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Sometimes, someone doesn't want to be a leader or wasn't destined to, and that wish is something that Azazel the Governor General of Fallen Angel and Research Leader of Grigori shared and could agree on. He's not a leader type, but a more grounded researcher-type since he is always fascinated with researching many things, especially with how mysterious Sacred Gear is that his 'Father', the God of the Bible created before he left the world.

However, as one of the strongest angels of Fifth Heaven who falls because of he has sex with a human woman, he has no choice but to get burdened with the responsibility of leading other fallen angels under his banner. And because of him being a leader, Azazel has to suffer every day with one of the most nightmare and hated jobs: paperwork.

He let out a long and heavy sigh when his tired eyes with some bags under them could be seen as he still had a mountain of papers beside him that needed to be checked, reviewed, and finalized. He hated the job but he could not complain about it since everyone really needed his help. Although he sometimes tried to sneak away from his responsibility to do some Sacred Gear research, he still wasn't satisfied.

"Man... when will this damned paperwork done...? I swear the amount wasn't reduced despite I already sorted them off. If only I could do a cloning technique or something like that, maybe it would help me reduce it..."

He grumbled while still doing his job and while busy dealing with the mountain of paperwork, the rushed footstep of someone could be heard by him outside of his office and because of that, his eyebrow slightly raised before Azazel heard a knock on his office room door.

"Come in."

With that answer, the office door opened and revealed Shemhazai who is mostly known as stoic and emotionless but now the expression he wears contradicts that. The silver-white-haired man panting heavily as if he was out of breath and that made Azazel's eyebrow raised even further as he then decided to ask his subordinate.

"Shemhazai? What's up? Is there anything wrong?"

"Bara... Baraqiel, he is... he..."

It would be no lie if Azazel wasn't surprised with the mention of Baraqiel's name but he tried to push it aside for a moment.

"Hey, hey. Calm down, take a breather, and talk slowly."

Azazel said to his subordinate who was shocked and abiding by that, Shemhazai then tried to inhale and exhale his breath, calming his messed up and heavy panting breath to regain the lost breath he did. After doing that, he was slightly calmer but Azazel's suspicion slightly grew when he saw one of his trusted and important subordinates react and say something like that.

"Alright, Shem. What's wrong with Baraqiel?"

After giving a final sigh as he was already calm, Shemhazai's expression darkened and said something in a depressing tone.

"He... he's dead, Azazel. Baraqiel is found dead somewhere in Kyoto..."

When the leader of Fallen Angel and Grigori heard his silver-white-haired subordinate's words, he could only show disbelief and fall silent with his eyes widening in shock at hearing that. He might utter the word, "Huh?", "What?", or any shocked-face words but then as a leader he tried to his composure in check.

"How... how he was die...? What happened...?"

He asked Shemhazai as he put his palm together, directed his words with some silent anger, and knowing what his leader felt, the silver-white-haired man then nodded and answered for him about the detail.

"...Y-Yeah. From the remnant of the location where he died, it is most likely he was killed and ambushed. There, remains his blood seems still fresh which means he died recently with an estimated time of an hour."

"I know it might be impossible to do an autopsy on any supernatural creatures since our bodies will most likely be disintegrated when we die... but how does the investigation go? Do you find out how many and who is his attacker?"

"The investigation is still ongoing so we don't have a clear result but the rough result we got is that we sense a faint trace of human magic..."

When Azazel hears Shemhazai's report, he whispers, "Human did this...?" with confusion evident on his face since he doesn't know why. Although, indeed, some humans who are aware of the supernatural hate the supernatural, something like this is very unusual since Baraqiel isn't someone who could be defeated easily.

'Unless... he faces an opponent that is around the same level or even stronger...'

What the black-haired Fallen Angel thought was correct. However, the number of opponents that Baraqiel faced wasn't just one but more than that. And thinking of that possibility, Azazel then let out a sigh and shook his head.

"... I think the human who killed him wasn't just someone nobody and certainly not alone."

"...That's a sound possibility since our team had found that the faint trace of the magic didn't belong to one but multiple people. Though, if I recall... the signature of their magic was a bit familiar..."

Those words from Shemhazai caused Azazel's eyes to widen and quickly asked him what it was to know more about the detail. He could think of many possibilities among humans and narrowed them down but it still gave him some unclear answers unless there was a single hint.

"Is that so? Then, whose magic it belongs?"

Trying to remember the feeling of the magic signature, Shemhazai put a hand on his chin and then answered.

"It clearly belongs to a fire-based magic and the fire wasn't something ordinary but... sacred and it's not belong to any Christian since I know what it feels. And if we're talking about fire-based magic among humans that's famous, then that would be..."

"...Himejima Clan of the Five Principal Clan. The power came from one of the Sacred Beasts they possess, the Sacred Beast known as Vermillion Bird. Then that's mean... it is Himejima Suou."

Azazel finished Shemhazai's words and the silver-white-haired man just nodded. For once, or maybe twice in his life, the Governor General of Fallen Angel and Grigori never felt this much anger boil within him when he knew who was the one that responsible for Baraqiel, one of the leaders of Grigori but also one of his best friends.

"So... Himejima Clan really dare to do that without so much care, huh... interesting. Maybe we should pay them a 'visit', Shem."

Shemhazai nodded and felt the same as him as both of them had their faces darkened with boiled anger within their bodies since the Himejima Clan had done something unforgivable to them.

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