Chapter 7

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"Madalyn Valentine, I'm Detective Allison Kerry. I've been trying to locate you for the past three hours." The police officer said as she pulled the oxygen mask off of my face, and began helping me crawl out of the small metal box I'd woken up in. "Where am I?" I asked skeptically whilst pulling my arm out of her grip. "Madalyn, you're safe now. There's police officers all over this building. Nobody here is going to hurt you." She explained whilst holding her arms out, motioning to the dozens of officers running around behind her. "Where's Daniel?" I asked worriedly, instantly remembering everything that had happened up until I was knocked out. "He's here, would you like me to take you to him?" Detective Kerry asked as she stepped to the side and held her arm out, waiting for me to walk ahead. I nodded my head and started limping across the room, Detective Kerry putting her hand on my back to guide me in the right direction.

She led me down a flight of stairs and out a door, the cold air making me shiver as I stepped outside. "He's right over here by the cars, I'd like to get you both to the hospital as soon as possible to get you checked out." She explained as she led me up a dirt path, to the road. As soon as I stepped onto the road I immediately started scanning the many police cars parked on the road, beginning to panic when I didn't see Daniel. I was about to turn around to ask Detective Kerry where he was on this overly crowded road, but stopped when I heard his voice. "Maddie!" Daniel called out from a bit further down the road. I turned to the direction I'd heard his voice come from and smiled to myself when I seen him start running down the road.

I started limping towards him to meet him halfway, but I could only get so far with my injured legs. "I was so worried." Daniel stated as he ran right into my arms, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. I stretched my arms around the back of his neck and immediately started crying into his shoulder. "We did it." I mumbled through my sobs, feeling relieved now that it's all over. "Daniel? Maddie?" Detective Kerry called out as she walked away from one of the other officers on the road, and back over to Daniel and I. I pulled away from the hug and turned around to face her. "That man over there, is Officer Walker. He's going to take you two to the hospital." She said as she pointed to a tall, brown haired officer standing beside the closest cop car. "Okay, thank you." I said kindly, smiling warmly at her.

She smiled back at me before turning around and walking back towards the warehouse. Daniel and I looking at each other one more time before walking up to the police car Officer Walker was standing beside. I sat in the waiting room of the hospital with a blanket wrapped around my body. They'd already checked me out, I didn't have any serious injuries but all of the spots on my body that the needles had stuck to, were infected and needed to be treated with antibiotics. Daniel's mom was contacted and she immediately came to the hospital to come get him. "Mom!" Daniel called out happily, jumping up from the seat beside me and running into his mothers arms. I watched the sweet interaction through the corner of my eye, not wanting it to seem like I was staring. "Daniel! Baby, are you alright?" She cried out as she cupped his cheeks with both of her hands, kissing all over his face then pulling him into another hug.

"I'm fine, It's been a rough couple of hours but, I'm okay." Daniel reassured her, pulling back from the hug and turning around to look at me. "Thanks to Maddie." He added, instantly making me turn my head. "What?" I mumbled, looking from Daniel to his mother, then back to him. "She never left my side, she told me we'd get out of there and we did." Daniel explained to his mom, giving me way more credit then he should have. He's the one that saved me, helping me walk around when I got hurt, giving me his shirt when I was just in a crop top and shorts, giving me hope. "Thank you-- Thank you for helping my son." Daniel's mom cried out gratefully, walking up to me and hugging me tightly as I stood up from my seat.

"Please, don't thank me." I said as I hugged the woman back, waiting until she backed away from the hug to let my arms fall back to my sides. "There's nothing to thank me for, Daniel is the reason I'm here right now." I insisted as I glanced behind her, smiling at Daniel. "Ms. Valentine?" Officer Walker called out as he walked down the hall to the waiting room. I turned to face the older man, not knowing what to expect once I'd seen the look of pity on his face. "We were unable to contact your parents, do you have any idea where they might be?" He asked as he flipped through the notepad in his hand. "Of course you couldn't. I have no idea where they are, I haven't seen them in days." I explained as I crossed my arms over my chest and looked down at the ground.

My dad's never home, he's always out in the streets doing whatever it is he does. While my mom sluts herself out to random guys she meets at bars. They may be married, but they haven't been together in years, and whenever they do come back home they're never in the house at the same time. They'll leave me home alone to take care of myself for weeks at a time, I'm surprised I haven't been evicted by now. "Do you have any other relatives that you can stay with?" Officer Walker asked, only making me feel embarrassed as I shook my head no. "Mom, can I talk to you for a second." Daniel asked as he looked from Officer Walker, to his mom. "yeah, of course." She replied, he two of them walking down the end of the hall to talk privately.

"So, Madalyn. If you can think of anyone we can contact to come pick you up, we'll have to take you down to the station until we figure out where to put you." Officer Walker explained whilst scribbling some things down on his notepad. I closed my eyes and sighed, throwing my head back as the familiar feeling of being neglected and not cared about started coming back to me. It's a horrible feeling. Daniel and his mom weren't talking for long before they came back, the two of them immediately walking up to Officer Walker and pulling him aside. I was curious to know what the three of them were talking about, but didn't wanna ask. No matter how curious I am It's really none of my business.

After about ten minutes of talking they all finally walked back over to me, the confusion and curiosity building up even more when I'd seen the look on Daniel's face. "Y/n, If it's okay. I'd like to talk to you." Officer Walker said as he walked up to a storage room beside the waiting room, opening the door and holding it open for me. I looked at Daniel skeptically as I slowly started walking towards the storage closet, Officer Walker walking inside after me and closing the door behind him. "What do you want to talk about?" I asked whilst leaning my back against the wall across from the door.

"We were unable to contact your parents through their numbers and I had someone swing by the last address we could find that's linked to your parents. Nothing." He explained whilst putting the notepad in his pocket and turning his full attention to me. "Normally if we can't contact a parent or guardian, we'd find a group home or a foster family to take care of you until you can get a job and start supporting yourself. But since your eighteenth birthday is only a few days away, I'm not going to do that." He added, causing my thoughts to run through my head way too fast. "Then where am I going to go?" I asked worriedly, not wanting to go back to my horrible life. Stealing to eat, doing horrible things for money just to help keep the roof over my head.

"Daniel's mother, Charlotte Matthews. Has offered to let you stay with them for as long as you need. Usually if someone is under eighteen we'd have to get their parents consent for something like this, but given the circumstances I'll make an exception. Since you're going to be an adult in a few days, It's your choice." Officer Walker added quickly, before opening the door and walking back out of the storage room. A smile slowly made it's way to my face, my heart warming up at the sudden news. I can stay with Matthew.

A/n: Okay I decided for you guys because the people that have read it so far haven't said anything yet and I really wanna continue writing it. I have so many new ideas. I like this chapter so much, it's so cute, I love the relationship their building. And all of the ideas I have right now are making me even more excited. Enjoy the rest of the book my lovess, happy reading!!

Word count: 1620

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