Chapter 23

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The sound of someone giggling woke me up, the light burned my eyes as I sat up in my bed and crossed my legs, causing me to rub them with the palms of my hands whilst I groaned in pain. "What's with the giggling?" I asked raspily as I finally opened my eyes and scanned the room. My eyes landed on a laughing Daniel, he quickly pointed at the space beside me. I hadn't noticed this when I first opened my eyes but when I looked at the edge of my bed I couldn't roll my eyes fast enough.

"Are you kidding me?" I muttered as I looked down at Dakota, sleeping right at the side of my bed. "This fucking guy man." Daniel muttered through his laughs as he shook his head and walked out of our room. He really couldn't just spend one night on the floor? It's not even like he was on the bare floor there's like six blankets on the floor. "Dakota." I called out as I used my foot to nudge him, waking him up on the first try, he is not a heavy sleeper at all.

"Oh, good morning." He said happily, stretching whilst he yawned unnecessarily loud. "Why are you in my bed?" I asked feeling beyond annoyed already. "It's comfortable." He explained, saying the exact same thing he'd said last night. "Can you guys be quiet? People are trying to sleep here." Dominic growled from the floor as he turned over onto his left side, facing my bed. "How long you think it's gonna take him?" I whispered to Dakota. He glanced over at Dominic and paused for a moment before turning back to face me. "Three, two, one."

"Hey, what the fuck." He called out as he finally realized he was alone on the floor. "That count down was spot on." I said whilst turning the corners of my lips downward and slowly nodding my head, genuinely kind of impressed with how well Dakota knows Dominic. "I know right." Dakota muttered through a giggle as he shifted his position getting more comfortable on the edge of my bed. Dominic stood up and glared at Dakota with his hands on his hips. "Welp, you have fun getting yelled at, I'm going downstairs." I said to Dakota with a sarcastic smile. I planted my hands on his chest and lifted my body over his, jumping onto the ground and getting a groan out of him in the process.

"Thanks for climbing over me." He said sarcastically whilst finally sitting up and pushing the blanket off the upper half of his body. "No problem." I replied as I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me and heading down the stairs. It's become kind of a routine now, meeting Charlotte and Daniel in the kitchen in the morning for a cup of coffee, only usually I'm there before he is. "Good morning." I called out through a sigh as I walked into the kitchen and instantly went for the coffee pot on the counter.

"Good morning beautiful, you sleep okay?" Charlotte asked as she kicked her feet back and forth whilst she sat on the kitchen island. "Oh yeah, I slept great. Fell asleep with Anna sleeping next to me, woke up with Anna and Dakota sleeping next to me." I replied sarcastically, never using this much sarcasm in one morning before. Daniel started laughing as soon as I brought it up. "I'm sorry, what?" Charlotte asked looking beyond confused. "Allow me to explain." Daniel said as he finally stopped laughing, quickly catching his breath before continuing.

"Obviously Anna and Maddie are both girls so Anna slept in Maddie's bed, it would be very strange if Dakota and Dominic slept in my bed, with me. So we used all of the blankets in the closet to make a makeshift bed for them on the floor so they'd be comfortable, but apparently Maddie's bed was more comfortable because sometime in the middle of the night, Dakota crawled in bed with them." He summarized the night pretty well before he bursted out laughing again, only this time he wasn't the only one laughing. Charlotte thought it was pretty funny too.

"Yep, that's Dakota for you." She said whilst shaking her head and taking a sip of her coffee. "One time when Daniel was at his dad's house, Dakota just randomly showed up at the door and invited himself in, didn't knock just grabbed the spare key outside and invited himself in. I was in the living room watching Friends and then next thing I know he's sitting on the couch watching it with me." She explained with a shrug. "Safe to say this is like a second home to him." I commented, both Daniel and Charlotte getting a kick out of that. "What?" I asked as I looked between the two. "Second? He acts like this is his only home, before you moved in he never left." Charlotte added, shaking her head once again as she took another sip of coffee.

She placed her cup down on the counter beside her before adding, "And that's not even all, he calls me-" "Morning mom." Dakota interrupted as he walked into the kitchen with Anna and Dominic following closely behind him. "Mom." She muttered, finishing her sentence after Dakota finished it for her. "Good morning guys, coffee's over there." She said as she pointed to the counter in front of her, she seems so unbothered by everything, that's how I know she's pretty much accepted Anna, Dominic and especially Dakota as her unbiological children.

"Mom, can you give me a ride to work? I don't wanna walk." Dakota whined as he poured himself a cup of coffee then moved out of the way so Dominic and Anna could get some, I thought the coffee pot looked unusually full this morning. "Yeah sure, what time does your shift start again?" She asked as she finished her coffee and held the cup out in front of Daniel. "Twenty minutes." He replied as he looked up at the clock on the kitchen wall. Daniel took the cup out of Charlotte's hand and placed it in the sink along with his. "Okay, just let me get dressed and I'll get the car started." She said as she jumped off the counter and walked out of the kitchen.

"Where do you work?" I asked as I took her place on the counter. "An old diner, most of the customers are weird old people but they pay is pretty good and I get free food, so." He replied with a shrug. "They hiring?" I asked curiously, desperately needing a job now that I have a resume. "Have been for years, nobody wants to take any of the job openings." He answered before chugging nearly his entire cup of coffee. "Why?' He asked as he finally pulled his lips off the cup and placed it in the sink. "I'm painfully broke." I stated, giving him the straight up answer instead of the bullshit answer I plan to give my future employer.

"I can put in a good word for you, although my boss is desperate and will pretty much hire anyone." he said rather nicely. "I'd appreciate that." I replied through a genuine smile, no more sarcasm. "Okay, I'm ready get in the car or I'm going back to bed." Charlotte called out loudly through the house as popped her head in the kitchen then disappeared into the living room once more. "Bye guys." Dakota called out quickly as he ran through the kitchen and towards the front door. "So, what now?" Anna asked as she pulled herself up onto the counter beside me. "You guys do what you want, I'm going back to bed, without Dakota this time." I stated as I jumped off of the counter and took off upstairs.

I jumped into my bed and sprawled out, getting comfortable and pulling the blanket up over my head to block all of the light. I'm an individual that can sleep at all hours of any day no matter what is going on around me, so it didn't take long at all for me to drift back off to sleep, once again, without Dakota this time.

A/n: I am absolutely loving the sarcasm, I need to add more banter though, there isn't enough for my liking. I also love the role I gave Dakota, his friendship with Daniel is giving very much Carly and Sam, Alexa and Katie, Penny, Sheldon and Leonard. If you don't know any of those people or the shows they're from, see yourself off my page right now. Anyways I hope you guys liked this chapter and keep your notifications on so you can keep up with the chapters, I can promise you right now something more interesting is about to happen, I've been building up to this and planning for this since I started writing the book. Every good book needs to have a start, a middle and an ending. The start is more of an introduction into the book, the middle is the climax, the main idea, the main plot, then the ending, the solution, the happily ever after. The climax is about to come (hehehe see what I did there) and trust me you're not going to wanna miss it. Make sure you like, comment and follow! Happy reading my loveliesss! <3

Word count: 1579

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