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I'm shoved and pushed as conscripted try to get past me to their respective quadrants . I'm at a crossroads standing at the door that will take me to the healers quadrant , the place I've studied for all my life, but I look as Mira and Violet make their way up to the steps that lead to the parapet that leads to the riders quadrant .

All my life I've lived in someone else's shadow. My brother Brennan the mender, my sister Mira the shield welder. Violet the aspiring scribe turned rider cadet. It's time for me to forge my own destiny. I pull my white hair up into my cowl, place a mask over the bottom portion of my face.

I listened to what Mira said to Violet outside moms office. Only take what you need nothing more . I have everything in my bag. My well worn riders boots I had made for myself. Telling the local shoemaker that it was for my sister Mira.

I smile as I run my hand over the dragon corset that Mira had made for me. I suggested it to Mira the last time she came to visit. Knowing it would help Violet . But she surprised me when she presented on to me as well.

I'm one of the last to make it to check in. when I look at the scribe , sitting there waiting for my name . I sigh as I say

" Belladonna Sorrengail."

The scribe jerks up
" But there was only suppose to be one Sorrengail to enter the riders quadrant."

I cross my arms and stare him down.
" Things change now write my name down."

He gulps as I move forward for my turn to cross the parapet. I met a pair of dark eyes which seem to be confused as he stares at me.

I nod at him. Then turn back to wait for my turn. The rain is coming in hard torrents , the wind trying to blow my cowl away from my head. Good thing I tied it in place beneath my chin.

I see on the other end Violet holding a dagger to another cadet's balls and smile beneath my mask.

" good girl Violence."
I think to my self. The guy raises his hands and Violet lets him pass.

I look out over the enormous cobblestoned bridge and realize I could surely die today . I shake those thoughts and move to stand at the begining.

" what ever you do don't look down. If you drop you pack let it go. It's better to loose it than to loose your life." Mira's words ring in my head as I take the first steps onto the parapet.

I move slowly, taking my time, ignoring the rain pelting my face . Keeping one foot in-front of the other. I'm halfway across when my my ankle suddenly rolls . I fall to my hands and knees and slip halfway off.
My feet are kicking in the air and I grit my teeth as I try to pull myself up.

"Get up ."

I Feel strength flow through my body. But my hands are slipping.

" I have not waited for a hundred years for you , only for you to die before we even bond. So .....GET UP!"

I hoist myself back up with a groan onto the parapet and slowly stand.

" Now you are going to continue walking and survive do you understand me?"

I think back to whoever he may be.
" I understand."

I make it the rest of the way and look to the third year waiting for me. To write my name down. I throw my hood back and pull down my mask.

"Name Cadet?"

I look over her shoulder and see Violet turn to look back to see me standing there. Her mouth drops open in shock and I smile.

" Belladonna Sorrengail."

" I thought that......." She looks back over her notes and says
" You look almost exactly alike."

I smile and shrug
" Twins."

" Ah makes sense. We'll go on and congratulations."

I move towards Violet and smile as everyone takes in my un-natural coloring .

Where Violets hair is brown that turns to white on the ends, mine is all white

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Where Violets hair is brown that turns to white on the ends, mine is all white. But I'm the stronger of us two. She's always been weaker. It's why our father wanted her to be a scribe like him. But what our mother wants she gets.

She comes running towards me and says
" Belle what're you...."

I pull her into a hug and say
" no one is keeping us apart. No one Violence."

She melts into my arms and hugs me back.

" I hate it when you call me that."

I laugh as I pull back.
" Sorry Vi, but your stuck with me. Considering I made it across the parapet."

She punches me in the arm and I wince.

" You have got to be kidding me."

I look over her shoulder to see Dain standing a few feet away . I roll my eyes and ignore him.

" Well come on let's figure out what squad we'll be in."

" Watch your back Alvar. I can't always be here to do it for you."

" What does that mean?" I think back to the voice.

" It means Fair one"

" what should I call you?"

Silence then he rumbles down our link.

" Malthor. You may call me Malthor."

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