Chapter 1

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Julie's POV

*A year later*

I stood in front of the doors leading to the throne room where my father told me to meet him. I took a deep breath and walked in with the most serious face I've ever had.

Julie: You wanted to see me, Father?

He looked up at me with a somber look on his face. He stood up and walked towards me.

Ray: Julie, this isn't an easy topic to discuss.

Julie: What is it, Dad?

He let out a sigh and walked to the balcony. I followed him and look at our beautiful kingdom.

Ray: You know about the war in Elorerin, right?

Julie: I believe so. It's the kingdom where your old friend Caleb ruled, correct?

Ray: Spot on like always. Anyway, because of this war, our trade routes are having trouble getting into the kingdom, and some of them are compromised due to bandits and soldiers due to the war.

Julie: Then we need to send out patrols in those trade routes to prevent such things.

Ray: Even if we could, it's not enough. We are losing soldiers because of this war.

Julie: So what are we going to do?

Ray: *pause* Do you know about our neighboring kingdoms?

He was beginning to walk back into the throne room and walk toward the map in front of us. It was hanging on the wall where everyone can see.

Julie: Of course I do.

Ray: Can you name them?

Julie: There is Otontis, Kiffira, Devontae, and also Elorerin.

Ray: Right again.

Julie: But what about them?

Ray: Well, King in Devontae has agreed to help us out in this war, but it is under one condition.

Julie: What is it?

Ray: *pauses and sighs* He will help us if both kingdoms merge as one... through marriage.

I stepped back, shocked by the news my father gave me.

Julie: What?

Ray: I know this isn't easy to discuss, but we have to do this Julie.

Julie: But I'm not ready to get married and besides, I want to marry for love, not into a forced marriage.

Ray: I know, but you have to do this, Julie.

Julie: No, I don't need to do this because it's my LIFE!

I started walking away from my dad and heading to the doors. I heard my dad yelling my name when I pushed the doors open. I ran to my room and crash on my bed with tears in my eyes. I can't believe that my dad is forcing me to get married. I'm not ready for that yet. And I wanted to marry for love, not by marrying a stranger.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Flynn knock on the door. She was my Lady in waiting and my best friend.

Flynn: Hey Jules, can I come in?

Julie: Sure.

She opened the door and started speaking fast.

Flynn: Guess what? I got tickets for the Music Festival this year-

Flynn looked up at me and saw tears coming out of my eyes.

Flynn: Hey, you okay?

When she sat down on my bed, I told her everything about the conversation with me and my dad. She looked at me with the most shocked face I have ever seen after I was finished.

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