Chapter 21

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Luke's POV

Me, my dad, and the guys were waiting for the King and the Prince to come to the throne room. But what surprised us was that the King and the Prince were not there.

It didn't make any sense that they asked us to go to the throne room, but they are not going to be there. 30 minutes later, they both arrived and sat on two of the three chairs that were there. We were about to bow, but the king stopped us.

King John: There's no need to bow, gentlemen. It's alright.

I looked at the boys, and they were confused as I am. We stood up straight while my dad was doing the talking.

Mitch: Was there something you wanted to tell us, your majesty?

King John: Yes, there is. My son and I decided that the wedding would be in a week, and with the war going on, we have to increase security. So, we're asking for you and your men to help.

Mitch: Not a problem, sir.

King John: There's one more thing, though.

Mitch: What is that, your majesty?

King John: I heard a little rumor that one of your men had a relationship with the princess.

My eyes widened at the news, and I was practically frozen to the floor. Me, the guys, including Willie, were looking at each other. I could tell what Alex and Reggie were thinking.

Did he actually do it.

Willie just stood there acting like the perfect soldier. Some part of me thinks that he made had said something. But I prove it without any proof. We turned our heads towards the king as he continued speaking.

King John: And I want to make sure that it isn't true. I don't want a rogue guard stopping the wedding because of feelings for the princess. So, I want a confession from your guards if the rumors are true, Captain.

Mitch: I don't think my comrades would ever think of having a relationship with the princess.

King John: But I don't want to take any chances of the wedding to be ruined. So, I want one of your guards to watch the princess while the wedding is prepared.

Mitch: Alright. Well, I'll certainly figure out which one of them wi-

King John: I appreciate it, but I want to choose who will get the assignment.

He stood up and started walking down the stairs. He walked towards Alex and stared at him for a few seconds, making Alex uncomfortable. The King moved on to Reggie, doing the same thing he did with Alex. He did the same to Willie and then moved on to me.

While he was looking at me, I felt slightly intimidated by him, but I kept my ground and looked straight at him.

Suddenly, the king smirked and looked towards my dad.

King John: I like this one. He knows how to stand his ground. He's going to watch over the princess.

I looked between my dad and the king, hoping just this once that he wouldn't allow me for this assignment. It'll mean that I'll be practically watched all day, and I won't find enough time for me to be alone with Julie.

Mitch: Are you sure you're majesty?

King John: I'm sure. He stood his ground, and I came over to him. And I show how helpful he was to the princess when you guys arrived. I can trust him with my son's fiancée.

As much as I should respect the King, when he said, "son's fiancée", I wanted to snap at him. Maybe punch him. But I can't because that would make us look like the bad guys. I gave a look to my dad, hoping he would give the answer that I hope he will say.

Mitch: If that's what you want, your Majesty. It shall be granted.

Seriously?! The one time I wanted him to say no.

King John: Great. Nick, tell the princess she will have someone come over to her room tomorrow morning.

Nick: Of course, Dad.

Nick walked out of the throne room while his dad stayed put. The King looked towards me and spoke.

King John: Follow me, please.

I looked towards my dad and the guys and started following the king.

Julie's POV

I was in my room, laying on my bed and reading a very interesting book, when I heard a knock on my door. I put my book down and sat up on my bed.

Julie: Come in.

The door opened, and it was someone who I didn't want to see.

Nick: Hey babe.

Julie: What did I say about calling me that?

Nick: Whatever. Anyway, in a few minutes, one of your guards is going to come tomorrow to watch over you until the wedding happens.

Julie: What? Why would I need -

Nick: We're just going to increase security.

Julie: *muttering* Or maybe you don't want me to leave.

Nick: Hey! It's bad enough that we have to get married. But I do NOT want disrespect from you.

Julie: Trust me, I don't want to get married either. And I certainly don't want to marry a jerk like YOU!

That's when he came over to me and slapped me. I fell on the bed and I brought my hand to touch the red mark on my face. Nick came over to me with a look that could kill.

Nick: Listen. I didn't ask to get married to you, but you are. So you better be on your best behavior, or else your family and your kingdom will be nothing but territory for Elorerin. Is that clear?

I looked at him with terror in my eyes, hoping he didn't mean it. But he did, and I didn't want that to happen, so I just nodded.

Nick: Good. I'll be back here in a couple of hours. You better not think of leaving.

He walked over to the door and slammed the door close. I flinched by the sound and just letting the tears I've been holding in fall. This has been happening for 2 days. He comes into my room and lectures me, and when I don't do what he says, he hits me. I don't want this life. If I wasn't doing it for my country, I would've run back home, but I can't.

And what's worse, I miss Luke. The way he holds me, the way he smiles, how kind he is, and how he kisses me. But he doesn't love me. He doesn't love me, and instead, I'm marrying a guy who doesn't care about his country.

I was just laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling, when my door opened. I looked up and saw Flynn with a sad smile.

Flynn: Wanna hang out?


Hope you guys like the chapter. The next one has some Juke moments you don't want to miss.

Make sure to comment and vote.

Byeeeeeeeeeeeee 😁

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