Chapter 12

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"So, what happened? Who was that guy?" Daniel asked curiously as he crossed his legs and leaned back against the wall. I sat back against the pillows at the head of the bed, dreading the memory of meeting Derek. "That's one of my dads "friends" Derek." I stated whilst air quoting the word friends, not even knowing if that was the right word to use.

"My dad is one of the biggest drug dealers in the state, and he used to force me to do his work for him. Had me run errands for him selling to his regulars, picking up money that people owed him." I explained, the memories of that life haunting me.

"It was way worse when he was actually home though. He used to have like seven other guys in the house, sometimes they'd stay for days and then I'd wake up and they'd be gone, without a single trace that they were ever even there." I added as I zoned out, ptsd is a funny thing, it's like as I was talking I could see the memories as if they were videos being played.

"The guy that was talking to me outside the store was one of my dads regulars, every time my dad came back home Derek was with him. When Derek first started buying from my dad I think I was about ten years old, and I had this cat ear headband that I used to wear all the time. Derek saw me in the headband and started calling me his Little Kitty, and I guess the name just kind of stuck." I explained, finally pulling myself out of the little trance I was in and looking up at Daniel.

He has an unreadable expression, I can't tell what he's thinking or feeling right now. "About a year after that when I was eleven, that's when my dad started making me run his errands. Derek just kept calling me Little Kitty and then everyone else started calling me that. So I started using Kitty as a fake name for myself on the streets, so I didn't have to tell anyone my real name." As I was talking it seemed like Daniel was too shocked to say anything.

He just sat there staring at his legs with a blank expression. "I think that's why I was taken for the game. Because my dad forced me to do all of the things that could have gotten him arrested. He had me selling drugs and alcohol for him, stealing things that he wanted, and robbing people that owed him money." I explained nervously, picking at my nails and waiting to see what Daniel had to say.

"So, your dad's the reason you got arrested?" He asked as he finally looked up from his legs. "Yeah." I stated shakily, trying my hardest not to cry. "Maddie, I--I'm sorry I made you tell me all of that, if I'd known it was that bad I wouldn't have pushed so much." Daniel stated sounding genuinely sorry. "No, Daniel, It's okay. You would have found out anyways, everything comes out eventually." I stated as I blinked back the tears that desperately wanted to break free, glancing up and smiling at him.

"Well, you don't have to live that life anymore. Your dad has no control over you anymore." Daniel said comfortingly, scooting over to the head of the bed and sitting beside me. "Thank god." I mumbled through a chuckle, letting my head fall to the side and onto Daniel's shoulder. He threw his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer, the two of us sitting together in a comfortable silence.

Nobody's ever made me feel the way Daniel makes me feel before. He makes me feel safe and cared about, he's such a genuinely kind-hearted person. The world really needs more people like him. "Daniel?" I muttered shyly, feeling nervous about asking the question that popped into my mind. "Yeah?" He replied. "Would it be okay if I took a little nap right now?" I asked nervously, my heart pounding against my chest as I awaited his answer.

"Of course, do you want me to leave or stay?" He asked happily, my lips quickly forming into a smile as my heart warmed up. He asked me if I want him to move or stay, that means he wouldn't mind staying. "Stay." I mumbled tiredly, feeling Daniel nod his head at my response.

I quickly shifted my position a bit, turning slightly onto my side and instinctively nuzzling my head into his shoulder. I closed my eyes and felt my entire body relax as Daniel started rubbing the exposed skin on my arm with his thumb, tracing little circles over and over again.

The warmth of the bed under me and Daniel's body against mine along with the feeling of him tracing circles on my skin was enough to pull me into a deep sleep, Daniel's arm around me making me feel comfortable and safe.

Daniel's pov:

It's been about ten minutes since Maddie fell asleep. My shoulder had started going numb so I shifted our position a bit. Maddie seems to be a deep sleeper so it was easy to make myself more comfortable without waking her up.

I moved down onto my bed properly so I could rest my head on my pillow, and gently pulled Maddie closer to me. My entire body froze as Maddie started moving around in her sleep again. She stretched her arm across my chest and hugged my body tighter whilst nuzzling her face against my neck.

My cheeks heated up and my heart started racing. There's a girl asleep on my chest right now, and not just any girl, Maddie. Maddie is asleep on my chest right now, cuddling into me. When I first met Maddie, I never thought we'd get this close.

I glanced down at Maddie's face and instantly smiled. She looks so peaceful and pretty when she's asleep. I reached my right hand up and gently brushed a loose piece of hair behind her ear, letting my thumb fall carefully onto her cheek.

My eyes scanned her facial features as my thumb gently started stroking her cheek. I never took the time to study her features, she really is a beautiful girl. Her eyebrows are kind of thin and nicely shaped, her dark brown eyebrows matching her long dark brown hair.

She has long thick eyelashes that really compliment her bright green eyes and freckles that run across her cheeks and up to the bridge of her button nose. I know it's not good to stare at people but I can't help it, I've never met a girl as beautiful as her before. It kind of makes me feel good about myself, having a pretty girl laying on my chest.

I gently moved my right hand away from her cheek and let it fall back to my side, carefully placing my left hand onto the back of her head as I closed my eyes and rested my head against hers. Quickly falling asleep with only one thing on my mind, Maddie.

A/n: The process of Daniel and Maddie falling in love has officially started, I'm gonna really enjoy writing a love story it's gonna be so fun LMAOO. Real shit this was so cute to write, I wish I could be laid up in bed wit my man (I've been single for 6 months and have absolutely no men in my dms.) Anyways as always let me know any thoughts you guys are having and let me know if yoy like this story so far! I really hope you enjoy the rest of the book, happy reading my loves! <3

Word count: 1290

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