Chapter 18

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I'm so sorry.

Julie's POV

We've been riding all night and all day, hoping that none of the gang members were after us. It was so scary, I thought I was never going to make it out. Why does Caleb want with me anyway? As long as I can remember, he has always been after me for no apparent reason. It's honestly the most stupid reason.

Just then, we started to slow down, and I just noticed that we were in the middle of nowhere where the sun was already setting. All of us looked over Luke's dad and listened to what he had to say.

Mitch: I guess this could be a good place to make camp. Reggie, Alex, get some firewood. Luke, Willie, we're going to set up the tents.

Julie: What do you want me and Flynn to do?

Mitch: I don't know. Maybe try finding some fruit we could eat.

Flynn: Will do.

Everyone, including me, got off of the horses and started doing the jobs we were assigned. I started picking berries off of the bushes while Flynn was trying to get a signal. That girl can never live without a signal.

Flynn: You want to know the worst part of this trip? Not having cell service!

Julie: Flynn, it's not the end of the world.

Flynn: It is for me.

I silently laugh at my friend's antics. Flynn grabbed her basket and started helping me get some berries and fruit for us and the guys. We talked about random stuff until Flynn asked me a question that caught me off guard.

Flynn: Jules, what were you doing at that festival with Luke?

Julie: Oh, um, nothing big. We just hunged out. That's it.

Flynn: Jules, I know when you're lying. Just tell me, or I'll get it out of you one way or another.

Julie: Okay, fine.

We stopped getting the berries and sat by a nearby log. I looked to her and explained what had happened.

Julie: Luke and I snuck out in the middle of the night to go to the festival. We had so much fun, in one of the booths, he won me a stuffed panda. Then, I took him to me and my mom's special place in the village, you know, where the dahlia garden is.

Flynn: Sounds romantic.

Julie: It is. Luke and I looked up at the stars and talked about our moms. Then, when the fireflies came, he pulled out his phone and started playing a song, and we danced.

Flynn: Awww.

Julie: That's not all.

Flynn: There's more?!

Julie: *chuckled* Yeah, there's more. When Luke and I finished dancing, he put his hand on my face, and we kissed.

Flynn: WHAT?! Julie, that's your first! I'm so happy for you. How did it feel?

Julie: Honestly, it was magical. Like we belong to each other.

Flynn: Aww, my baby is all grown up. So what are you going to do now?

Julie: I was thinking maybe we could quit the mission. I know that in my heart, Luke is the person for me.

Flynn: But what about the war? Julie, I don't want to sound like your dad, but we need to stop this war as soon as possible.

Julie: I'll think of something. But I do know that I want to be with Luke.

Flynn: *sighs* Okay, Jules, I trust you.

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