Chapter 10

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I stared up at the ceiling as my eyes adjusted to the bright light, pouring in through the window. At some point in the middle of the night Daniel and I both must have moved away from the wall, I just don't recall when. I was laying on my back with my head against the pillows and the blanket keeping my body warm. Daniel however was nowhere in sight.

I sat up in Daniel's bed and looked around the room. A sigh of relief leaving my lips when I'd seen that he was asleep on the floor. He really is a gentlemen. I threw my legs off the side of the bed and sat there for a minute waiting for my mind and body to fully wake up.

"Daniel." I mumbled tiredly as I pressed my foot against his back and shook him, his eyes shooting open almost instantly. He jumped a bit and shot his head in my direction, immediately calming down when he seen me sitting on his bed. "Good morning." He mumbled through a yawn as he pushed himself up off the floor and sat down with his legs crossed.

"Good morning. When did you move to the floor?" I asked as I moved my body back on his bed and crossed my legs. "I don't know. I just woke up and the movie was over and you were asleep, so I moved you away from the wall put the blanket over you, and made a little bed for myself on the floor." He explained as he stood up from the floor and sat down on the side of the bed.

"That was you?" I asked as my heart started beating a bit faster. "Yeah, sorry if that's weird. You just looked really uncomfortable sitting up against the wall like that." He explained nervously whilst scratching his arm and looking down at his legs. "No it's not, thank you." I said sweetly smiling at him, watching him get even more nervous.

"If I stayed like that the whole night I'd probably have a sore neck." I stated through a laugh, getting a chuckle out of Daniel. "I'm hungry as hell, wanna go get something to eat?" He asked whilst standing up from his bed and turning around to face me. "Yeah, sure." I replied as I climbed off of his bed and followed him towards the door and out his bedroom.

He led me downstairs and through the first floor to the kitchen, to my surprise Charlotte was already up and cooking. "Hey, mom." Daniel greeted tiredly, walking across the kitchen towards Charlotte. "Oh, good morning guys. Did you two sleep okay?" She asked kindly as she turned around to face Daniel and I.

"Yeah, I needed that rest after... you know." Daniel replied whilst sitting in one of the chairs at the kitchen island. "I think we all needed it." I stated whilst sitting down in the chair beside Daniel. "Breakfast is almost ready. Maddie you were asleep so I didn't get a chance to ask you. Do you have any allergies that I should know about? I don't wanna make something that you can't eat." Charlotte asked curiously as she took a few steps away from the oven and leaned against the opposite side of the island.

"Nope, thank you for asking though." I replied sweetly, gratefully smiling at the woman. "Oh good. Do you like French toast?" She asked as she turned back to face the oven and used the spatula to flip the piece of bread in the pan. "I don't know. I've never tried it." I stated truthfully, clearly shocking both Daniel and Charlotte because they both looked at me like I have three heads.

"I'm gonna pretend like you didn't just say that." Charlotte joked through a chuckle, making Daniel and I both laugh at her comment. "I figured I'd have enough time to run some errands before you guys woke up. I took a little trip to the Walmart in the plaza down the street and I bought you a brand new bed since you'll be staying with us for a while, I hired people to deliver it. It'll be here either later today or tomorrow." Charlotte informed me as she picked up the last piece of French toast from the pan and set it down on one of the plates on the counter beside the oven.

"Charlotte, you didn't have to do that. I would have been fine sleeping on the floor or a couch." I stated as I felt my heart warm up. "No, absolutely not, not under my roof. You're living with us now which makes you part of this family and nobody in this family is going to be sleeping on the floor or the couch." Charlotte insisted whilst picking up two of the plates on the counter and sliding them across the island, in front of Daniel and I.

I've only been with Charlotte and Daniel for one night and it already feels like the part of me that left years ago is coming back. Charlotte and Daniel have showed me a type of kindness that I've never experienced before, it's overwhelming but in a good way. "Daniel, hon. Can you quickly run into my room and grab the garbage bag in my closet?" Charlotte asked as she turned off the stove and picked up the third plate from the counter.

"Yeah, sure." He said as he quickly got up from his seat and started heading towards the stairs. I used the knife on my plate to cut up the French toast, picking up one of the pieces with my fork and hesitantly taking a bite. My eyes went wide as I chewed on the bread, why have I never had this before? It's the best thing I've ever eaten. "Thank you so much, Charlotte. For everything. I know I've said this a lot but I really can't thank you and Daniel enough." I stated gratefully before shoving another piece of French toast in my mouth.

"You really need to stop thanking us." She giggled through a smile as she sat down beside me and placed her plate down on the island. "If Daniel was ever in your position and had nowhere to go, I would want someone to show him kindness and take him in. Now I may not be your mother but I am a mother, and as a mother no matter who it may be, if there's someone that needs help and I have the power to help them, I will always do whatever I can." Charlotte explained as she reached her hand up and moved a piece of hair behind my ear, sliding her hand down to my chin and using her thumb to rub my cheek.

I didn't know what to say to her so I just smiled. "Unfortunately this is only a two bedroom house, so when your bed gets delivered I'll have Daniel move his furniture around, and you two can share his room." She explained as she started quickly eating her breakfast. "Sounds good." I stated as I took the last bite of my food and stood up from my seat. "I finally found the bag, your closet is a mess." Daniel commented as he walked back into the kitchen holding a large garbage bag.

"Yeah, I haven't had a chance to organize yet." Charlotte replied through a chuckle as she took another bite of her food and turned around in her seat to face Daniel. I picked up the plate from the island and walked around to the sink. "Maddie you can just leave the plate in the sink and I'll wash it later, you too Dan." Charlotte announced as she stood up from her seat and took a few steps towards Daniel, taking the bag from him and letting him get back to his breakfast.

I did as she said and left the plate in the sink, turning around and leaning against the counter where Charlotte had been standing before she came to sit down. "This is for you." She said as she placed the bag in the middle of the island and sat back down to finish her breakfast. "What is it?" I asked hesitantly as I pulled the bag closer to me and began untying it.

"Old clothes that I haven't worn since I was about your age. When I was going through my closet a few years ago I had a feeling that I should keep them, I guess this is what that feeling was. I figured that my old clothes would fit you better then Daniel's do." She explained whilst stuffing her face with the rest of her food.

Once I'd gotten the bag untied I reached inside of the bag and pulled out a few things, my jaw dropping to the floor when I looked at some of the clothes. "I was a stylish kid, huh?" She asked through a smile as she walked up to the sink and put her plate on top of mine. "Yeah, these are really cute." I gushed happily, shoving the clothes back inside of the bag and looking over at Daniel as he practically inhaled his food, finishing way quicker then Charlotte and I did.

A/n: Hey guys, sorry it took me a while to publish this chapter. I spent hours staring at the screen with one word written down, the title of the chapter. I put all of this together last minute it took me about an hour and a half to write all of this and I was honestly just making it all up as I went along LMAO. I hope you guys like this story so far, a few people have commented on some of the chapters saying that they like what I'm doing with this book, and it makes me so happy cause I'm super insecure about my writing skills. Let me know in the comment all of your thoughts about the story so far, and maybe give me a follow if you like it. I'd really appreciate it! Enjoy the rest of the book, happy reading loves! <3

Word count: 1693

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