Chapter 4

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It took a while but eventually Xavier finally kicked the door in. "We'll be right back." Daniel said to Laura as he let go of the wall and slowly started walking over to the door. Daniel leaned against the doorframe while I walked inside the room. There was another metal door at the end of the room, but this one had a timer on it. Xavier began frantically trying to open the door while Jonas picked up a note hanging from a string in the middle of the room, with another tape recorder.

"Hello, Xavier. I want to play a game. The game I want to play is very similar to the one that you've been playing, as a drug dealer. A game of offering hope to the desperate.. for a price. I think we can agree that your situation is desperate, so I offer you hope. The price you pay is that you must crawl into the same pit of squalor you force your customers into. By entering this room, a timer has been started. When the timer expires, the door in front of you will be locked forever." I listened closely to what Jigsaw was saying on the tape, but turned around to look at Daniel when I heard his voice.

"Guys.. guys." Daniel said as he lifted up the blanket from the bed in the middle of the room. "What?" Xavier snapped, turning around to look at Daniel. "Before the timer runs out. can you unlock it and retrieve the antidote inside? I will give you just one hint as to where that key is.." The tape continued, as Xavier ripped the bed up off of the ground and flipped it over. Revealing a huge hole in the ground filled with thousands needles. "It will be like finding a needle in a haystack, hahaha. Let the game begin."

"Somebody's going in there." Xavier said as he pointed at the pit, looking over everyone in the room. Everyone stayed silent. It's obvious that everyone's scared of Xavier, myself included. However this just made him even scarier. "Somebody's fucking going in there!" He shouted as he scanned over everyone in the room one more time, his eyes quickly landing on me. We locked eyes for a moment and I immediately knew what was going to happen next. "No." I said nervously as I took a few steps back. As soon as I stepped back Xavier charged at me, not caring about how scared I was. "No, no!" I screamed as he grabbed onto me and pulled me into him.

"Please don't do this! No!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as he grabbed both of my arms and picked me up with no struggle at all. As soon as he got my feet off of the floor, he wasted no time walking over to the pit of needles, and letting go of me. Dropping me into the pit. I let a blood curdling scream slip through my lips as my body slammed down against the needles, the sharp pains from the needles entering my skin overwhelming me. Hot tears streamed down my cheeks as Xavier began yelling at me, "Come on, we don't have time!" He screamed angrily. I sobbed loudly as I pushed myself up to my knees and began slowly pushing the needles around, looking for the odd one out.

Blood started almost pouring out of my arms as the needles stuck out of my skin, the pain becoming overbearing. "Hurry up!" Xavier shouted even louder this time, causing me to search around the needles even faster. I sucked in a deep breath and started frantically trying to find the needle so that I could get the fuck out of this pit. "Fuck you!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, throwing the needles across the pit and pushing the pain aside. I could hear Daniel speaking from above me, which somewhat motivated me to search even faster. If I lose too much blood in this pit and end up dying, I won't be able to help him get out of here.

I was digging through the needles so fast I couldn't even feel my hands. I wanted to stop so bad, I've never been in this much pain in my life. Just when I thought I wasn't going to find the needle, I spotted one single blue syringe with the key hanging from it. I quickly grabbed the needle and tossed it up out of the pit. Xavier wasting no time going straight for the needle. I sat down in the pit for a moment, just crying. I didn't know what else to do in this moment, I was in so much pain. "Maddie, give me your hand. Come on." Daniel said softly as he reached inside the pit to pull me out.

I looked up at him and grabbed his hands, pushing myself up to my feet and slowly crawling out of the pit. While Daniel was helping me out of the pit I heard a buzzer followed by Xavier screaming. That pretty much told me that he didn't get the door open in time. As soon as I got out of the pit I laid down on the floor and continued to cry, I was defeated. "It's okay, you're gonna be okay. I'm gonna get these needles out of you." Daniel said reassuring me that I was going to be okay, whilst slowly pulling one of the needles out of my arm. I cried out in pain as he started pulling them out one by one, the blood slowly gushing out of my arm. "Fucking bitch!" Xavier screamed angrily as he walked over to where I was and pushed Daniel off of me.

"Alright, that's enough." Jonas said as he quickly grabbed Xavier's arm and pulled him away from me before he could do anything. "That's not nearly enough, man." Xavier huffed angrily, pulling his arm out of Jonas's grip and glaring at him. "Stop this bullshit!" Addison screamed at the top of her lungs. Daniel had gotten up and knelt down beside me once again, pulling the needles out one by one. "Did you hear that tape?" She asked through her coughs as she stumbled back against the wall behind her.

"He knows about us. Our names.. there is something that we're not seeing." She pointed out through her wheezing. I pulled out three of the needles in my arm at the same time, not caring about how badly it hurt. I wanted to listen to what Addison was saying, but the pain of the needles sliding out of my skin was beginning to be too much. Laura joined the rest of us in the room and started talking to them about the connection, Jail. All four of them have been to jail which definitely isn't a coincidence considering Jigsaw said we all have a lot more in common then we think in the first tape.

Daniel had finally pulled the last of the needles out of my body however the pain didn't go away. I thought the pain would be gone once the needles were out of my skin but I guess I was wrong. "Anybody else want to own up?" Jonas called out as he scanned the room. "What about you? You got juvie written all over you." He said as he walked up to Daniel, glaring down at him. "No, never been." Daniel replied nervously, still kneeling down beside me. "I have." I cried out as I slowly pushed myself up to my knees, leaning forward with my legs in an M shape. "Wait, you've been arrested." Daniel asked as he looked at me with a shocked expression. "Couple times, yeah." I responded whilst looking up at the boy, feeling nothing but shame.

I really hope Daniel doesn't look at me any differently now that he knows I've been to juvie, I'm not a bad person, I've just done some bad things. Nobody is perfect. "What for?" Jonas asked. "It doesn't matter what for, I was framed the last time anyways. The only thing that matters right now is that we figured out our connection, now we finish his little game and get the fuck out of here." I snapped at the man, my fear quickly turning into anger. "Alright, let's talk this out." Jonas suggested whilst turning to face Xavier. "No. No more talking. The only thing you people have in common, is holding me back. I'm gone." He said bitterly as he stormed out of the room, looking back at me with the rudest expression on his face before turning back around and taking off down the hallway.

A/n: I really hate Xavier he makes me fucking mad, like sir you ain't the only one dat got kidnapped relax yourself like shit. And the scene where he pushed Daniel... IF YOU EVER PUT YOUR FUCKING HANDS ON MY BABY EVER AGAIN ILL KILL YOU XAVIER SWEAR TO FUCKING GODDDD.

Word count: 1503

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