Chapter 28

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Narrator's POV

Julie, Luke, and the Captain made it to the throne room, and their eyes widened at the scene in front of them. They saw the king and the prince laying on the floor, with bullet wounds in their chests.

Luke had to cover Julie's eyes so that she didn't have to see the horror in front of them. It was the most gruesome thing he had to see. What was even worse was that the intruders already captured Reggie, Alex, and Flynn. Willie was nowhere to be found.

Luckily, the Captain, Luke, and Julie were hidden so that the intruders wouldn't see them. But they still needed a plan to get rid of them and free their friends.

Mitch: Luke, take Julie, and get out of here.

Luke: What?! Dad, I'm not going to leave you here with them. They'll kill you.

Mitch: The princess's safety is more important.

Luke: So, is yours.

Mitch: Luke, listen to your father.

Luke: I'm not listening because I don't want to lose you.

There was silence in between them. Both of them look at each other with sad looks. Julie just stood there, didn't know what to do, but listened.

Luke: We just made up, Dad. I can't lose you.

The Captain turns towards Luke and Julie. Looking at them with serious and sad eyes.

Mitch: I know that, Luke. And trust me, if I thought of any other way, I would. But this is the only way I could think of to free your friends. Son, I have to do this.

Luke didn't want to agree with him, but even he knew that it was the only way. He slowly nodded and took Julie's hand.

Luke: You better come back before mom gets mad at me.

Mitch: *chuckles* I'll try.

Both Julie and Luke ran towards the opposite direction, while the Captain was still in his spot. He had to take a quick peek to see what he was dealing with.

All he saw was 3 gunmen, making sure the gang won't leave. He quickly pulled back, grabbed his gun, and got ready for the battle coming.

Mitch: Let's do this.

That's when his plan went into action.


Both Julie and Luke were running down the hall of the castle, hearing the gunshots from afar. Luke grip on Julie tightened every time they heard a gunshot go off. Julie can tell that Luke is worried about his father, but he is too focused on saving Julie.

Before they could leave the castle, Luke saw some of the intruders at the palace gates. It was too late to hide because they saw them.

Luke: Jules, RUN!

Both Julie and Luke went the other direction, running for their lives. They were running through the garden, hiding in the bushes, making sure that no one saw them. They heard the intruders enter, and they were scared for their lives.

Luke had to cover Julie's mouth to make sure her silent tears could not be heard.

Intruder 1: WHERE DID THEY GO?

Intruder 2: You search left, I search the right. We can't leave here without the princess. And get the guard. He might be useful to us.

The footsteps keep getting softer and softer until Julie and Luke can't hear them anymore. They slowly got out of the bush and made sure no one was around to see them.

Julie turned to Luke with a scared face.

Julie: What are we going to do?

Luke: I don't know, but we have to figure out a way to get out.

Julie: But how? I'm sure that all of the in-

Suddenly, they heard the gate opened and when they were about to hide, they saw Willie with his gun ready. Julie relaxed when she saw him, but Luke still didn't trust him.

Julie: Willie, thank goodness you're safe.

Luke: Where were you?

Willie: Doesn't matter. I'm here to take Julie away from here.

Luke: That's actually my job.

Willie: The Captain just gave me the order to take Julie.

That was when everything was spinning, and everything started making sense for both Julie and Luke.

Luke: My dad told me to take Julie.

Willie: What are you talking about? I just saw him.

Luke: It's funny that you mentioned it because he told me to take Julie before he's risking his life.

Willie: ...

Julie: Willie? Are you working for them?

He just stood there, he didn't know what to say. His secret was out, and he couldn't do anything about it. He took a step closer, but Luke pulled out his gun.

Luke: Don't take another step closer.

Willie: Look, I'm sorry, okay? I never wanted to do this, especially to you and Alex.

Julie: But why?

Willie: Look, Caleb -

Luke: King Caleb?!

Willie: I know, just listen. He took me in when I was little, okay? He was the closest thing I had to a dad, and when he told me about this mission, I had no choice but to obey him. It just started out as a mission, but then I started looking you guys, and how you guys acted like family. I've never had that when I was with Caleb.

Luke couldn't believe what he was hearing. All this time, being so mean to him, finally now understanding why he was doing this. He just didn't want to disappoint his father. Just how he didn't want to disappoint him.

But before Luke could say something, he felt arms around him. He was struggling in their grasp. He turned to his left and saw Willie holding Julie with his hand covering her mouth.

Luke: Get off of me!

One of the intruders got his walkie-talkie out and started saying a name no one was prepared to hear.

Intruder 1: Orion, we got them.

Orion: Good. Bring them to the throne room immediately.

Intruder 1: On it.

He put away the walkie-talkie and walked towards Julie.

Intruder 1: You are going to make us so rich.

He reached towards touching her cheek until Luke shouted.

Luke: Touch her, and you will regret it.

Intruder 2: You better shut up if you know what's good for you. Now come on.

What were they going to do now?


Hey guys, sorry it took so long. I was trying to figure out how to put this together, and I was busy with my personal life, too. But now, I'm going to try to post weekly. I really hope you like the chapter.

Make sure to comment or vote.

Byeeeeeeeeeeeee 😁

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