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Everything comes rushing back. Like all my senses had been muted . I slowly open my eyes to find that I'm still on the flight field surrounded by Malthor , Garrick and the other riders.

I slowly sit up making eye contact with Garrick.
" What the HELL was that?!" I ask him.

He looks at Malthorian who rumbles down at him, then he sighs .
"Belle, there are some things we need to discuss but not here. Out in the open where anyone could hear."

I sigh and try to stand, but before I can get my feet under me, I'm swooped up into his strong arms.

" Come on , let's get you taken care of."

" I'll be here when your recovered fair one. Let him take care of you. We will explain when your over the ... shock. "

" You could have warned me." I glare up at my dragon . But all I get is a rumbled laugh.

Crusty old lizard.
" But I'm your crusty old lizard now."

" He's not wrong ."
Comments Garrick.

I pinch his bicep and whisper to him.
" If you think your in the clear.... You better think again ... Squad leader."
I growl up at him. He has the good sense to wince when I pinch him.

I feel guilty all of a sudden and I realize it's not my emotions. He carries me to his room and sits me down on the bed.
He turns , walking the  armoire. He pulls it open and pulls out an white shirt. He turns back around  holding it out for me .

" Uh... what am I suppose to do with that?

He smirks down at me.
Then he slowly gets in my space placing a fist on each side of my hips .the shirt. All but forgotten.

" You have two choices here.
One : you change out of your dirty uniform , take a bath ,then get  into something more comfortable so we can have that discussion. Or two I will drag you out of those clothes , into the bath , where I will wash you and take care of you, then I will dry you off , slowly, then I will lay you down on this bed and make good on my promise that I made all those months ago.... Worshiping you like a Queen."

I don't move . Do I want that right now? We'd been circling around each other for months .... And yet I want him. But I need time and we need to talk about what happened after I bonded with Malthor.

" I need some space to think before we take that step Garrick."

He stares at me then straightens holding out that shirt.
" Then I suggest you bathe quickly. You're  making my restraint ....... Crumble."

I take the shirt from him and move behind the bathroom.  A bath had already been drawn for me.
Steam rising from the top.
I strip and slowly sink into the tub hissing at the temp of the water.

" You alright?" He asks

" Yeah just thinking."

Silence ensues for a good fifteen minutes
" Belle... our dragons are mated."

I had just gotten done washing my hair. I leap out of the tub grab a towel, and quickly wrap it around me .
I hurry from the bathroom and find him leaning against the wall , arms crossed.

" What do you mean our dragons are mates? What does that mean for us?"

He freezes when he sees me standing there dripping wet, in  nothing but a towel.
His Addams apple bobs up and down as he swallows, his eyes takes up and down my body.

" should I remove the towel?" I tease him

His eyes lock with mine and says
" Please......"

I don't know if that's a plea for me to do it or not but I drop the towel and make my way to the bed where the shirt is. He watches me the whole time.

" You are going to be the death of me." He growls out. I smile at him as I put the shirt on. It reaches my knees.

" At least you have good material for your alone time..."
His nostrils flare in agitation. Then he stalks towards me. He spins me around and says
" Screw it."
The next thing I know I'm lying on my back , the shirt has been pushed above my hips and he has my thighs wide open.
He's down on his knees staring at my pussy.
He looks up at me as he leans forward and swipes his tongue through my folds.

My eyes widen at the feeling of his tongue on me. He doesn't stop. This feeling is like nothing I've ever felt. Better than flying.
He finds my clit and begins to suck  on it. My legs tremble with my oncoming orgasm. Just as I'm about to come he pulls back. I whimper at the loss of him.

I look at him and see his eyes are blown wide with desire. He licks his lips then says
" Your mine Belladonna Sorrengail. You have been from the very first moment I saw you cross the parapet. And now I'm going to take you like a man possessed. Because that's what you've done to me. You have possessed me like no other woman has. Say yes."

I'm on the precipice on an orgasm and this man wants my complete surrender? Heck yes.
I reach up and grab him by his hair bringing his face closer to mine. He winces at my grip but I growl at him.
" If you don't make me come with that talented mouth I will get up and go find someone who will.... Do you understand? If I possess you then you completely irrevocably own me. Our souls are one. Now make me come!"

He smiles a devilish smile and returns back to my pussy but he sinks a finger into my Cunt. I jerk at the intrusion. He stops what he's doing and looks up at me, seeing my pained expression he realizes......

" You're a virgin?"

I roll my eyes at him
" I was training to be a healer. I didn't have time for boys."

He gets a possessive feral look .
" So you mean to tell me no other man has touched you?"

" no Garrick. I'm yours."

" Hmmm yes you are."
Then with renewed vigor he makes me come with his fingers and mouth. He's like an animal ringing every last drop of pleasure from me.
He doesn't stop until I'm a trembling mess.

He slowly removes his two fingers and turns to go grab a wash cloth. He returns wiping me clean . He then climbs up on the bed and wraps me in his arms.

" Sleep Belle, we've got plenty of time ."

I drift off satisfied and safe.
Did we go all the way ? No but he brought me more pleasure than even my own pleasure sessions ever could.
Before I reach that deep sleep I hear him say
" I love you my Belladonna."
But it was said more like a whisper. And it was said inside my head.
I'll have to ask him if I heard him right in the morning.

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