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Guessing by the position of the Sun, a few hours have passed since the drainage flew overhead. Violet , Ridoc, Rhiannon and I split up, each going our separate ways. I watch them before I head in the direction I feel Malthor is.

" Want to tell me where your at?"

He chuckles and says
" Can't make it too easy on you Alfar."

Crusty old lizard.
I roll my eyes as I make my way up a hill. Only to be met with ...... Tarin.

He's facing away from me looking down into the valley. I walk up beside him to look at what he's watching. I spy the golden feather tail in the valley . By herself.

" Hello Tairn."

" Hello Fair one."
He rumbles down at me. His tail thumping against the ground.

" You haven't seen Malthor ... have you?"

He chuckles and says
" Malthor only is seen, when he wants to be seen."

I groan as I ask him
" any advice on how to find him?" I watch as he stands and stretches .

" Just that you need not look with your eyes. But with your heart. You have the heart and soul of a dragon. Use it."

He makes his way down the valley to the feather tail and I take his advice. I close my eyes and look within. What I find is astounding.

Lights are all around connecting from one soul to another. From dragon to dragon, to rider and dragons. I look down to see not one but hundreds of lines going out from my chest to all over the valley, to the vale, then up over Basgiaths walls to beyond the wards.

I look around and see a blue prominent one leading to.......

I smile as I make my way to my dragon. It's nearly sunset when I finally find him. Sitting amongst the snow on the side of the mountain. The most beautiful dragon I've ever seen . White with golden accents. Cerulean blue eyes , majestic horns . He's bigger than Tairn. A whole lot bigger.

He turns to me and stares me down

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He turns to me and stares me down. I just stare up at this majestic beast and think to him.

" Hello Malthor."

He bends his head to get near and I refuse to step away from him.
" Hello Alfar. It's been a long time."

I cock my head to the side in confusion then I'm bombarded with memories of a previous life. Flying with him long ago. Nearly 600 years ago. In a different time , when Navarre was young.

I lay a hand on his snout and whisper
" Malthorian ...."

I shake my head and stare into his eyes. He closes his eyes and sighs in contentment. When he opens them I can tell he's happy. He turns his head and looks back at Basgiath. In the distance dragons are returning , back to the flight field. Some carrying riders.

" We need to go. You are expected back and I..... well let's just say .... You and I are about to get very popular."

" Ugh...... why?"

" Because I've not been seen in nearly three hundred years. I'm one of the firsts. The one who helped build the wards. I helped shape Navarre. I'm something told of legends . I'm one of the last camoufler of my line aside from my sister Andarnanuram.

" camoufler? What's that mean?" I climb up his foreleg and take a seat between two of his ridges.

" to camouflage. I'm a chameleon, I can take any shape, color, or size. Mimic any other dragon powers . That I need too. I can even ...."

He doesn't finish but jumps up into the air flying back towards Basgiath. And I hang on for dear life.
When we reach the wall of Basgiath , he says

" don't be shocked by the reactions of the roll-keeper and your commanding officers. You and your sister both are going to be in the history books for what's about to transpire."

" Ok now I'm worried."

" Don't . Just trust me when I say that this..... was meant to happen. To both of you."

He lands and everyone looks on in awe at the sheer magnitude of Malthorian. I crawl to his shoulder and slide down on my butt to the ground. Once on the ground I make my way to the scribe taking the names of the bonded dragons and their riders.

I see that Violet has already caused quite the commotion.... Especially since Tairn is standing a few yards from her...Along with the feather tail. Andarna. I smile when I realize that Tairn bonded with Violet. Good for her. When I come to stand behind her as she tells the roll keeper the name of her dragon, mother is staring at both of our dragons without even bothering to look down at us to see if we're alright.

Fuck. her.

I cross my arms as I glare at her. Then turn to the roll keeper as she says
" Violet Sorrengail? Glad to see that you made it. For the record please tell me the name of the dragon who chose you."

Violet lifts her chin and says
" Tairnnenach."

" Pronunciation could use some work."

Tairn rumbles to her. I cough to cover my laughter.
Violet rolls her eyes and thinks back to him.
I don't pick up on her thoughts but his I have to cover my mouth to keep my laugh in .
" At least I didn't let you fall to your death."
Violet opens to agree when
the little feather tail says
" And Andarnaurram. Andarna for short."

" Oh boy..." I watch as utter chaos unfolds as Andarna claims Violet as her rider.
Violet stares at the feather tail and says
" Excuse me?"

" Tell her." Andarna demands.
Violet looks to Tairn in a panic and I can tell she's asking him what she should do.
" Tell the roll keeper her name."
The roll keeper asks again
" Violet are you alright? Do you need a mender?"
Violet turns back to her and says " And Andarnaurram."

I smirk as the roll keepers eyes widen
" Both dragons."
Violet nods and all hell breaks loose. And we haven't even gotten to Malthorian and I. Wonder how that's gonna go?

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