Chapter 27

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Julie's POV

I was walking towards my room with Flynn next to me.

Flynn: So, how have you and Luke been doing?

Julie: Shhh. Not so loud.

Flynn: What? No one's around. So tell me, what happened?

Julie: Okay, fine, I'll tell you, after I start packing. We still need to hear word from my father and the captain if we can leave.

Flynn: Alright. I still can't believe that the king wants you to move into the prince's room. After the way he treated you.

Julie: I know. I just want to go home.

That's when Flynn stopped me, and we turned to face each other. She grabbed both of my hands and started speaking.

Flynn: Jules, we are getting you out of here if it's the last thing we do. Nothing is going to change that.

Julie: Thanks, Flynn.

We hugged each other and continued to walk towards my room. I told her I would be packing up my stuff and she should do the same, too. Once she left, I entered my room and tried to find my suitcase.

I searched in my closet and saw it right there. I grabbed it by the handle and placed it on the bed.

While I was packing, I couldn't stop thinking about Luke. He is amazing. And when we get home, I'm going to tell my dad about us. Hopefully, he will agree. Once he does, Luke and I will be together, no matter what life throws at us.

I heard the door open, and I smiled to myself, thinking that it was Luke.

???: Hey.

Julie: One of these days, you need to learn how to knock, L-

I turned around, seeing not Luke, but Nick in front of the open door. He walked into my room, closing the door behind him. He was coming closer to me with a devious smirk.

Nick: Were you expecting someone else?

Julie: What are you doing here?

Nick: Can't a guy visit his fiancée? Look, I just want to talk to you.

Julie: I have nothing to say to you.

I hid the bracelet that Luke gave me and pressed the button for a long time, hoping that it turned red. Nick was coming closer to me, and I felt a cold shiver go down my spine.

Nick: Just listen. I know we had differences in the past, but I was just stressed with the wedding and the duties I have as a prince. I just want to say I'm sorry.

I didn't know if he was really apologizing to me or not. If could be lying for all I care. Where is Luke?

Julie: I don't think you are.

Nick: Come on, Julie. Can you please forgive me?

He was getting closer to me at an alarming rate, and I was up against the wall with no exit plan. I grabbed my wrists and pinned me against the wall.

Nick: Julie, I'm not playing. If you don't want to forgive me, that's fine,  but I want to know who you have been seeing!

Julie: Like I will ever tell you!

He squeezed my arms harshly, and just when he was about to put his hand on my throat, I felt the pressure on my wrists disappeared.

My eyes were closed, so when I opened them, I saw Nick on the ground with a bloody nose with Luke standing in front of him. Luke had the most aggressive look on his face, and to be honest, it was scary to look at. The Captain was here, holding back Luke to make sure nothing else was going to happen. Until Luke opened his big mouth.

Luke: If you ever come near Julie again, I swear you will never see the light of day again.

I looked at him with wide eyes while the Captain told him to be quiet.

Mitch: Luke, remember he's the prince.

Luke: I don't CARE!

Mitch: You better do. Because if you hurt him, who knows what he'll say to the King, and the princess will never be safe. Stand down, Lucas.

He just stood there with an angry look on his face. He never took his eyes off of Nick, so I wanted to say something.

Julie: Luke, please.

That's when he looked at me, staring at me with the most sincere eyes. He took a deep breath, and suddenly, the Captain let him go. But that didn't stop Luke from talking.

Luke: You better leave while you still can. And stay away from Julie. Got it?

Nick shook he head, like he was scared, and he was scrambling off to who knows where. Luke focuses his attention on me and immediately gives me a tight hug. I hugged him back, and I didn't even notice that I had tears running down my face.

Julie: *tearful* I was so scared.

Luke: It's okay. I'm here now.

Julie: *tearful* Nick was about to -

That was when my breathing was starting to speed up. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack like the nights I used to have after my mom died. Luke noticed my distress and placed both of his hands on my cheeks, calming me a little bit.

Luke: Hey, it's okay. I'm right here, okay? I'm right here. Just breathe.

I looked up at him, and he wanted me to take very deep breaths. I followed his motions, and I started to feel a lot better. He pulled me into another hug, and while we were hugging, I noticed the Captain smirking at us.

Julie: Umm, Luke.

Luke pulled away and noticed that I was staring at his dad. Luke gave me a shy smile, ready to answer the question, burning inside my head.

Luke: Don't worry, he knows. And he's okay with us.

Julie: Really?

Mitch: Of course I am.

Julie: Thank you, Captain.

Mitch: Please, call me Mitch.

Julie: Thank you, Mitch.

Luke's dad was telling me all about what my father said to him and how we should act on it. Once he told me the plan, I continued packing.

Suddenly, we heard gunshots being heard in the throne room.

Julie: What was that?

Mitch: I don't know, but it can't be good.

Mitch and Luke grabbed their guns from their holster, and Luke reached for my hand, never letting go.

Mitch cautiously looked down the hall to see if there were any shooters around. He gave Luke and me a signal, saying that we should keep going.

Once we made it to the throne room, I couldn't believe the horror I was seeing.

To be continued...


Hey guys, I hope you guys like the story. I would like to thank Spopas7 for helping me with the chapter. And I got something big planned for the next chapter.

And among other news, I'M GOING TO GRADUATE!!! CLASS OF 2024!

Make sure to comment and vote.

Byeeeeeeeeeeeee 😁

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