Chapter 21

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I shot up in my bed with tears dripping from my eyes, hyperventilating and sweating like a pig even though I'm wearing shorts and a crop tank top. "Whoa, It's okay, you're okay." Daniel reassured me sweetly. I had to rub my eyes before I could properly see, as my eyes were extremely blurry. Once I had fully woken up I realized that Daniel had crawled into my bed at some point during the night.

"You were crying and shaking for about an hour, I tried to wake you up but nothing worked so I figured I'd lay with you until you woke up." Daniel explained as he scooched back against the headboard and sat up with his legs out. "I had the worst dream ever, I woke up in my parents house and there was a fire on the stove, so I put it out and then my dad told me he had another errand for me. He threatened me so I couldn't say no, then when I did it.." I bursted out crying as soon as the memory entered my mind.

"It's okay, it's not real." Daniel stated comfortingly as he held his arms out. I didn't hesitate to drape my right arm across his torso as I laid my head on his chest and rested my body beside his. "Go back to sleep, nothing can hurt you when I'm here." He whispered as he started stroking my hair, gently pushing some behind my ear. I closed my eyes and nodded my head against his chest, instantly feeling more safe and calm as he placed his right hand on my back, slowly tracing patterns against my bare skin.

The feeling of his skin against mine, his fingers running through my hair, the sound of his heartbeat. All of it was enough to put me to sleep within seconds, having a good dream this time instead of a nightmare.

My eyes slowly started blinking open adjusting to the light pouring in through the window. Daniel's face was the first thing I seen as soon as I woke up, which caused a smile to instantly appear on my face. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I carefully lifted my arm from his chest and sat up in my bed, slowly crawling to the edge and standing up. I tiptoed across our bedroom towards the door, being careful not to wake Daniel up.

Once I'd gotten into the hallway I slowly closed the door and started making my way downstairs, seeing that Charlotte is already awake. "Goodmorning." She greeted tiredly, leaning against the kitchen island whilst sipping her coffee. "Morning." I replied through a yawn, doing the same thing she'd done and pouring myself a cup of coffee. "Daniel still asleep?" She asked as she slid the dish of sugar across the counter towards me. "Yeah, I didn't wanna wake him up just yet." I answered through a smile, the image of Daniel sleeping not leaving my mind.

"Funny, that's exactly what I thought this morning." She stated through a giggle, her comment causing me to instantly turn my head towards her. "What?' I questioned, hoping she doesn't mean what I think she does. Instead of responding with words she pulled her phone out of the pocket of her black and red robe and clicked on something.

She looked up from the small rectangular device and smiled at me before turning her phone around so I could see. My face heated up as my eyes grew wide, my heart skipping a beat in my chest. She did mean what I thought. The thing she'd wanted to show me on her phone happened to be a picture of Daniel and I, cuddling whilst we slept. "Aren't you guys cute." She cooed sarcastically, the embarrassment I felt becoming extremely overwhelming. "Oh, no." I whined whilst putting my coffee cup down on the counter behind me and placing both of my hands on my face.

Charlotte couldn't help but laugh at my reaction. "I was really hoping you wouldn't see that." I stated whilst keeping my hands on my face, my voice sounding quiet and muffled due to my hands overtop my face. "It's cute." She stated once more, this time her tone sounding more convincing and way less sarcastic. "You know, he's never cared about anyone this much." She explained whilst taking another sip of her coffee. "Huh?" I mumbled as I slowly removed my hands from my face, finally building up the confidence to look at her again.

"Obviously he cares about his family and friends, it's human nature. But I've never seen his face light up when he sees anyone, the way it lights up when he sees you." She explained as she finished the last bit of coffee in her cup, making a loud slurping sound before placing the cup back on the counter. "You're really important to him, and I can tell he's important to you too." She said through a smile, her words warming my heart and making me feel more loved then ever. "He is. He's the first guy that's ever treated me with the respect I've always wanted, and he always looks out for me." I explained happily.

"Even last night. The reason we'd fallen asleep together is because I had a nightmare and started crying in my sleep. He crawled in bed with me and when I woke up he was there to reassure me that I was fine. Then we just kind of fell asleep." The memory of last night made the smile on my face grow wider and wider as my cheeks turned a light shade of pink, that's definitely a new core memory of mine. "I raised him right." Charlotte commented proudly. "You definitely did, you raised a gentleman." I complimented sweetly.

Just as we'd finished our conversation Daniel slowly walked through the livingroom and into the kitchen, dragging his feet across the floor whilst still half asleep. "Morning." He groaned tiredly, his voice raspy and quiet. "Goodmorning." I greeted happily. "You look like shit." Charlotte joked as she turned towards the counter and poured more coffee into her cup, only enough for one more cup remaining in the pot. "Gee thanks." He grunted tiredly whilst clearing his throat in attempt to sound less like a demon.

"No problem Danny." She replied through a laugh as she raised her cup before taking a sip. I mean to be very honest she isn't lying. He may look adorable and peaceful when he's asleep, but not so much right when he wakes up. His eyes are barely open and his face looks a bit greasy as it's covered in sweat. He didn't say anything more until he had a coffee cup in his hand. He quickly poured the last bit of coffee into the cup, not even bothering to add any milk or sugar before taking a huge chug. I cringed at the sight, I like coffee but not when it's black, way too bitter for me.

"So, what were you two talking about?" He asked whilst hoisting himself up onto the kitchen island, sitting directly across from Charlotte and I. "Nothing." We both replied in unison, sounding extremely suspicious. Daniel furrowed his brows together and lowered the cup of coffee from his mouth, looking between the two of us as if he knew we were hiding something. He looked confused for only a minute before rolling his eyes and sighing deeply. "You were talking about me weren't you?" He asked, seeing right through us.

"Maybe." Charlotte replied as she looked from side to side as she took another sip of her coffee. "That's a yes then." He stated whilst rolling his eyes once more. "We were just talking about how much of a gentleman you are." I explained through a chuckle. He looked kind of taken aback and embarrassed at the same time, cleary not knowing what to say. "Whatever, I'm gonna go take a shower." He grunted still sounding beyond exhausted. "With your coffee?" I asked as he hopped off the counter and started walking back towards the kitchen exit.

"Yup." He added before disappearing into the living room. As soon as he left the kitchen Charlotte and I looked at each other and immediately started laughing. "He acts like a grumpy girl in the morning." Charlotte joked through her laughter, causing me to laugh even harder. "I heard that!" Daniel called out through the house, causing both of us to start laugh even harder, nearly falling over due to our stomachs beginning to hurt from laughing so hard. I swear, never a dull moment in this house.

A/n: I'm sorry my uploads are getting slower, I tried to write this chapter as fast as I could to get it published for you guys. It's currently 7:10 am and I haven't gotten a single second of sleep. I woke up at 1 pm yesterday and haven't slept since, which sucks cuz I have way too many loads of laundry to do today, and I have to clean my house. I just know I'm gonna be a moody ass bitch tdy, gonna be surviving on coffee all day fr. I'll see if I can get another chapter written and published today but no promises. Not only do I have a lot to do but I have writers block, that's why it's been taking so long for me to get my chapters published, I've had absolutely no motivation. I hope you guys liked this chapter though, personally I loved it. Daniel is the perfect man don't lie, we all need a Daniel in our lives LOL. Anyways as usual let me know if you have any thoughts, ideas or questions in the comments. And maybe if you've enjoyed this story so far like it and follow me for more, I have about 6 unpublished books that I'm working on along with this one, some are fanfiction, some are books that are my own original ideas. Some are fantasy and romance, some are horror. I've got books for all of you, trust me I know you'll love them once I have them finished and published. Happy reading my lovelies! <3

Word count: 1707

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