Shuri's worry

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Shuri felt weird today. Whenever her eyes land on Shirone, the widow and Japanese maid would have her heart beating faster. Her body also gets warm but nicely and calmly. It feels comfortable and relaxing. It is also the same feeling that she had during her time with her husband back then.

'I can't! This... this doesn't seem right. Shirone-sama and I were years apart. And I still have my husband...'

However, as soon as she realized those feelings, Shuri felt conflicted. She still has a husband and a daughter, yet this married woman felt a spark of love whenever she saw Shirone, a girl much younger than her.

She shouldn't have these kinds of feelings towards Shirone. Not only is Shirone her master, but also someone who could be her second daughter. But she couldn't shake the feeling and affection she had for Shirone. She wants to love and admire her master, and her love feeling wasn't misunderstood.

'I know it's wrong, but... my feelings for Shirone-sama... it wasn't a lie or a mistake.'

Indeed. Shuri began to see Shirone as a potential love interest, as a girl, a woman—not just a little girl or daughter. Not that she no longer saw Shirone as her master, but it's the combination of both. Shuri saw Shirone as her master and romantic partner.

Shuri behaving like she never experienced love in the first place. Her cheeks flushed hot, and she muttered, "Oh my..." at the thought of her and Shirone going on a date. That's something inappropriate for her, a married woman who still has a husband and daughter, to think something like that.

However, Shuri is also facing a dilemma. It's not like she and her husband's relationship has been officially broken off since everything happened between them so fast. And despite loving her master, Shuri also still has some feelings for Baraqiel despite not much. But it's not like she hates Baraqiel or something.

'Does this count of me as a cheating...? Since we never had an official divorce... or broke off.'

Such thoughts worry her. If possible, Shuri wants to meet with Baraqiel and talk about this. Her love for him might not be the same or greater than Shirone's now, but she does not harbor ill feelings toward her husband. What she did might hurt him, but Shuri couldn't run away or lock her feelings to Shirone as they grew stronger every second.

She knew the consequence of this. Shuri knew how it would affect the future between her, Baraqiel, and mostly... Akeno, her beloved daughter. But Shuri is already prepared to take responsibility; she is also ready to be hated by her daughter if that happens.

"Wherever you are, I hope you are safe, Akeno."

She muttered with sadness shown on her face. If possible, she wants to find her daughter so she can live with her since Akeno is still so young and must be lonely without her parents. Akeno is very different from Shirone, after all. Shuri knew it herself.

Although a thought sometimes crosses Shuri's mind that she asks the Toujou family's help to find her daughter, she can't do that since it would be impolite and inappropriate for a maid like her to ask something like that.

Even though the chance of being accepted and helped is high, Shuri doesn't want to trouble Shirone and her family. They have already done so much for her, and she can't possibly give the Toujou family more problems, especially if it is her family or her own problem. After all, Shirone's family is so kind.

It was as if she was taking advantage of such a kind family, and Shuri felt guilty despite only thinking of that. That caused her to let out a heavy and deep sigh as that thought clouded her mind while Shuri tried to do some chores for Shirone, like making the bed and placing back some things that might be scattered.

"Shirone-sama never fails to amaze me."

Shuri muttered when she saw her master's room was clean but not clean since she could notice some dust still there. Smiling and shaking her head, Shuri uses her broom and carefully sweeps the floor. After sweeping the floor clean, and she had a satisfied face, Shuri then began to use a mop and dust some of the tables, and suddenly she felt a familiar presence near, making her smile widely and greet that person who came close to her.

"Welcome back, Shirone-sama."

"I'm home, Shuri-san."

Shuri sighed and shook her head when Shirone called her maid like that.

"Shirone-sama, please call me just Shuri. I am your maid, and you're my master."

"... Right, Shuri. Anyway, is there something going on while I'm out?"

The white-haired girl, who turned ten this year, asked her maid after her usual morning jog with Irina and Isami. Shuri couldn't help but feel her heart beating faster, feeling excitement through her body, which caused her cheeks to heat up and turn to a blush that she should maintain.

"Nothing happened so far, Shirone-sama. Everything is fine."

She told Shirone, but a hint of sadness from the thought of her daughter couldn't be hidden completely, and Shirone quickly noticed that. The sorrow and painful expression were so obvious to Shirone despite Shuri trying to hide it. Shirone doesn't want to force Shuri to discuss something that might trouble her.

She wants Shuri to talk about it by herself, not being forced. And in response, Shirone smiled, giving the married woman her warm and kind smile.

"Is that so? Then, Shuri, you don't need to hesitate if you are ever troubled by something. Talk about it and ask for our help. We all are family and care for you. Okay?"

Tears drop from her eyes when Shuri hears what Shirone says, and she starts crying while Shirone pats her maid's shoulder as the Japanese maid lets out her cry, which the white-haired girl understands.

After Shuri finished crying, Shirone then started to speak calmly.

"So, Shuri, is there anything that is troubling you? You can tell me, and I'll help you the best way I can."

Again, Shuri's heart beat faster, and she closed her eyes while smiling. She felt the love she had for Shirone amplified again.

'Shirone-sama... I can't help but fall with you more...'

She thought before opening her eyes and nodded as Shuri replied to Shirone.

"Yes, Shirone-sama. It was like this..."

Shirone's Lesbian Harem Chronicle (Futanari Koneko x Yuri Harem)Where stories live. Discover now