Chapter 9

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Julie's POV

I kept looking out the window, seeing all the sights this village had to offer. Right now, we are in a small village called Frostford. For a town that's named after winter, they go all out in summer. Everything seems so colorful and bright, I just want to get out and explore. Luckily, we stopped just in time. I heard the Captain knocking on my door.

Mitch: Your majesty, we stopped to get some more supplies. Do you want to explore for a bit?

Julie: Yes, please.

Flynn: We need to look at some new outfits anyway.

Flynn and I got out of the carriage and went to the nearest clothing store we could find.

All of the clothes were so cute. I found this cute butterfly shirt, and Flynn found a California shirt that has bright colors on it.

Once we left the store, we bumped into someone and fell on the floor.

???: Watch it!

I looked up and noticed that it was the girl who bumped into me at the night of the contest. Carrie.

Carrie: Oh, look. It's the shy and talentless princess. I wondered where you were. And look, there's Flynn. Haven't seen you in a while.

Flynn: Watch it, Carrie.

Julie: You guys know each other?

Flynn: While you were homeschooled, I had to deal with her in public school.

Carrie: Like you were no picnic.

Flynn: What are you even doing here?

Carrie: If you must know, me and the rest of Dirty Candy are performing a show here for a showcase. I guess they chose the right band for the job because your band isn't really worth the attention.

Oh, she did not just say that.

I had enough of this girl's attitud so, I just walked up to her and let my mouth do the talking.

Julie: You know, if I remember correctly, my band and I beat you at the music festival, and we were twice as good as you. And maybe while you're here, you can get a book about manners because you need the lesson.

Carrie: Is that supposed to be a comeback? Wow.

Julie: Wow yourself.

Carrie: Another winner.

Carrie pushed past me, and I just wanted to pull that stupid wig off her head. I looked towards Flynn, and she had her mouth open.

Julie: What?

Flynn: You just stood up to Carrie Wilson.

Julie: I had to. She was being a brat.

Flynn: I'm so proud of you, Jules.

She hugged me, and we continued our way back to the carriage. But while we were walking there, I noticed that someone was following us. I turned my head around to see if anyone was there.

I have Flynn a look, and she is having the same thoughts. We kept walking faster and faster until we noticed someone was in front of us.

Kidnapper #1: Well, hello, ladies. What are you doing alone in this alley?

Julie: W-who a-are y-you?

Kidnapper#1: We just want to take you somewhere.

Flynn: W-we?

Kidnapper #2: We just want to take you somewhere where you're comfortable. Your majesty. How does Elorerin sound?

These guys work for King Caleb?!

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