Chapter 3

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Obi got on his knees and peeked his head inside of the furnace, slowly crawling inside to get the two needles. I watched his whole body quickly disappear into the hole in the middle, instantly getting a bad feeling about this. "Hurry up." Xavier shouted as he crouched down in front of the door for the oven, so he could see inside. "I have a bad feeling about this." I stated whilst crossing my arms over my chest and leaning back against the wooden beam behind me. Not only did I suddenly develop a bad feeling, there was a little voice in the back of my head, telling me that something bad was going to happen to Obi in the furnace.

The sudden creaking of the furnace door confirmed my bad feeling. The door for the furnace slammed shut and everyone once again, started panicking. "Open the door!" Obi screamed at the top of his lungs as the furnace started lighting up, the fire inside of it quickly making the room very hot. "It's locked, I can't open it." Xavier said as he tugged on the door handle as hard as he could, the door not budging a bit. "Oh, god." I whined as Obi screamed even louder, kicking the door with every bit of strength he had.

"Open the door!" He screamed desperately as he continued trying to kick the door. The sound of Obi screaming in pain as the fire inside of the furnace slowly burned him to death, made me feel like I needed to throw up. "I can't watch this." I whined as I covered my face with both of my hands. "Me neither." Daniel added, his voice sounding beyond disgusted. It sounded like he was going to throw up too. "I knew something bad was going to happen." I whined as I leaned back against the wall and slowly slid down it, pulling my knees up to my chest once I'd gotten to the ground. I pushed my face against my knees and used my hands to cover my ears, not wanting to see or hear anything that was happening.

I glanced up when I felt a tap on my shoulder, just barely being able to make out Daniel through my blurry vision due to my tears. "I'll be right back, okay? Just stay here" He said quickly, not giving me a chance to say anything before taking off towards the furnace. I was too freaked out to do anything or to even move so I just put my head back down and cried into my knees, hoping and praying that this would all be over soon. I covered my ears once again and started slowly rocking back and forth, trying to think of literally anything to distract me from the brutal death happening right in front of me.

I don't know how long I was sitting there crying for but at least one of my wishes came true. I felt someone place their hands on my arms, causing me to jump a bit. My head shot up and thankfully I came face to face with Daniel. "Is it over?" I asked shakily through my tears. "For now, yeah." He replied whilst holding his hands out for me. I slipped my hands into his and stood up from the floor, once again almost falling forward. "It feels like I'm getting weaker and weaker by the second." I choked through a few coughs. "Put your arm around my shoulder." He instructed as he bent his head down slightly. I nodded my head and threw my arm around his shoulder, feeling a chill run through my body as his hand made it's way to my hip.

He helped me up the stairs and back into the room we were previously in. As soon as we got to the middle of the room I pulled my arm off of Daniel's shoulders and sat back down on the stairs, leaning my head back against the railing and closing my eyes. "Hey, I don't think we should stop. Okay?" Daniel said as he kneeled down on the step in front of me. "I just need a second." I said through a groan before coughing once again, this time coughing up blood. "We're gonna get out of this, I promise." Daniel said softly as he got up and moved beside me, rubbing my back as I continued coughing. "Amanda, you said you survived this, right?" Daniel asked as he stood up from the stairs we were sitting on.

"I what?" Amanda asked as she started looking around the room. "This guy-- Whoever's doing it, you said that you've played before, and you survived." Daniel explained whilst walking back into the middle of the room as Amanda flipped over an old looking couch. I cleared my throat and grabbed onto the railing, pulling myself up to my feet and walking off of the steps. "Yeah." Amanda replied as she started looking around on the floor where the couch was. "So that means we could survive." Daniel stated nervously whilst scratching the back of his head. "Yeah." Amanda said after a short pause, grabbing some rope that was hidden under the couch and standing up.

"Amanda, why did he pick you." Daniel asked as he stepped out in front of Amanda to stop her from walking away, and placed his hand on her shoulder. She gasped before answering the question, something about her seeming a bit off to me. "Because I was a fucking junkie." She answered truthfully. "And the funny thing is, I passed the little test." She said through a fake smile, before once more trying to walk away. "If you passed it, then why are you back here?" Daniel asked curiously, grabbing her wrist to stop her. She paused for a moment once again before answering the question, I could tell this was a tough topic for her. "I wasn't being very good to myself." She answered, not even needing to elaborate for me to know what she meant.

"How long have you, um--" Daniel said, not able to find the words he needs to finish his sentence. "I started in jail." She replied once again with a fake smile plastered across her face. "What were you arrested for?" I asked as I walked up to the pair, forcing myself to stand upright. "Possession." She replied before turning around and finally walking away. "But, I thought you said that--" He said, quickly getting interrupted by Amanda, again. "Maybe you should talk to the cop who arrested me." She suggested as she started walking up the stairs. "Are you feeling better now?" Daniel asked as he turned to face me, reaching his hand up and wiping the blood off of my lips and chin with his thumb.

"Uh, not really. It's getting worse by the minute." I replied truthfully whilst glancing down at my bruised bare legs. "I'm guessing you two have never been arrested before." Amanda said through a sigh, as she kept doing whatever it is she's doing. "No, um-- I mean, I've been in trouble a few times, you know? In and out of stuff. My dad's a-- He's a real hard ass. He's probably got half the city right now looking for me. Just so he can kick my ass for disappearing on him." Daniel explained, going on a mini rant about his dad. He's lucky, at least he's got parents that care about him. Mine are probably glad that I disappeared.

"Hm.. yeah. Probably." Amanda said through a small grin. I was going to tell them, I really was. It just didn't feel like the right time to say anything. Out of nowhere Jonas came up behind Amanda, jump scaring us all. "We found a door. Come on." He said as he turned back around and went up the stairs, Amanda quickly following behind him. Laura got up from her spot in the corner of the room and limped over to the stairs, slowly making her way up. Daniel and I followed behind Laura, all three of us coughing and struggling to walk straight.

While we were making our way up the stairs Daniel put his arm around my shoulder and kept walking. I stretched my arm across his back and rested my hand on his side, the two of us supporting each other as we walked up the stairs and down the hallway. "You starting to feel it too?" I asked Daniel as we approached the end of the hallway. "Yeah." He said through a cough, grabbing onto the wall in front of us for more support. Jigsaw really wasn't lying in that first tape, there really is some kind of deadly gas in this house. Everyone is getting weaker and weaker as the minutes go by.

Even Xavier started coughing as he tried to open the door that they'd found. I gently rubbed Daniel's back as he started coughing even more, the weaker everyone got the more hope I lost. I wasn't about to admit that though. No matter how much I doubt myself or my own thoughts, I always have to keep a tough face on. Can't let anyone see me at my weakest, no matter what.

A/n: Okay this Chapter is so rough I know, I'll go through it and edit it, I just don't know when. I can't promise that it'll be anytime soon though. It's currently 3:40 Am, I'm running on absolutely no sleep and no food, I'm so exhausted but am I going to keep making more chapters anyways? Yup! So I hope you enjoyyyyy <3

Word count: 1605

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