Chapter 15

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Julie's POV

We arrived at Meadowbrook after 3 days of riding. I looked at the village, and I was in awe of the place. But I also remember something.

Before my mom died, we went here every year to see the Firefly Festival. It was always the most amazing experience of my life. Now that I realized it, the Firefly Festival is today.

We made a stop at the town square, and everyone was looking at us. Looking at me. Then, one of the villagers recognized me.

Villager: It's Princess Julianna!

All of the townspeople came up to the horse I was on, and the people kept saying hi to me. Captain Mitchell had to jump off his horse, just so everyone could back up.

Mitch: Alright, everyone. Give the princess some space. Now, I know you people want to meet the princess, but we have a very important mission that we have to deal with. I would kindly ask if there is a place we could stay for the time being.

Someone raised their hand and walked towards us. He was a middle-aged man with a mustard color shirt with brown overalls. He had brown hair with gray streaks and was holding a top hat in his hands.

???: I have an inn you all could stay at. Free of charge, of course.

Mitch: Thank you. What is your name?

???: Thomas. Thomas Nickelson.

Mitch: Thank you, sir. Will you lead the way, please?

Thomas: Of course.

The Captain grabbed the reins of his horse, leading him to the direction Thomas was heading. Me and the rest of us followed Captain Mitchell to the inn on top of the hill.

The inn was called the "Lavender Inn" based on the lavenders that were behind the inn. There was a stable where we could the horses in. Luke got off his horse, but I stayed on the horse. Once we were in front of the stables, Luke brought his hand up for me to hold while I was climbing off the horse.

But the clumsy part of me accidentally stumbled a bit. Luckily, Luke was there to catch me.

Luke: *catches Julie* Whoa. Hey, you're okay?

Julie: Yeah, I'm okay.

We stared at each other until we broke it off. Luke was leading his horse to the stable while I was making my way to the inn with Flynn. When we got inside, Thomas showed us our rooms upstairs, and Flynn and I started unpacking our clothes for the night.

Julie: I can't believe I'm back here. It's been so long.

Flynn: I know. It's been so long.

Julie: I hope we have enough time to go to the festival.

Flynn: Let's hope because Mr. Sleeveless owes you a date.

Julie: Oh man, I forgot about that.

Flynn: Do you have any idea what you and Luke should do?

Julie: No, not yet. Unless he planned something for me, I got nothing. I just hope that we have fun doing it.

Luke's POV

When I walked into the inn, I saw Julie and Flynn walking into their room. I looked over at the counter and saw Thomas talking to my dad about the room me and the boys are going to stay at.

Once he was done talking, Dad came up to me and told me that we would be staying in the room next to Julie's while the guys would be at the downstairs rooms. My dad got the keys out and unlocked the door to our room. When we entered, I noticed that the place reminded me of a memory.

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