Chapter 16

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"When were you gonna tell me you have a sister?" Daniel asked whilst pushing the bedroom door closed. "Never." I stated as I sat down on my bed. "Why not?" He asked sounding a little bit mad but mostly confused. "Because she's just as bad as my parents." I choked out, taking a deep breath in attempt to stop myself from crying.

"Can you tell me about her? If you don't want to that's fine I'm not gonna push you." He asked curiously. "It's okay, I'll tell you." I replied whilst nodding my head, moving back on my bed to make room for Daniel. He quickly walked over and sat down on the side of my bed, crossing his legs and turning to face me.

I sat against the wall with my left leg extended out and my right leg bent with my knee pointed towards the ceiling. "Her name's Victoria, she's two years older, twenty. I haven't seen her in years. She's the first born daughter so obviously my mom liked her more, my mom used to dress her up like she was her doll. Vicky followed my mom around like a lost puppy doing everything she did and said. Even if it meant hurting me." I explained, absolutely dreading the memory of my older sister.

"When we were young we were best friends, she was the only person that actually seemed to care about me. But that changed when we got a bit older. When my father started making me do stuff for him my mom insisted that he leave Vicky out of it. My mom started letting Vicky wear makeup and bought her clothes that looked expensive and beautiful, the favoritism started getting to her head and she started ignoring all of the cruel things my parents said and did to me, didn't even try to stop them like she used to. She just watched it happen. Then one day I woke up and she was gone. She left me there alone with my parents and I never seen her again." I explained as I stared down at my hands.

"How long has it been?" Daniel asked curiously. "The last time I seen her I was thirteen, it's been five years." I said through a sigh whilst pushing my head back against the wall. "And now she's trying to contact you." Daniel mumbled just barley loud enough for me to hear. "Yup." I muttered back, leaning to the side and letting my body fall down against my bed.

"What do you think she wants?" He asked whilst placing his elbow on his leg and resting his head in his hand. "I don't know and I don't care, I never wanna see her again." I spat bitterly, knowing damn well every word coming out of my mouth is a lie. "You know that's not true, and maybe she's changed. I mean, she left five years ago. Are you the same person you were five years ago?" He questioned curiously.

"Well, no." I replied as I sat back up and crossed my legs. "Exactly, maybe she's different." He pointed out. He point he brought up is valid and it makes me mad, I'd rather hold a grudge against her and never see her again then admit that he's right. "Okay, topic change." I groaned through an eye roll. "You can't just ignore what you don't wanna face, if you ignore a problem it won't go away." Daniel stated, lecturing me as if he were my parent.

"lalalala." I sang loudly, over and over again as I shoved my index fingers into my ears and blocked out his words. "Oh, real mature." He said through his laughs whilst shifting onto his knees. He grabbed my arm and started pulling on it, slowly dragging me across my bed.

"Daniel!" I screamed once I started nearing the edge of my bed. He started laughing uncontrollably as he pulled me off the edge of my bed. "If I'm going down, so are you." I stated as I grabbed onto him right as I fell onto the floor, quickly dragging him down with me. "Fuck you." He spat through his laughter, causing me to start laughing as well.

We both fell back against the floor due to how hard we had been laughing. "You're an asshole." I commented as my laughter finally started slowing down, the aching feeling in my gut slowly going away. "So are you." He said back whilst sitting up and facing me.

"Me? You're the one who pulled me off the bed." I mentioned as I sat up and turned to face him, smiling hard when I'd seen that he was already smiling at me. "And you pulled me down with you, we're both assholes." He joked whilst pushing himself off of the floor and onto his feet. I rolled my eyes at his comment and stood up, sitting back down on my bed and leaning back.

"I'm so tired." I groaned whilst closing my eyes, my entire body feeling beyond drained and exhausted from today. "Me too, so much happened today." Daniel agreed, plopping down on his own bed and moving back against the wall. "I think I'm gonna sleep all day tomorrow." I stated through a sigh as I got up and walked over to the dresser.

"Pass me a pair of shorts." Daniel called out lazily as he sat back in his bed. I slowly turned my head and looked at him with narrowed eyes, internally cussing his laziness. "Get it yourself." I said through an eye roll as I pulled some comfortable clothes out of my side of the dresser and started heading for the door. "But you were already up." Daniel groaned as I walked out of the door.

Once I left the room I started giggling at his response, quickly walking down the hall towards the bathroom and closing the door behind me. I pulled the black basketball shorts up my legs, and the grey t-shirt down my torso. Turning to look at myself in the mirror before heading back to the room.

I placed my hands on the sides of the sink and leaned forward, not once taking my eyes off of my reflection. "Just try." I mumbled to myself. "For him, just try." I muttered one last time before finally pulling away from the sink and turning around, pulling the bathroom door open and heading back down the hall towards our room.

A/n: Very short I know, I was going to write more but It's 6 am and I have to get ready for school now, and my brain kind of just can't think of anything else to write right now. Hope you guys liked this chapter let me know what you think, enjoy the rest of the book. Happy reading my lovelies! <3

Word count: 1140

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