Chapter 9

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A/n: The picture above is what I imagine Daniel's room looks like but a bit more early 2000s yk. Just imagine that the vines aren't on the ceiling and that his walls are covered in band posters. (Like Metallica, Nirvana, AC/DC, Guns N' Roses etc.)

I slipped on the clean Metallica t-shirt that Daniel had given me, along with a pair of grey sweatpants. Daniel had set up the shower for me to get myself cleaned up while his mom made food. I hung the wet towel up on the towel rack to let it dry, and pulled the bathroom door open, walking across the hall to Daniel's room. "You look much better." Daniel commented through a giggle as he stood up from his bed and walked over to his dresser . "I feel so much better, I really can't thank you and your mom enough." I said gratefully as I walked over to his bed and sat down on the end, watching him search through his dresser drawers.

"No need to thank us, really. It's no problem." Daniel stated happily as he pulled a shirt and shorts out of his drawer and grabbed his towel from the hook beside his dresser. "You make yourself comfortable, and I will be right back." He said as he quickly smiled at me before opening his bedroom door and walking out into the hallway, pulling the door closed behind him. I nodded my head and started looking around his room, checking out the posters and pictures on the walls. He had band posters all over his walls. Metallica, Nirvana, Guns N' Roses, Iron Maiden, Ac/dc, The Offspring, The Smashing Pumpkins, Alice In Chains and more. He also had some pictures of him and his mom on the wall along with pictures of him and his dad.

There were old records on the walls, with drawings and pictures of characters from movies and games. He also had a couple of cute stuffed animals on his bed, I'm guessing from his childhood. I could tell that his mom did everything she could to make sure he got everything he wanted, I envy their relationship. His mom came to pick him up as soon as she found out where he was, she does everything she can to make sure he's okay, and comfortable, she works hard to make sure he's happy and that she can give him whatever he wants. That's way more then my mother ever did for me.

My mom left me on my own sometimes for weeks at a time throughout my entire childhood, never even put food in the fridge, made me steal stuff for her, made me run on dangerous errands for her that resulted in a few of my arrests. My mom, was never even a mom to me. I crawled back on Daniel's bed and sat down with my back against the pillows, pulling my knees up to my chest and hugging my legs. I have absolutely no idea what's going to happen now, am I gonna live here now? Is this just temporary? So many questions started racing through my head, overwhelming and stressing me out.

The sudden knock on the door, dragging me back to reality. My head shooting up just in time, as Charlotte opened the door and stepped inside. "Hey, Maddie. How you doing?" She asked as she walked inside holding two plates. "A lot, better, thank you so much, Ms. Matthews." I said gratefully, instantly causing her to laugh a bit. "Please, call me Charlotte." She replied happily, setting the plates down on Daniel's nightstand whilst sitting down on the side of his bed. "Someone named Detective Kerry called and told me that she'd call back sometime this week, to talk to you about grabbing some of your belongings from your house. Is there anything you'd like to go pick up?" She asked curiously. "Yeah, actually. There is." I stated as I thought back to my bedroom, and some of the things in it with sentimental value.

"Okay, I'll let you know when she calls and we'll go over." She replied through a kind smile, resting her hand on top of mine and dragging her thumb across my skin gently. "Thank you." I replied whilst returning a smile. She stood up and walked back over to the door, walking back out of his room and pulling the door shut behind her. I was really hungry and drained from the last couple of hours, but decided to wait until Daniel got out of the shower, so we could eat together.

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