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While the adults are currently discussing their plan for the future problem, the kids, Shirone, Rias, and Sona, are busy playing together as they enjoy it happily, which is surprising for someone like Sona. And it was more enjoyable because she was near Shirone. She felt comfortable with the white-haired girl around her, and that feeling was also shared with Rias.

However, the comfortableness wasn't the same as she felt with Rias. It's not only friendship, family, or sister bond. It is something else that made her heart beat up so fast due to excitement and fluttered as her cheeks constantly red. She didn't know what is that feeling despite being smart as a kid, but Sona didn't hate it. Instead, she wants to feel more.

'This is... weird. Why do I feel like this toward Shirone-san...? What is this feeling? This is unknown yet comfortable. It is getting stronger, and I'm flustered. My cheeks became warm and then hot. It turned rosy pink and red... I wonder what is this feeling...?'

She held a hand on her chest as the sound of her heartbeat can still be heard by her. She then looked at Shirone and Rias playing together, looked at the white-haired Nekoshu, and showed a small smile before approaching them as she asked them what are they currently doing.

"What are you two doing?"

Being asked like that by Sona made Shirone and Rias blink, then turned to her as they smiled brightly, with Rias' eyes beaming with excitement as the white-haired girl answered Sona's question.

"I just did something like this, Sona-sama!"

"Please do not address me formally, Shirone-san. And... is that..."

She looked slightly surprised as her eyes widened at what Shirone did. Sona just witnessed Shirone creating a weapon, precisely a katana, out of nothing and felt a powerful aura from that weapon. However, instead of making Sona terrified, it makes her curious as she feels it has no malice or anything.

"It's incredible that Shirone-chan could create something like this, Sona! Look, this sword feels so strong! Imagine what would happen if someone used it?! Maybe by Onii-sama's Knight! It would be awesome to see!"

"That would be sure, but... I never thought you had that kind of magic, Shirone-san. It's definitely not Alchemist nor Devil Magic..."

Shirone just chuckled since she understood why the black-haired girl was surprised and wondering what she did before responding to Sona.

"I don't know, Sona-san. It is just something I can do. It's like I already had it when I was born."

This is not wrong since when she reincarnates as Shirone, she is also allowed to have some powers or anything from the god who is kind enough to her. Sona's reaction to Shirone's answer made her hum and reply to Shirone with a slight nod of understanding.

"I see... so it's your Innate Talent. It is powerful to create something out of nothing without needing material as compensation or medium. Something like that could also be classified as god-class abilities, either by using Sacred Gear or not. You're so lucky to have an ability like that, Shirone-san."

"Thank you, Sona-san. I also felt lucky and blessed to have an ability like this. Maybe I can get stronger to use it to protect anyone I care about. Family, friends, lovers, etc—basically anyone important to me, including you two, Rias-san, Sona-san."

That surprised Rias and Sona as they blushed before they asked with curiosity.

"H-How I am important to you, Shirone-chan?"

"Exactly. I was curious and didn't mean I disliked it, but..."

Shirone shakes her head as she understands what they mean. She then took Rias and Sona's hands before saying something to them.

"I know we're only meeting today and spending a little time, but I consider you two my friends, so that's why you're important to me."

Hearing that from Shirone somehow made Rias and Sona happy as they couldn't contain their smile before the crimson-haired girl suddenly hugged her white-haired friend, surprising Shirone.

"You're also important to me, Shirone-chan! You're my friend, and so is Sona!"

"She's not wrong and... I also consider you as my friend, Shirone-san."

"Just call me Shirone. We're friends now, Sona."

She said that to Sona, who nodded and approached Shirone as she hugged her. The two girls—Rias and Sona—hugged Shirone as the white-haired girl returned the hug and smiled happily as she became friends with them since Rias and Sona were the first and second friends she made after she was reincarnated.

After that, Rias and Sona said goodbye to Shirone as they were going home and would be in contact with each other frequently if possible, which is something that Rias told her since she insisted and also because Rias really wanted to see Shirone. Why? Because Shirone is Rias' friend and crush, which she is unaware of, Sona also agrees since she feels the same way about her feelings for Shirone. It is something unfamiliar to both Rias and Sona since they're still young, after all.

Not only in contact, Rias and Sona also promise Shirone they will frequently visit her house and suggest inviting the white-haired girl to the two heiress houses when they have the time. Sirzechs and Serafall had no problem with it. Instead, they welcomed the idea, and Shirone's parents and Kuroka also shared the same sentiment, as they didn't see anything wrong with it.

'My first and second friend since I'm reincarnated... I'm lucky enough, which is thanks to the god. Once again, I'll enjoy my new life to the fullest, so I won't regret it. Though, with this, the canon plot should be diverged, right? It should be.'

She thought that carefully, as the future of this world would be different, and like it or not, Shirone would have to face whatever would be thrown at her later. Shirone has to prepare anything for the upcoming problem, and she's positive something like Trihexa's resurrection might also happen in this world.

'I have to prepare for anything that comes onto me. I not only train myself to get stronger, but also I need everything to stop it. Not to mention the existence of ExE and... Chichigami... will she still come to Issei? I don't know about that, but it would be a big help if she still came to Issei and helped him. I just don't want to be one of the Chosen Heavenly Breasts like in canon, and even though she won't come to help, I have to think of another plan to stop whatever gods of ExE will do to DxD.'

She looked up before thought of something.

'I wish there was a goddess of yuri somewhere instead.'

Shirone's Lesbian Harem Chronicle (Futanari Koneko x Yuri Harem)Where stories live. Discover now