Isami's Potential

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While Isami passed out from the kiss on the forehead she got from Shirone, her left hand suddenly glowed, and a voice could be heard sighing.

[I can't believe Partner passed out only by something like that. I'm worried about the future of the Red Dragon Emperor, who has turned out to be the Red Dragon Empress since she was a girl. Although I'm glad she will not become my weakest host since she started this early, this side of her worries me.]

Shirone, who heard that, could only chuckle while the rest of the girls sighed and shook their heads in worry. It worries that the host with the soul of Welsh Dragon or Red Dragon Domination would be someone like Isami. However, although it is derived from the original, Shirone could tell Isami will and could still be an incredible person who will influence the world there.

However, it won't be as high as Shirone's influence despite Isami being listed as one of the important figures of the supernatural world.

"Don't worry, Ddraig-san. I'm sure Isami-chan will be okay. Although her perversion might be incurable, at least we can somehow control or lessen it to a certain degree."

[That's reassuring yet worrying, too, little kitten. God... why would you give me a perverted host like him? Damnit. I blame him for the random selection. It's just like that gacha thing I always watch when Partner plays it through her phone.]

"Wait, you know some of the modern culture?"

Sona exclaimed with surprise as she couldn't believe someone like Ddraig understood about the modern world culture. Isami's left hand glowed again in response to Sona's surprised question.

[Yeah. I'm bored, and Partner keeps babbling at me about that, so I have no choice but to listen. But it was not bad until she went to the lewd and naughty stuff. Is she really nine years old? How does she already know something like that? It's unbelievable.]

"Let's put that aside for now, Ddraig-san. I want to ask something since I'm curious."

[What is it, little kitten?]

"How much talent does Isami-chan have, according to you?"

[She is trash, okay?]

The blunt answer from Ddraig caused everyone except Shirone to be in disbelief. The white-haired girl already knew it and wanted to ask him again but refrained since she felt Ddraig about continuing what he said.

[However, despite being trash and having no talent, her effort and stubbornness will make do with it. Any race has magic, but Partner's magic here is lower than a child's. It's abysmal to the point that it can only be used for some simple magic or the simplest. But I think she will be the strongest Red Dragon Empress in the entire history.]

"That's a high assessment you made for someone you deemed 'trash,' Ddraig-san."

Sona said while fixing her glasses as she heard a slight huff from the Red Dragon Domination.

[Maybe you think I'm being biased, but that's what I feel. After all, Sacred Gear is based on the wielder's desire to grow, and I think Partner here is the perfect person. She has strong emotions and could be fit to wield a Sacred Gear.]

"If you say it like that, then it's true since there's not much we know about Sacred Gear. After all, they are the tools or devices God of the Bible made for humanity. However, it has some bug or loophole that allows them to be carried around the wielder that is being turned into a different race. Like devil."

"Which means it's us, Sona."

Rias said as her glasses-wearer friend nodded. Sona won't deny that since the Great War; the devils began collecting or recruiting some humans with the potential with Sacred Gear into their peerage as they know the Sacred Gear inside them won't disappear just because they became a devil or another race. It's an unfair advantage, but devils are known for their unfairness and will take anything as their advantage. Rias and Sona weren't exceptions since it would be stupid to let them go.

However, both girls have their own method, just like other devils, to use that advantage and make humans part of their peerage. If possible, they don't want to force someone to join their peerage, even though they're devils.

"Does that mean if someone becomes the devil, they can't pray to God anymore?"

Irina said while slightly tilting her head in confusion, and in response, Shirone gave her a nod.

"Yes, Irina-chan. Anyone who becomes a devil will never be able to pray to the God of the Bible anymore. Like others with some weakness, becoming a devil will also give someone that. Isn't that right, Rias-chan, Sona-chan?"

She said that while looking at Rias and Sona, who nodded at Shirone's words while the black-haired girl answered her crush's question and crossed her arms.

"Unfortunately, it is. I had never heard of any reincarnated devil that could still pray to the God of the Bible without getting hurt in their head. Unless something that could allow them to keep praying to the God of the Bible."

Shirone could only think of requesting it from Michael, who has taken over God of the Bible's position since the Great War. She would try to ask them if she saw some devils that wanted to pray to their Gods. And if some things from canon weren't changed, like Asia and Xenovia, which became part of Rias's peerage, Shirone would ask Michael to allow them as an exception.

Irina frowned as she disliked how she couldn't pray to the God of the Bible.

"That's horrible! I'm sorry, Rias-chan, Sona-chan. I don't think I can become a devil if you might try to recruit me to join your future peerage."

Rias and Sona only shake their head as the crimson-haired girl cheerfully replies to Irina.

"Don't worry, Irina-chan! I won't force you since I'll ask their consent if they want to join my future peerage!"

"I also agree with Rias. If I had another peaceful and less trouble, I'd like to choose that over the others. Gaining and building trust between comrades could also be applied in devil peerage."

The crimson-haired girl nodded with enthusiasm at Sona's words as she pumped her fist to the sky and smiled cheerfully.

"Because I will be the Queen of Pirate—eh, I mean, I will be the Queen of Peerage Game!"

"I believe you can, Rias-chan."

Shirone told her, making Rias' smile even wider as she felt happy with that.

"Um! Thank you, Shirone-chan! Now, let's wake Isami-chan first!"

Everyone nodded as they tried to wake up the unconscious Isami with her silly, happy face and smile.

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