Chapter 23

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Luke's POV

???: Julie? Where are you?

Julie pulled away from me and looked towards the person who was calling her name. She looked scared, so she pulled me towards a bush, covered my mouth, and brought her finger to lips, telling me to be quiet. She looked over the bush and saw that the person calling her name was still there. She looked towards me again with an emotion I couldn't read and understand.

Julie: Luke, I need you to go inside and not say a word.

Luke: What? Why? Who's calling you?

???: Julie, I know you're here.

Julie: I'll explain everything later, but right now you need to go.

Before I could say anything, she stood up and walked away from. I can tell she didn't want anyone to see me in the moment because people could think something happened between us. Well, it did, but that's besides the point. I looked over the bushes, carefully making sure no one could see me, and saw that the person who was calling her name was none other than Nick himself.

I went over to the nearest bush closest to me and tried to listen to what they were saying. I could barely hear them, so I went to different types of bushes to get closer. Thank goodness for that stealth training in the Academy, or else I would be caught by now. 

Julie: Nick, what are you doing here?

Nick: My dad was wondering where you were so that he could ask you about the rumor.

Julie: What rumor?

Nick: Oh, don't play dumb with me. There's a rumor going around saying that you were in love with one of your guards when you were coming here. I'll be surprised if he is even here with you.

Julie: The only person that was here was me and my lady in waiting.

Nick: Then why are you here by yourself?

Julie: I don't need to tell you what I do in my spare time, Nick.

Nick: I will, once we get married.

I just stayed hidden in the bush, listening to the argument that is taking place. I wanted to stand up and say something, but I couldn't because I would get both Julie and me in trouble. I slowly made my way to the exit, but I tripped on a gardening hose, causing Nick to turn his hand around. 

Nick: What was that?

Julie: It's probably nothing, Nick.

Nick: Then you wouldn't mind me taking a look where the sound was coming from.

My eyes widened with fear, and I heard footsteps coming towards me. I was a goner for sure when I felt a hand on my shoulder and mouth when someone pulled me back and quickly hid behind the greenhouse without being caught. I looked up at the person, who made as well saved me from an awkward situation, and saw that it was Flynn.

Luke: *whispers* What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be inside?

Flynn: *whispers* Saving your butt, and I didn't want to miss seeing my best friend singing with her crush.

Luke: *blushes* Oh, you saw that?

Flynn: Let's focus on getting out of here, then we talk.

I nod my head and follow her while making sure Nick doesn't see us. I was close to the exit when I heard shouting. I turned my head, seeing Nick push Julie against the pillar, shouting at her. 

Nick: I know that you are LYING. Tell me the name of the lover boy or else I tell my father to send an attack to your country.

Julie: You wouldn't do it if your life depended on it. You are all bark and have no bite. You won't have the guts to d-

But that's when Nick brought his hand up and slapped Julie hard in the face. I felt my blood boiling when I witnessed this. Julie doesn't deserve this.

Nick: Listen to me well. All I want is for you to listen to me and respect me. Because no wife of mine is ever going to talk to me like that. You are nothing but a disgrace to your country and to your father. What will he think if he saw you disrespecting me?

I couldn't take it anymore. I ignored Flynn, calling me not to interfere, and walked straight over to where Julie and Nick are. I was close enough to hear Nick talking to Julie again.

Nick: Let's see if you disrespect me after this.

He brought his hand up again and was about to slap Julie again, but I stepped in and grabbed his wrist before he could.

Luke: Leave her alone!

He was shocked to see me by the way his eyes widened. I pushed him away from Julie, making me the barrier between them.

Nick: W-what are you doing here?

I can't tell him that I was the one Julie was with, so I came up with a little white lie.

Luke: I was on my way to check up on the princess. When I was on my way to her room, I saw you and the princess here. And I saw everything.

He straightened up, and he walked closer to me with a look of anger.

Nick: So what? I can do whatever I want, and last I checked, I'm your superior.

Luke: That's where you're wrong. The princess is my superior. And as long as I'm here, I'll follow the princess's orders. And I'll be sure to tell her father and the captain what's going on here. But for now, stay away from her.

I grabbed Julie's hand and walked away from him towards the exit. Flynn was following behind me and shared a look of concern towards Julie.

Flynn: Jules, what was that all about? Has he done this to you before?

She didn't say anything, like she was ashamed to say. We stopped for a moment, and I put hands to her arms gently so that she's knows that I will never hurt her. My hands slide to her hands, making her look up to me.

Luke: Julie, we're worried about you. We just want to keep you safe. How long has he been doing this?

I saw tears forming in her eyes as she let out a shaking breath and stared crying.

Julie: *crying* Two days after we arrived here.

Both Flynn and I gasped. She brought her hands to her mouth while I just pulled Julie into a hug. She just cried into my chest, and it broke my heart to see her like this. I pulled her away but still kept her in arms length so that I could talk to her face to face.

Luke: I'm gonna get you out of here. We just have to go to my dad okay.

Both Julie and Flynn nodded, and we made our way to my dad's room. I knocked on the door, and my dad answered. Coincidencely, Alex, Reggie, and Willie were all here.

Mitch: Luke, what's going on?

Luke: Dad, we got to talk.


Hope you guys like the chapter. I would like to thank Spopas7 for the idea she gave me. I hope you guys had a good valentines weekend.

Make sure to comment or vote.

Byeeeeeeeeeeeee 😁

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