the oldest of them spoke to them.

"We're going to Kyoto, Isami-chan, Irina-chan."

That caused them more confused as Isami asked Kuroka.

"Eh, why are you going to Kyoto, Kuroka-nee?"

"We have to visit someone as a promise."

"Oh! Then, can we join you two?!"

The brown-haired Red Dragon Empress said with sparkles in her eyes as she was excited and Irina also felt the same as Isami. Seeing that, Shirone and Kuroka went quiet a bit and looked at each other, exchanging stares before they nodded.

With that exchange, both siblings agreed on something and Kuroka then reply Isami's question and request.

"That's okay, nya. We don't mind it but remember to behave, okay? The place and the people we will visit are super important, after all. Is that okay, Isami-chan, Irina-chan?"

Isami and Irina nodded with enthusiasm and excitement as they shouted, "Yes!" since they understood that and seeing the response, Kuroka then turned to Shirone, and noticed it the white-haired girl quickly understood her big sister's intention as she began to re-cast the [Teleportation] spell she stopped just now.

As Shirone's [Teleportation] spell is re-casted, a purplish portal that shows some scenery from Kyoto could be seen which makes the two girls, Isami and Irina, get even more excited seeing that since it's probably their first time going to Kyoto.

"Alright everyone, let's go."

With those words from Shirone, everyone then stepped their legs inside the portal, entered it, and immediately arrived at Kyoto, especially 100 meters close to the castle where Yasaka and Kunou reside.

However, unbeknown to the girls, in another part of Kyoto there's something that might shock them if they ever notice and see it. In another place far away from where Shirone's group is, loud noises could be heard, and a scene of someone with a group of people fighting was slowly visible.

It's one man fought against a group of several people with the man wounded badly. That man is a middle-aged, gruff-looking man with black hair, a matching beard, and a muscular body. Blood was on his lips, one of his arms missing, an open wound in his stomach, and blood could be seen with black ten wings on his back that were tattered.

"Y-You all... why did you... why did you do this, Himejima Suou?!"

Shout this man towards the one he called Himejima Suou and in response to that, the person called Himejima Suou, who is an elderly man with black hair and black eyes looked at him with a pair of cold eyes.

"You should know the answer, Baraqiel. Himejima Clan won't tolerate anyone who has any relation to who broke the rule of the clan. We won't spare anyone, even if you're not from Himejima but related to your ex-wife and daughter. After dealing with you, we will continue our duty to eliminate your filthy daughter."

Being cornered as Baraqiel cannot do anything against his enemies, he keeps coughing out a lot of blood as his body gets worse but his eyes keep locked on Himejima Suou with so much anger built within him. He can't believe that Himejima Suou would be going this far to eliminate anyone related to Shuri and Akeno.

"You... sick bastard...! I won't let you do that! As long as I'm alive, I will make sure you can't get to Akeno!"

He shouted as multiple light spears and magic circles quickly materialized, noticing that, Himejima Suou and his followers were immediately on full guard and deployed the magical barrier around them as Baraqiel then launched his attack at them.

While his magical attack launched and was being used as a distraction, Baraqiel made another light spear and charged toward Himejima Suou to kill him. Seeing that, the Head of the Himejima Clan is surprised, however, something unexpected happens as another blood comes out from Baraqiel's mouth.


The fallen angel said with wide eyes of shock when he noticed that his attack had failed as Himejima Suou deflected his attack and stabbed him to death instead. With his cold stares, Himejima Suou then responds to the fallen.

"Nothing impossible for me. Now, begone, filthy crow."

With that word, Himejima Suou impaled Baraqiel even more as he coughed out more blood before he fell on the ground with lots of blood flowing from his body. Seeing that, Himejima Suou simply let out a small huff.

"Another one is clear. Now, let's continue our search for their daughter."

"Yes, Clan Head!"

His followers said in unison before they quickly left the scene, leaving Baraqiel alone with his blood flowing from his body and making a small pool of blood that led to his death as his body slowly disintegrated with tears flowing out from his eyes.

"Shuri... Akeno... I'm sorry. I failed... as husband and... father... again..."

He said with regret before his body completely disintegrating and gone out of existence as he was dead.

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