Chapter 22

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It's Saturday, today was supposed to be a chill day for me. I was going to lay in bed all day watching romance movies, maybe do a load of laundry for next week. But those plans were quickly dismissed when Anna, Dominic and Dakota all showed up at our house randomly. "There is no way, Mr. Duvall doesn't like little girls." Anna stated, voicing what everyone was thinking. "I'm so glad someone finally said it." I called out loudly as I sat up in my bed and crossed my legs. "Don't even get me started on Ms. Reeva." Dakota pointed out.

"She freaks me out." Dominic added through a chuckle. I haven't met Ms. Reeva yet, but from what I hear she's not exactly the best teacher ever. "She always makes comments about how nice my eyes are, and she caresses my cheek too, so weird." Daniel explained whilst curling his top lip upward and furrowing his brows, looking both confused and disgusted. For some reason my skin started feeling hot, as if the blood in my veins was somehow getting hotter and hotter by the second. Am I getting mad?

"I really don't get how those two haven't been fired yet." Anna stated, all of us quickly agreeing with her. We'd been talking about school related things for about an hour now, teachers, bullshit assignments, other students we hate. The shit talking went on and on until Anna's phone started ringing. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and looked at the screen, quickly turning to face her brother. "It's mom." She stated before quickly answering the phone. "Hello? Yeah, he's here. Oh. With him? I guess so, bye." The phone call was over very quick and by the look on her face it couldn't have been anything good.

"What did she say?" Dominic asked curiously, moving off of Daniel's bed and sitting on the floor beside my bed to be closer to his sister. "She just left the house to go to Robert's place for the night, and since neither of us have keys. We're locked out." She explained through a sigh looking beyond stressed out. "Again? Are you serious?" Dominic groaned whilst rolling his eyes and throwing his head back against the side of my bed. "Does that happen a lot?" I asked curiously, definitely understanding the feeling of being disappointed by one of your parents, or both in my case. "More than you think." Anna stated through yet another sigh, the expression on her face looking more annoyed than stressed at this point.

"Last time she did this we had to take a night bus all the way downtown to spend the night with our uncle, especially since our parents got divorced and our dad wants nothing to do with any of us." She added. "Who cares about him? He's a loser anyways." Dominic commented through a loud chuckle, clearly not caring for his dad at all. Again, another feeling I'm all too familiar with. "I felt that one." I joked, causing everyone in the room to slowly look at me with absolutely no emotion on their faces. I've opened up to Anna, Dominic and Dakota about some of the things my parents put me through so every time I make a joke about my trauma, they never know if they should laugh or not. "How many times do I have to tell you guys, the jokes that I make are supposed to be funny. You guys are allowed to laugh you know?" I explained as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"It feels so illegal." Daniel said, finally breaking the silence and giggling a bit. I rolled my eyes at his comment and turned my attention back to Anna and Dominic. "So, what are you guys gonna do?" I asked genuinely feeling bad for them because of the situation they're in. "I don't know, I guess we could go back to our uncles." Dominic suggestion as he turned his gaze back to Anna. "No, I hate those night buses. They're always filled with homeless drunk men that would rather get punched out for being perverted and creepy, then sit there and mind their business when a female walks onto the bus." She complained through her whines, pulling her knees up to her chest and resting her chin on her knees.

"You guys are over there talking about your uncle's house and night buses, like you don't already know that you can stay here for the night if you need to." Daniel pointed out whilst shaking his head as he stood up from his bed and quickly walked over to the door. "Well obviously we didn't wanna just ask." Anna called out as he walked out of the room and into the hallway. "Daniel's mom loves you guys, you don't even need to ask. You can probably just stay at this point." I explained as I shrugged my shoulders. "True." Dominic mumbled.

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