Chapter 5

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Julie's POV

I can't believe this is happening. My dad had asked if I could meet him at the throne room. I didn't want to, but I have to. But, as I was walking, I noticed something or someone in the distance. I walked over to the nearest window and saw three guys exited the stables. I took a closer look at them, and I realized they were Alex, Reggie, and Luke. They must've finished with their punishment for the day.

This is all my fault. If I hadn't left the castle, maybe they wouldn't be in this mess. And Luke probably hates me by now.

Flynn: The view looks pretty good from there, isn't there?

I looked behind me and saw Flynn with a smirk on her face.

Julie: *gasps* Flynn, don't scare me like that.

Flynn: What, it's fun.

I just rolled my eyes and looked back at the window, seeing all the soldiers and the boys lined up together.

Flynn: Still thinking about him?

Julie: Who?

Flynn: Come on, Jules. You know you I'm talking about.

Julie: It's not like that.

Flynn: Jules, I've seen the way you look at him. You clearly like him.

Julie: I just met him yesterday. There is nothing going on.

Flynn: Mmmhmm. Well, anyway, I just wanted to tell you that Reggie's been texting me.

Julie: Shut up!

Flynn: Yes! Reggie and I are going on a coffee date at 4.

Julie: I'm so happy for you.

Flynn: Hey, what if I ask Reggie to bring Luke? That way, you can explain to him what happened.

Julie: I don't know. My dad isn't even going to let me.

Flynn: Then just talk to him. He listens to you. And you will be with me.

Julie: *sighs* Okay, I'll try. But if he says no, we are gonna have to think of another way to talk to Luke.

Flynn: Deal. Now we should really get going before the King thinks you snuck out again.

Flynn wrapped her arm around mine, and we made our way to the throne room. We unlinked our arms and bowed down to my dad.

Ray: Julianna, care to explain to me why you were out in the village?

Julie: I just wanted a moment to be free, dad. Ever since you told me that I have to be married, I got mad and convinced Flynn to take me outside of the castle. But nothing bad had happened to me.

Ray: But still, Julie, we are at the brink of war, and we can't afford anything bad to happen to you. There are spies out looking for the right time to snatch you.

Julie: I know, but no one didn't even know I was the princess until last night. And I know that you are going to punish me, but I just wanted to feel free. But I promise it will never happen again. I just need to get out just one last time, please?

I looked at my dad, and I could tell that he was thinking about it. I really hope he says yes because if he doesn't, I might come up with a plan.

Ray: I have been thinking about it, and even though you disobey me, I can understand what you're going through. And maybe another day out for you is something you need. Just bring Flynn with you, okay?

Julie: *squeals* Thanks, dad. *runs to give Ray a hug*

Ray: Just be careful, okay?

Julie: I will. Come on, Flynn.

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