Chapter 17

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Narrator's POV

The sound was getting closer and closer to them. Julie was still behind Luke, but in case something happens, she has her pocket knife. She always kept it with her in case of emergencies.

As Luke gotten closer, a tattoo man came out of the bushes. He was smirking and staring at them sinisterly. Both Julie and Luke gasped at the sight of the tattoo man in front of them.

???: Well, look what we have here? The princess and her little knight are here. That is so romantic.

Luke: Stay back if you know what's good for you.

???: *chuckles* You know, you remind me of someone. I just can't put my finger on it.

Luke: I don't know who you are, but you need to leave.

???: Not gonna happen.

Julie: Who are you?

???: You'll see soon enough. You're majesty.

Just then, the man whistled, and more men came out of the bushes. Luke noticed the insignia on their jackets, and it was the same logo of that gang that tried to take Julie.

Luke: Great. Not these guys again.

Greg: You missed us, kid?

Luke: Not on your life. Greg.

Greg: IT'S VEMON. Oh, I can't wait to wipe that smug look off your face.

Luke: Same here.

???: You better give up now. You're surrounded, with nowhere to go.

Julie: *frightened* Luke, I'm scared.

Luke: It's okay, Julie. Just stay close to me.

Luke looks at his surroundings, trying to find some way to escape. But they were completely surrounded. All hope was lost until Luke realized that he had one trick up his sleeve.

During training, Luke and his friends all had to learn about stealth. They had to learn camouflage, learn how to walk quietly, and even do sneak attacks. But, they also learn that if you're surrounded, always carry smoke bombs in case of emergencies. Something that the guards copy from past thieves.

Luke turned his head towards Julie, whispering quietly so that the gang and the mystery guy didn't hear.

Luke: *whispering* I got a plan. Just wait for my signal and run.

Julie: *whispering* What about you?

Luke: *whispering* Trust me.

Julie just nodded, understanding what Luke would have to do.

???: Come on, we don't have all day, kid. Just give us the princess, or we'll have to take drastic measures.

Luke: Okay, I'll give you the princess. But, do you guys want to see a magic trick.

Greg: Seriously, kid. Just give us the girl.

Luke: Do you want to see the trick or not?

Greg: Fine, show us!

Luke: Okay. Gentlemen, this first trick of the evening, you will be amazed. This trick will blow your mind.

He reaches for his pocket, discreetly getting the smoke bombs in his hands.

Luke: Most of you already know this trick, but if you don't know, this is called... the disappearing trick.

And just then, he brought his fist up and slammed the smoke bombs on the ground, creating a huge cloud of smoke. Luke quickly grabbed Julie's hand, and they both ran to an opening where they could escape.

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