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Narrator's POV

In the modern world of Valdronia, there lived a royal family, as happy as they can be.

Many years ago, a young prince has fallen in love with a princess from a faraway kingdom. They were best friends growing up and over time, their feelings started to grow stronger.

Their names were Raymond (aka Ray) and Rose.

Before they admitted their feelings, Ray's best friend, Caleb started having feelings for Rose too. Caleb felt rejected when Rose chose Ray instead of Caleb and he swore revenge on both of them.

Years later, Ray and Rose got married and became king and queen of Valdronia. Over time, things have gotten harder once Caleb became king of his Kingdom. He wanted nothing more but to bring Valdronia down and claim what was his, but Ray wouldn't allow it. He refused to let anything happen to his wife.

But things had gotten better for the Molina family. Rose found out she was pregnant, and nine months later, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. They named their daughter, Juliana Melody Molina. But Julie for short.

Rose and Julie had a strong bond like no other, one of the things they both had in common was music. They both had the most beautiful voices in the kingdom and everyone loved to hear the queen sing. Sometimes, Valdronia was known to be popular for its music.

3 years later, Rose gave birth to a son named Carlos. Ray and Rose couldn't be happier with the family they have made. Everything was going great.

Until it wasn't.

One day, the royal family decided to have a party in the palace. Everything was going great until the queen was found dead in the hallway. She was stabbed in the abdomen, and there was so much blood. Someone even tried to kidnap the princess but one of the guards showed up and captured the kidnapper.

King Ray wept for his wife as everyone was leaving but was relieved when his daughter was safe. The guard was promoted to captain of the guard, as decreed by the King.

The kingdom mourned the loss of the queen. Especially, the 10-year-old daughter. Ever since then, King Ray made it his mission to never let the princess out of his sight. And the princess had never sung a note again. She devoted her life to studying and becoming the best queen she could be. Until her father ordered her to do something she never wanted to do.


Luke Patterson has a pretty normal family. A mother who always wants what's best for her son. And a father who wants his son to follow in his footsteps. Luke and his father never got along when it came to his career. Luke wanted to play music but his father made him join combat training.   He never realized it will take control of his life.

His mother always let him sneak out for gigs with his friends, but his father caught on.

Luke never forgives him for taking music away from him. And his father made him do some training in the castle. Luckily his friends, Reggie and Alex, were there to brighten up his mood.

Ever since then, he started liking training with his friends. But he still didn't forgive his dad. He took the one thing he loved away from him. And that's something he can never let go of.

Lately, Luke has been hearing rumors about the princess. Some were saying that the princess is spoiled or that the princess is ugly. Luke didn't want to believe it at first until the music festival came.

It was his favorite time of the month and he gets very excited about it. It was the only month where he can play music after all.

But what he didn't know was that the royal family was coming. Luke thought that maybe the whole family will be there, but he was wrong.

During the music festival, two of the royals came: the king and the young prince. But no princess. It has been years since she has shown up at the music festival, but she didn't come.

Luke was beginning to think the rumors were true. That may be she was spoiled or she just doesn't care about the kingdom.

He realized that if was ever met the princess, he was going to do everything he can to get out of any assignment that has to do with her.


I hope you guys like this, I got the inspiration from Mulan 2 and Aladdin and I thought I could mash it together.

Just don't be hard on Luke, remember he hasn't met Julie yet. But he will regret listening to those rumors.

I've said too much. Make sure to comment and vote.

Byeeeeeeeeeeeee 😁

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